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Let the Snake Wait Under His Weed: The (In)Decision of the Poetry Translator

Let the Snake Wait Under His Weed:  The (In)Decision of the Poetry Translator
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Let the Snake Wait Under His Weed: The (In)Decision of the Poetry Translator
DeepL, AI, Literary Translation, ChatGPT, DeepL, creativity of Translation, Slow, Poetry Translation, Snatch, Messenger, Poetry, self-fashioning
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Author
Item type
General document
DOC Document
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is a cover feature essay and illustration for KLN Vol. 61. Professor Chung Eun-Gwi discusses the creativity of literary translation in the advent of AI, the dangers and applicability, as well as the ethics of using ChatGPT. Furthermore, from the perspective of a poetry translator herself, she speaks of the importance of self-creation.

KLN 61호 담론특집 에세이과 관련 일러스트다. 정은귀 교수는 AI 시대 문학번역의 창조성에 대해 ChatGPT로 번역했을 때의 위험성과 활용가능성, 활용의 윤리에 대하여 논한다. 나아가, 문학 번역주체인 시 번역가의 시선으로 자기제작의 중요성을 말한다.

Korea Open Government License
Korea Open Government License(KOGL) Type 4

This work held by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea can be used under the conditions of the “Korea Open Government License (KOGL) Type 4: Source Indication, Commercial Use Prohibition, and Change Prohibition.” However, there may be additional restrictions against the use of photographic works, which are protected by copyright. Therefore please inquire before use.