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English(English) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableA Ghost, a Thief, and Love
A Ghost, a Thief, and Love divides a single word into thirds. That word never once appears in the poetry collection. I brought in a ghost, a thief, and love to explain it. Describing these three words became a form of evasion. I concluded the poetry collection without ever conclusively saying what I meant. This collection adheres to life. The poems are linked to characters, settings, and events, but the poems don't merge with them. They accompany each other, but don't meet; they are conscious of each other, but don't invite the other. Like how people continue to gaze at the sky, look at the forest, and cry where no one's there - absence can be a way of proving presence. source :
English(English) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableCold Reading
Kang Hyebin deeply understands the paradox of juxtaposing seemingly incompatible propositions. One wonders how such insight is possible; is it because she is a poet, a photographer, a lecturer, an a tarot master, fending her life as multiple bodies simultaneously? We might not know everything, but one thing is clear: that she is enduring both a busily bustling life and slow death, passionate love and fierce hate at the same time. Not only does she endure, but daringly enjoys it. Following the footsteps of Kang Hyebin, who cries and laughs with light face resembling water droplets, we are not just afraid of the collapsing world. We feel what awaits us is more than just imminent destruction. source :
English(English) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableSong of the Mushroom
The cart of poetry that Lee Sangguk has drawn for nearly 50 years has two emotional wheels. One wheel is formed by what was learned by breathing in Mother Nature, and the other wheel is formed by sentiments that form by growing up in an agrarian society. These two emotional wheels carry two loves. One love is formed from the natural sense of community that rises from the belief that all life on this earth is one. The other love is embodied in agrarian communities, in these communal societies where there is no "you" or "I," people simply share and help one another. source :
English(English) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableThe KIng of Ghosts
Through the act of writing, I am able to reach a state of clarity and dream of a precarious tension between sin and ethics. In Buddhism, human beings are called “manusya,” or ‘beings that think.’ Writing is what confirms thought. But from time to time, it leads me to a state of erasure in which I witness a landscape of commotion. To me, poetry is a sign of that commotion. I write poetry by refining and revising that commotion. And now, the commotion is over. •From “Poet’s Note” source :
Portuguese(Português)Despedidas Impossíveis
Numa manhã gelada de dezembro, Kyungha recebe uma mensagem da sua amiga Inseon -internada num hospital de Seul na sequência de um ferimento grave a cortar madeira - pedindo-lhe que a visite urgentemente. Quando Kyungha chega à enfermaria, Inseon conta-lhe que veio de avião da ilha de Jeju para ser tratada urgentemente e implora-lhe que vá a sua casa dar de comer e beber ao seu periquito, que de contrário morrerá. Uma tempestade de neve fustiga a ilha à chegada de Kyungha e muitos dos autocarros foram cancelados ou sofreram atrasos. As rajadas de vento e o nevão constante não a deixam avançar e de repente a escuridão invade tudo. Kyungha não sabe se chegará a tempo de salvar a ave - nem mesmo se sobreviverá ao frio tremendo daquela noite; e não sabe também a vertigem que a aguarda em casa da amiga, onde a história há muito sepultada da família de Inseon acaba por revelar-se, em sonhos e memórias transmitidas de mãe para filha e num arquivo diligentemente organizado que documenta um terrível massacre ocorrido em Jeju. source :
English(English)The Second Chance Convenience Store
In this million-copy international bestseller from Korea, the owner of a corner store takes in an unhoused man who does a good deed, a kind soul whose presence will transform the whole neighborhood—a heartwarming tale of community and redemption reminiscent of the bestselling novels of Matt Haig and Gabrielle Zevin. Dok-go lives in Seoul Station. He can’t remember his past, and the only thing he knows for certain is that he could really use a drink. When he finds a lost wallet filled with documents, his life is drastically changed. Mrs. Yeom, a retired history teacher and current owner of her neighborhood’s corner store, is distraught over the loss of her purse, until she receives a mysterious call from the person who found it. To thank this down-on-his-luck stranger, she offers him a free meal from the convenience store. Seeing the joy the food brings him, Mrs. Yeom impulsively invites him to stop by for lunch every day. source :
English(English)Snowglobe 2
Chobahm's perfect life in Snowglobe came crashing down when she discovered the truth about Haeri; the girl she watched faithfully on television was far from perfect. And the TV family, revered by millions, was nothing more than an illusion created by the Yibonn Media corporation. Nothing is as it seems in the carefully curated programs released from Snowglobe. source:
Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available照明商店 1
偏僻郊区的公交车站,每晚都会出现一个白衣女子,似乎不是在等车。好奇的男子终于有一天鼓起了勇气,上前搭话…… 和妈妈相依为命的女学生,发现最近家里的灯泡总是莫名其妙坏掉,而妈妈不知道从什么时候开始不再开口说话…… 租下小巷里一间便宜租屋的女子,发现屋子里的物品总是有细微的位移,她逐渐意识到住在这屋里的并不只有她一个…… 晚自习后回家路上,男学生像往常一样唱着歌壮胆走进小巷,一首歌唱完本该走到巷口,他却发现自己停在了小巷中/央…… 黑暗小巷的尽头有一家照明商店,彻夜灯火通明。最近来到店里的几个奇怪客人引起了店主的警觉,他提醒来买灯泡的女学生,一定要小心周围出现的陌生人,要是看到耳朵里流出沙子、手指甲长在反面、身体往外淌水的人……一定要装作不知道。 source :
Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available照明商店 2
偏僻郊区的公交车站,每晚都会出现一个白衣女子,似乎不是在等车。好奇的男子终于有一天鼓起了勇气,上前搭话…… 和妈妈相依为命的女学生,发现最近家里的灯泡总是莫名其妙坏掉,而妈妈不知道从什么时候开始不再开口说话…… 租下小巷里一间便宜租屋的女子,发现屋子里的物品总是有细微的位移,她逐渐意识到住在这屋里的并不只有她一个…… 晚自习后回家路上,男学生像往常一样唱着歌壮胆走进小巷,一首歌唱完本该走到巷口,他却发现自己停在了小巷中/央…… 黑暗小巷的尽头有一家照明商店,彻夜灯火通明。最近来到店里的几个奇怪客人引起了店主的警觉,他提醒来买灯泡的女学生,一定要小心周围出现的陌生人,要是看到耳朵里流出沙子、手指甲长在反面、身体往外淌水的人……一定要装作不知道。 source :
Chinese(简体) Available照明商店 3
偏僻郊区的公交车站,每晚都会出现一个白衣女子,似乎不是在等车。好奇的男子终于有一天鼓起了勇气,上前搭话…… 和妈妈相依为命的女学生,发现最近家里的灯泡总是莫名其妙坏掉,而妈妈不知道从什么时候开始不再开口说话…… 租下小巷里一间便宜租屋的女子,发现屋子里的物品总是有细微的位移,她逐渐意识到住在这屋里的并不只有她一个…… 晚自习后回家路上,男学生像往常一样唱着歌壮胆走进小巷,一首歌唱完本该走到巷口,他却发现自己停在了小巷中/央…… 黑暗小巷的尽头有一家照明商店,彻夜灯火通明。最近来到店里的几个奇怪客人引起了店主的警觉,他提醒来买灯泡的女学生,一定要小心周围出现的陌生人,要是看到耳朵里流出沙子、手指甲长在反面、身体往外淌水的人……一定要装作不知道。 source :