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This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


_List Vol.14

_List Vol.14
Data number
Control number
_List Vol.14
K-POP, Pop culture, Hallyu, Korean wave, Korean film, Online games, Drama, Yi Mun-yol, Kim In-sook, Kim Ki-taek, Jung Young-moon, Together with a Chicken, _List
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Author
Item type
PDF/A Document
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

The theme of _List Vol. 14 is “Spotlight on Korean Pop Culture.” Under five subthemes “redefining the Korean Wave,” “a new digital paradigm,” “from paper to screen and back to paper,” “from beloved Korean pop to K-pop,” and “Korean films that created the Korean Wave,” this issue introduces educational entertainment, games, television dramas, and K-Pop, which have spearheaded the surge of the Korean Wave. In addition, this issue features interviews with novelists Yi Mun-yol and Kim Insuk, Korean publishing trends, coverage of the acceptance of Korean literature overseas, a spotlight on a literary site, book reviews of fiction/nonfiction/children’s literature, and the translation of Jung Young Moon’s short story “Together with a Chicken” and introduces steady sellers, publishers, and trends in Korean literature to overseas readers.

_List 14호의 주제는 '한국의 대중문화'다. 한류의 재정의, 새로운 디지털 패러다임, 종이에서 스크린으로 그리고 다시 종이로, 국민가요에서 K-POP으로, 한류를 일궈낸 한국영화 위 5가지 소주제를 바탕으로 한류의 주역인 에듀테인먼트, 게임, 드라마, k-pop을 소개한다. 이외에도 이문열, 김인숙 작가의 인터뷰를 비롯해 출판계 트렌드, 한국문학 해외 수용현황 취재, 김기택 시인의 작가노트, 문학장소 탐방, 소설/비소설/아동문학 북리뷰, 정영문 작가의 <닭과 함께 하는 어떤> 작품 전문, 스테디셀러와 출판사 소개 등 한국문학의 트렌드를 해외독자에게 소개한다.