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[Cover Feature] A Different Way of Life, A Different Kind of Fiction: Writing The Weathermaster

[Cover Feature] A Different Way of Life, A Different Kind of Fiction: Writing The Weathermaster
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[Cover Feature] A Different Way of Life, A Different Kind of Fiction: Writing The Weathermaster
Lifestyle, The Weathermaster, Shopping Addict, Climate Change
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Author
Item type
General document
DOC Document
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Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is a Cover Feature essay, along with the accompanying illustration, published in KLN Vol. 60. Under the title “A Different Way of Life, A Different Kind of Fiction,” writer Choi Jeonghwa reflects on how her life has changed since she gave up shopping in an effort to protect the environment. She asks the reader to turn their attention to the urgency of the climate crisis in the contemporary era, which has prompted her to write her short story collection The Weathermaster.

KLN 60호 담론특집 에세이와 관련 일러스트다. “다른 삶의 얼굴, 다른 모양의 소설”이라는 주제로, 최정화 작가는 환경을 보호하기 위하여 쇼핑을 그만둔 뒤로 삶의 형태가 어떻게 변화했는지 회고한다. 작가는 자신의 소설 <날씨통제사>를 쓰게끔 추동한 동시대 기후 위기의 긴급함에 주목하길 요청한다.

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Korea Open Government License(KOGL) Type 4

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