eBooks & Audiobooks

The Digital Library of Korea Literature allows free access to eBooks of Korean literature that has been translated into various languages.


OverDrive is a multilingual eBook platform where you can read Korean literature in various languages. Currently, it offers translated titles of Korean literature in 10 languages, including English, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese. In addition to eBooks, audiobooks are also available.

Digital Library of Korean Literature members can access OverDrive eBooks for free. eBooks can be accessed on both PC and mobile devices. For detailed instructions, please refer to the guide below.

Libby Application Download/QR Code


Yes24 eBooks is a Korean-language eBook platform where you can read works of Korean literature. Currently, it offers over 1,000 titles (including fiction, poetry, and essays).

Digital Library of Korean Literature members can access Yes24 eBooks for free. eBooks can be accessed on both PC and mobile devices. For detailed instructions, please refer to the guide below.

Yes24 eBook Application Download/QR Code