Purchase Request
If you cannot find something in our catalog, you can suggest we purchase it. Any member of the Digital Library of Korean Literature can make purchase requests.

Purchase Request
- Eligibility: members of the Digital Library of Korean Literature
- How to request:
- Sign in
- Click on Service/Request a Purchase
- Number of requests: limited to 3 books per month / 15 books per year per person
- Notification method: Email, SMS
- Procedure for Processing Purchase Requests:
- ① It takes about 2-3 weeks for the requested books to be purchased and available after the selection process.
- ② Requested books are purchased as eBooks. When the purchase of an eBook is not possible, they will be purchased as physical books following an internal selection process.
- ③ Please note that if the member has a loan suspension or has exceeded the number of borrowed books, the book requested for purchase cannot be reserved.
The following items will not be considered:
Books that are difficult to buy
- Books already in our collection
- Books that have already been requested
- Out-of-print or sold-out titles
- New editions and unpublished books
- Other books that are deemed difficult to purchase
Book that are not suitable for inclusion in our collection
- Test prep books and workbooks
- Books by foreign authors (unless related to Korean literature)
Other books incompatible with our policy
- Books requested for financial or political purposes
- Books with strong personal inclinations
- Books without clear bibliographic information
- Other books that are deemed inappropriate due to our policy
Before making your suggestion:
- Make sure the item is not in our collection or has already been requested.
- You may suggest up to three items for purchase a month.
- Check your contact information. You’ll be notified of our decision via email and SMS.