Open Resources

This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


212 Versions of the Same Story: Publishing Korean Literature in Japan

212 Versions of the Same Story:  Publishing Korean Literature in Japan
Data number
Control number
212 Versions of the Same Story: Publishing Korean Literature in Japan
Translated works, CUON, Translation Festival, Translation Concour, AI, ChatGPT, DeepL, Japan Publishing
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Author
Item type
General document
DOC Document
Access Type
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is a cover feature essay and illustration for KLN Vol. 61. Kim Seungbok discusses Korean literature published in Japan. She explains how translation festivals and competitions in Japan, which boasts a high consumption of Korean literature, have significant implications in the Korean translation and publishing industries. Moreover, while recognizing the use of AI in her daily life as a translator and publisher, she deliberates on the uniqueness of the role of a translator.

KLN 61호 담론특집 에세이와 관련 일러스트다. 김승복 대표가 전하는 일본에서 출판하는 한국문학에 대한 담론이다. 한국문화 소비가 많은 일본에서 번역 페스티벌, 번역 콩쿠르 등을 개최하고 이러한 활동이 한국 번역출판계에 유의미한 결과를 시사하고 있음을 밝힌다. 또한 번역과 출판업을 이끌어 가면서 인공지능의 일상화를 인정하되 번역가의 역할은 고유함을 논한다.

Korea Open Government License
Korea Open Government License(KOGL) Type 4

This work held by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea can be used under the conditions of the “Korea Open Government License (KOGL) Type 4: Source Indication, Commercial Use Prohibition, and Change Prohibition.” However, there may be additional restrictions against the use of photographic works, which are protected by copyright. Therefore please inquire before use.