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_List Vol.12

_List Vol.12
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_List Vol.12
Imagenation, Modern korean fiction, Politics, Ethisc, Experimenting, Popular culture, Jung Yi-hyun, Kim Ae-ran, Jeon Sung-tae, Kim Yeon-su, Hwang Jeong-eun, Kim Tae-yong, Pyun Hye-young, Yun Ko-eun, Han Yujoo, Kim Young-ha, Park Min-gyu, Kim Kyung-wook, Kim Junghyck, _List
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Author
Item type
PDF/A Document
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Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

The theme of _List Vol. 12 is “The New Imagination Trends in Modern Korean Fiction.” Under the four subthemes “Korean history and fiction after 1987,” “from politics to ethics,” “experimenting with the imagination,” and “popular culture connects with literature,” this issue introduces 13 contemporary Korean writers (Jeong Yi Hyun, Kim Ae-ran, Jeong Seong-tae, Kim Yeonsu, Hwang Jungeun, Kim Taeyong, Pyun Hye Young, Yun Ko Eun, Han Yujoo, Kim Young-ha, Park Min-gyu, Kim Kyung-uk, and Kim Junghyuk). In addition, this issue features interviews with novelists Pyun Hye Young and Park Min-gyu, Korean publishing trends, coverage of the acceptance of Korean literature overseas, author’s notes by poet Kim Min-jeong, a spotlight on a literary site, book reviews of fiction/nonfiction/children’s literature, and an excerpt from Kim Ae-ran’s short story “A Pool of Saliva” and introduces steady sellers, publishers, and trends in Korean literature to overseas readers.

_List 12호의 주제는 '한국소설의 새로운 상상력'이다. 1987년 이후의 한국사회와 소설, 정치에서 윤리로, 새로운 상상력과 실험, 대중문화와 문학의 접속 위 4가지 소주제에 걸맞는 13명의 현대소설작가(정이현, 김애란, 정성태, 김연수, 황정은, 김태용, 편혜영, 윤고은, 한유주, 김영하, 박민규, 김경욱, 김중혁)를 소개한다. 편혜영, 박민규 작가의 인터뷰를 비롯해 출판계 트렌드, 한국문학 해외 수용현황 취재, 김민정 시인의 작가노트, 문학장소 탐방, 소설/비소설/아동문학 북리뷰, 김애란 작가의 <침이 고인다> 작품 발췌, 스테디셀러와 출판사 소개 등 한국문학의 트렌드를 해외독자에게 소개한다.