Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

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Funded by LTI Korea
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  • Osiedle Sielskiej Przyszłości
    Polish(Polski) Funded by LTI Korea Available
    Osiedle Sielskiej Przyszłości

    POLAND / Gu Byeong-mo / 구병모 / Dominika Chybowska-Jang / 2025 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    Władze Korei Południowej, walcząc z niskim przyrostem naturalnym, wdrażają innowacyjny projekt – na obrzeżach Seulu powstaje kompleks socjalnych bloków nazwany Osiedlem Sielskiej Przyszłości. Rząd oferuje młodym małżeństwom atrakcyjne lokale, ale pod warunkiem, że zadeklarują chęć posiadania co najmniej trojga dzieci. source :

  • Далекое море
    Russian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea Available
    Далекое море

    RUSSIAN FEDERATION / КОН ДЖИ ЙОН / 공지영 / Кузина Софья Владимировна / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    Михо, профессор кафедры немецкой литературы, отправляется в США для участия в симпозиуме. По совпадению ее первая любовь, Иосиф, живет в Нью-Йорке. Впервые за долгое время они договариваются о встрече. Тогда, сорок лет назад, молодой семинарист, преподававший в соборе, и старшеклассница влюбились друг в друга. Но юная Михо, получив от Иосифа неожиданное признание, поспешно сбежала. На этом их пути разошлись. source :

  • El árbol desnudo
    El árbol desnudo

    SPAIN / KEUM SUK GENDRY-KIM / 김금숙 / Fabián Rodríguez Piastri / 2021 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Reportage  >  Misc.

    Basado en una historia real, este libro es la adaptación de una obra de culto de la literatura coreana, la célebre novela de Park Wan-seo, que describe con delicadeza los trastornos profundos y, a veces, invisibles engendrados por la guerra. En 1950, cuando estalla la guerra de Corea, Kyung tiene veinte años. Vive en Seúl con su madre. Un día, conoce a Ok Heedo, un pintor y se enamora de inmediato de este hombre tan talentoso. Pero Ok está casado. Muchos años más tarde, visita una exposición póstuma dedicada a este pintor y renace el pasado que ella pensó que estaba dormido.El título, ‘El árbol desnudo’ está tomado de una famosa pintura del artista coreano Park Soo-geun. (1914-1965), que inspiró al personaje de Ok Heedo. A pesar de su apariencia, el árbol desnudo no está muerto, perdió sus hojas, pero sus raíces se nutren del suelo que le permitirán volver a la vida cuando regrese la primavera. El libro contiene imágenes de los cuadros de Park Soo-geun a color y diferentes textos extras. source :

  • La ragazza da odiare
    Italian(Italiano) Funded by LTI Korea Available
    La ragazza da odiare

    ITALY / Lee Kkoch-nim / 이꽃님 / Bochicchio S. / 2025 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Children and Adolescents

    Ju-yeon e Seo-eun sono amiche fin dai tempi delle medie. Ma quando il corpo senza vita di Seo-eun viene ritrovato dietro la scuola, i sospetti ricadono subito su Ju-yeon. Lei si dichiara innocente, ma non riesce a ricordare cosa sia successo quel giorno. Quando il caso esplode sui media, l'opinione pubblica si accanisce su questa vicenda piena di ombre. Le televisioni e i giornali scavano senza sosta nella vita delle due ragazze, facendo emergere versioni contrastanti sul loro rapporto e dipingendo un quadro sempre più ambiguo e tossico. source :

  • Mon ami Kim Jong-Un
    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea
    Mon ami Kim Jong-Un

    FRANCE / Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / Loïc Gendry / 2025 / literature  >  Korean Literature

  • The Second Chance Convenience Store
    English(English) E-Book
    The Second Chance Convenience Store

    UNITED KINGDOM / Ho-Yeon Kim / 김호연 / Janet Hong / 2025 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    'Holding on to the belief that life had meaning and must go on, I, too, would carry on.' In this million-copy bestseller from Korea, the owner of a corner store takes in a homeless man who does a good deed – a kind soul whose presence will transform the whole neighbourhood. Seoul Station is home to Dokgo, a man shrouded in mystery with no memories of his past. Until one day his subdued existence is disrupted when he stumbles upon a lost wallet, triggering a chain of events that will change the course of his life. Enter Mrs. Yeom, a retired history teacher turned convenience store owner, who, upon discovering Dokgo's act of kindness in returning her purse, offers him a meal as a token of her gratitude. Their chance encounter blossoms into an unexpected alliance when the man’s bravery saves the store from ruin, earning him not just a job but a place in the heart of the neighbourhood. But just when things are looking up for Dokgo, Mrs. Yeom's troubled son, eager to sell the store, hires a detective to dig into the mysterious man's past and unearth what he seems to be trying so hard to forget . . . The Second Chance Convenience Store is a moving and joyful story of a woman fighting for her community and a man who has lost everything except the will to try again. 'Dok-go's realistic and encouraging relationship with the store's customers, who have their problems and aspirations resolved so well through the pages, wins everyone's hearts' -The Korea Times source:

  • Keramik för nybörjare
    Swedish(Svenska) E-Book
    Keramik för nybörjare

    SWEDEN / Yeon Somin / 연소민 / Nika Abiri / 2025 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    Utbränd av sitt jobb som journalist säger Jungmin tvärt upp sig. Hon har arbetat hårt under flera år och behöver en förändring.Efter månader av vila beslutar hon sig för att försöka återvända till livet igen. När Jungmin så småningom vågar sig ut på gatorna i närheten av Seoul ramlar hon in på So... source:

  • Indeterminate Inflorescence
    English(English) E-Book
    Indeterminate Inflorescence

    UNITED KINGDOM / Lee Seong-Bok / 이성복 / Anton Hur / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Poetry  >  21st century poetry

    A collection of meditations on poetry, art and life, taken from the creative writing lectures of one of South Korea’s most prominent living poets 'Kick against words like you would kick back on a swing. You’ve got to feel as if the soles of your feet are touching the sky.' These 470 aphorisms, collected by his students, are evocative micropoems in their own right. Some express ideas at once familiar and breathtakingly new – truths we could sense but not put into words. Others unfurl fresh vistas and offer worlds to explore in their exciting and inspiring poetics. Together, they offer an invigorating and original answer to the questions: How – and why – do we write at all? What does it mean to create? And how should we see the world? source:

  • The Nine Cloud Dream
    English(English) E-Book
    The Nine Cloud Dream

    UNKNOWN / Kim Man-jung / 김만중 / / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  Joseon Dynasty

    [This edition has been specially adapted for young readers.] Step into the enchanting realm of "The Nine Cloud Dream," a literary gem by Kim Man-jung (1637-1692) that has captivated readers for centuries. This classic Korean novel, set against the backdrop of 8th century East Asia, masterfully intertwines themes of love, ambition, and enlightenment, inviting readers on a profound journey through nine fantastical realms. Follow the story of Seong-jin, a young monk living on the sacred Lotus Peak, who succumbs to the temptation of eight fairy maidens. Because of doubting his master's Buddhist teachings, Seong-jin endures a strange and transformative punishment, which leads him through a series of adventures that challenge his understanding of reality and desire. Timeless Messages for Today's Youth Beyond its captivating storyline, "The Nine Cloud Dream" seamlessly blends Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist teachings, offering readers a chance to re-evaluate their understanding of fulfillment and success. The universal themes resonate across time and culture, providing valuable insights for modern readers on their journey towards true enlightenment. source:

  • Samguk Yusa
    English(English) E-Book
    Samguk Yusa

    UNKNOWN / Ilyon / 일연 / Ha Tae-Hung / 2016 / History  >  Asia  >  Korea