Event Database

We provide data on various Korean literature events hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


Invitation for the Head Librarian of the Nobel Library in Sweden 2001

Invitation for the Head Librarian of the Nobel Library in Sweden 2001
August 02, 2001 to August 10, 2001
Program type
Invited guests
English(English), Swedish(Svenska)
Host Korean
Host English
Carola Hermenlin, Baek Nakchung, Kim Byongik, Kwon Youngmin, ko Eun, Hwang Seokyeong, Shin Kyung-Rim, Park Gyeongr, Park Wan Suh, Oh Jung-Hee, Kim Seung-Hee, Un Hee-Kyong, Shin Gyeongsuk
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

The Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea) invited Dr. Carola Hermelin, a Swedish literary scholar and head librarian of the Nobel Library of the Swedish Academy, to experience Korean culture and literature firsthand. During her visit to Korea from August 2 to 10, Dr. Hermelin met with Korean literary figures such as Baek Nakchung, Kim Byong-Ik, Kwon Young-min, Ko Un, Hwang Sok-yong, Shin Kyeong-nim, Pak Kyongni, Park Wansuh, Oh Junghee, Kim Seung-hee, Eun Heekyung, and Shin Kyung-sook. She also showed a deep interest in Korean culture and visited Buddhist temples, Myeongnyundang Lecture Hall, and traditional shamanic ceremonies.

스웨덴 한림원 노벨 도서관의 수석사서이자 스웨덴 문예가사인 카롤라 헤르멜린 Carola Hermenlin 박사를 초청, 한국문화와 문학을 직접 체험하는 기회를 제공했다. 8월 2일부터 10일까지의 방한기간 중 Hermenlin박사는 백낙청, 김병익, 권영민, 고은, 황석영, 신경림, 박경리, 박완서, 오정희, 김승희, 은희경, 신경숙 등 국내 문인들과 만남의 기회를 갖는 한편 한국 사찰, 명륜당, 무속행사장 등을 방문하여 한국 문화에도 깊은 관심을 보였다.

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