Best loved poems of KoreaEnglish(English) Available
Byun Yeongro et al / 변영로 et al / 1984 / -
It is hoped that the present volume gives some idea about modern Korean poetry in terms of subject matter, themes and modes of expression. The majority of the poems have been taken from among the most widely read and best-loved poems. The present book, however, cannot claim to present a satisfactory cross-section of modern Korean poetry. Among other things, the poems presented in volume where chosen largely on the basis of the degree to which individual poems rendered themselves to translation into the English language and partly on the personal preferences of the translator (from the Introduction). https://www.amazon.com/Best-Loved-Poems-Korea-Foreigners/dp/0930878353
再訳 朝鮮詩集Japanese(日本語) Available
Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
日本帝国植民地下に編纂・和訳された『朝鮮詩集』。六十余年を経て、在日の民族詩人・金時鐘は朝鮮本土に原詩収集と詩人たちの経歴調査をおこない、詩の形態を含め、原詩の保全を第一とする再訳を果たした。祖国解放からあらたな文体を得てはじめて立ち現れる朝鮮の真なる詩人とは―。ハングル原詩との対訳、さらに詩人略歴を全面改訂。 Source: http://www.amazon.co.jp/再訳-朝鮮詩集-金-時鐘/dp/4000238426
Светлый источникRussian(Русский) Available
U Tak et al / 우탁 et al / 1989 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection and Selected Works in Chinese
This anthology features selections of ancient poetry from China, Korea, and Vietnam. The Korean section predominantly focuses on the poetry of the Joseon Dynasty. It includes the translation of 178 poems, written by notable poets such as Chung Chul, Pak Inro, and Kim Cheontaek, as well as female poets such as Huh Nanseolheon and Hwang Chini, and anonymous authors.
Flor y oro de la poesía coreanaSpanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available
King Juri et al / 유리왕 et al / 2001 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
La poesía coreana es poco conocida en el mundo de habla hispana. La antología de poesía coreana, antigua y moderna, que aquí nos ofrece el doctor Yong-Tae Min, cubre en gran medida esta necesidad de conocimiento y nos ofrece un amplio y variado panorama histórico de los principales autores y estilos. Sin pretender ser exhaustiva, sí es bastante representativa de las voces de este "lejano oriente" que cada vez está más cercano. A través del océano Pacífico se está construyendo un puente cultural con obras como ésta, que aproximan dos continentes hermanos, América y Asia, salvando el difícil obstáculo de las diferentes lingüísticas y culturales y rescatando lo escencial: el convivio a través de la palabra poética.
ОСЕННИЕ КЛЁНЫRussian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Jeong Mongju et al / 정몽주 et al / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Антология состоит из пяти частей, в которых представлены господствующие жанры корейской поэзии на родном языке в хронологическом порядке Source : https://books.google.co.kr/books/about/Осенние_клены.html?id=zkECkgEACAAJ&redir_esc=y
The Crane in the Clouds: ShijoEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Choi Chung et al / 최충 et al / 2013 / -
This anthology presents well over a hundred Korean classical poems known as shijo, in English translation. Shijo, a form of poetic composition still very much alive, has a tradition spanning a thousand years. One of the first historical anthologies of shijo in English, this book offers an overview of that uniquely Korean poetic legacy. Composed in the vernacular and written down in hangǔl, the Korean phonograms, shijo asserts its national identity, which hanshi, composed in the classical Chinese ideograms, ostensibly may not. Sung-Il Lee's English rendition of shijo captures the rhythmic flow of the original lines in Korean, while remaining true to the sound quality and the poetic message contained therein. Although the book is meant for the general readers, students of Korean language and literature will find it helpful, as it provides parallel texts-the Korean original and its English rendition. About the translator: Sung-Il Lee was born in 1943 in Seoul, Korea. He studied English literature at Yonsei University (B.A., 1967), the University of California at Davis (M.A., 1973) and Texas Tech University (Ph.D., 1980), and taught at Yonsei University (1981-2008). He also taught as a visiting professor at the University of Toronto (1987), the University of Washington (1994-1995), and Troy University (2002-2003). He is now Professor Emeritus at Yonsei University. His publication includes The Wind and the Waves: Four Modern Korean Poets (1989), The Moonlit Pond: Korean Classical Poems in Chinese (1998), The Brush and the Sword: Kasa, Korean Classical Poems in Prose (2009), Blue Stallion: Poems of Yu Chi-whan (2011) and Beowulf and Four Related Old English Poems: A Verse Translation with Explanatory Notes (2010). He received the Republic of Korea Literary Award (1990) and the Korean Literature Translation Award (1999), both given by the Korean Culture and Arts Foundation. Source : https://www.abebooks.com/9781931907927/Crane-Clouds-Shijo-Korean-Classical-1931907927/plp
Translated Books
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