Open Resources

This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


Kill this Boy with Love: How Korean Lit is Mapping the K-pop Gen’s Soul

Kill this Boy with Love: How Korean Lit is Mapping the K-pop Gen’s Soul
Data number
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Kill this Boy with Love: How Korean Lit is Mapping the K-pop Gen’s Soul
KLN Vol. 47 Introduction to Literary Works
Korean cultural phenomenon, K-pop, idol, Lee Heejoo, Jo Woori, Kim Sehee, fanfic
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Author
Item type
General document
DOC Document
Access Type
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

KLN is published and distributed for the purpose of generating a discourse on Korean literature and introducing Korean writers and works to general readers and experts overseas. The theme of KLN Vol. 47 is Fandom Culture and the Fanfic Generation. The strong presence of fandom culture in Korean literature can be explained by the fact that many contemporary Korean writers have embraced both K-Pop and literature, not to mention passion for idols and love of art. This issue examines works by young Korean writers of the Millennial generation.

한국문학 및 한국작가 등을 해외 일반인 및 전문가들에게 소개하고 한국문학에 대한 담론을 형성시키고자 제작, 배포하고 있는 KLN의 47호 주제는 ‘팬덤 문화와 팬픽 세대’이다. 한국 문학에 아이돌 문화가 깊숙이 들어오고 있는 이유에는 작가들이 실제로 어렸을 때부터 케이팝과 문학, 아이돌에 대한 열정과 예술에 대한 사랑을 경계 없이 유연하게 받아들인 세대에 속하기 때문이다. 80년대에 태어나 밀레니엄 세대라고 불리우는 젊은 작가들의 작품을 살펴보도록 한다.