Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

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  • 破砕
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    JAPAN / ク・ビョンモ / 구병모 / 小山内園子 / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century  >  Mystery  >  Thriller  >  Horror

    「この車に乗ったら最後、お前の身体は、一から十まで作り変えられる」。師に見出され殺しの道を歩みはじめた彼女は、死と隣り合わせの最終訓練に臨む。人を破壊する術を身につけることは、人として、女としての「普通」の一生を粉々にすること──。伝説の殺し屋誕生を濃密に描き出す、戦慄と陶酔ほとばしる『破果』外伝。 破 砕  作家のことば  ク・ビョンモ インタビューーー「小説は文章の芸術です」  解説……………深緑野分 source:

  • 父のところに行ってきた
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    JAPAN / 申京淑 / 신경숙 / 姜信子 / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    父は、泣く。父は、彷徨う。父は、怯える。父は、眠らない。父に寄り添う暮らしは、思いがけないことばかりだった。「私」は思う。いったい父の何を知っていたというのだろう。 主人公の「私」は中学生の一人娘を事故で失い、かたくなな心を持て余している孤独な女性作家。高齢の母がソウルの病院に入院したため、故郷に一人暮らしとなった父の世話を兄弟たちに頼まれ、老いた父に向き合うことになる。「アボジ(お父さん)」と呼びかける父は一九三三年生まれ。植民地期、朝鮮戦争、南北分断、軍事独裁、民主化抗争といった朝鮮半島の激動の時代を生きてきた。 source:

  • To the Kennels: And Other Stories
    English(English) Book
    To the Kennels: And Other Stories

    UNITED STATES / Hye-young Pyun / 편혜영 / Sora Kim-Russell / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    An acclaimed story collection from the author of the Shirley Jackson Award–winning novel The Hole Six elephants bolt from an amusement park and vanish; where they’re found brings back memories of a forgotten dictator. A car ride on a foggy highway at night becomes a drive through hell for a young couple getting away for the weekend together. A family lives the dream of moving from the city to a brand-new bedroom town in the country, only to be plagued by debt and fears of eviction, while the sound of incessant barking rings from the kennels nearby. In a city built on the site of ancient tombs, a homeowner’s renovation of a broken wall leads to an outcome no one expected. Older workers hired to play characters from a folk tale and wear smiles no one believes. An accountant asked to cook the books for his boss. A would-be writer disapppointed in her students and her choices. source:

  • Pleurer au supermarché
    French(Français) Book
    Pleurer au supermarché

    FRANCE / Michelle Zauner / Michelle Z / Laura Bourgeois / 2024 / literature  >  English and American literatures

    Michelle Zauner vit à Philadelphie et jongle entre trois jobs alimentaires et un groupe de rock dont la carrière ne décolle pas quand elle apprend que sa mère est malade. Elle rentre alors dans l’Oregon pour l’accompagner dans son combat contre le cancer, et pour essayer de rattraper le temps perdu. Car Michelle a été une adolescente rebelle, ne se sentant jamais à la bonne place, et fuyant cette figure maternelle qui incarne l’exigence mais aussi la culture coréenne, si proche et si lointaine. Le souvenir des étés passés dans le pays natal de sa mère, et celui de la passion avec laquelle cette dernière cuisinait et mangeait, vont aider Michelle à surmonter son chagrin, à trouver un chemin vers l’apaisement. Michelle Zauner évoque avec une grande simplicité le deuil qu’elle a traversé, et toutes les complexités de l’amour entre une mère et sa fille. Elle consacre surtout des pages inoubliables au plaisir gastronomique pour nous rappeler que nous sommes aussi ce que nous mangeons. Un livre qui ne ressemble à aucun autre.

  • The Rainfall Market
    English(English) Book
    The Rainfall Market

    UNITED KINGDOM / You Yeong-Gwang / 유영광 / Slin Jung / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century  >  SF  >  Fantasy

    On the first day of the monsoon an old ramshackle building appears. This is The Rainfall Market. Inside you will find magical bookstores, hairdressers, perfumeries and anything your heart desires. But you cannot enter without an invitation. source:

  • The Healing Season of Pottery
    English(English) Book
    The Healing Season of Pottery

    UNITED STATES / Yeon Somin / 연소민 / Clare Richards / 2025 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    A heart warming and irresistible novel about the rejuvenating power of pottery, for fans of Before The Coffee Gets Cold and What You Are Looking For Is In The Library. She rubbed the spoiled clay with her fingertips. Like a wound as it heals, the traces faded, and had soon vanished completely, as if they’d never been there at all. Burnt out by her newswriting job, Jungmin abruptly quits; she’s worked tirelessly for years and she needs to make a change. source:

  • We Do Not Part
    English(English) Book
    We Do Not Part

    UNITED KINGDOM / Han Kang / 한강 / E. Yaewon / 2025 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    In her most revelatory book since The Vegetarian, We Do Not Part tells the story of a friendship between two women while powerfully reckoning with a hidden chapter of Korean history One morning in December, Kyungha receives a message from her friend Inseon saying she has been hospitalized in Seoul and asking that Kyungha join her urgently. The two women have last seen each other over a year before, on Jeju Island, where Inseon lives and where, two days before this reunion, she has injured herself chopping wood. Airlifted to Seoul for an operation, Inseon has had to leave behind her pet bird. Bedridden, she begs Kyungha to take the first plane to Jeju to save the animal. source:

  • Apartment Women
    English(English) Book
    Apartment Women

    UNITED STATES / Gu Byeong-mo / 구병모 / / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    From the New York Times Notable author of The Old Woman with the Knife comes a bracingly original story of family, marriage and the cultural expectations of motherhood, about four women whose lives intersect in dramatic and unexpected ways at a government-run apartment complex outside Seoul source:

  • Romancing on Jeju
    English(English) Book
    Romancing on Jeju

    UNITED STATES / Hyun-joo Park / 박현주 / Paige Morris / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century  >  Romance

    This atmospheric novel about friendship and self-discovery from Korean author Hyun-joo Park buzzes with romance, mystery, and just a hint of danger. Romi is an illustrator and hopeless romantic. When she can’t stop obsessing over a brief encounter with a handsome stranger, there’s just one thing to do: hop on a plane and find him. But Romi’s not leaving without her two best friends. Hadam, a budding filmmaker, suggests the trip in the first place. Facing her fear of failure, she envisions Romi’s search for love as the perfect subject for her first documentary. And Chakyung, marketing pro, sees a chance to build a new ad campaign for her cosmetics client―plus get some quality “me time” to figure out why she’s secretly so unhappy. source:

  • 女大當家
    Chinese(汉语) Book

    TAIWAN / 李瑟娥 / 이슬아 / 陳思瑋 / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    反了?!女兒成為一家之主,即刻起天翻地覆!   瑟娥出生在商人之家,這個家一直是男性當家,但瑟娥從小既聰明又伶俐,深得當家爺爺的疼愛,不但教她讀書寫字,還跟她細細解說孝道是:「父生我身,母鞠吾身。」意思是爸爸生下我們,媽媽養育我們。   可是呢,瑟娥覺得明明生孩子的人是媽媽啊。然後,當爺爺問她長大後要做什麼,瑟娥既不想像媽媽一樣累,也不要像奶奶一樣不重要,她想跟爺爺一樣擁有一切又有自信,於是她回答──   想。當。老。闆。 source: