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  • Russian(Русский) AudioBook
    Ресторан "Кумихо". Книга 1

    RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Пак Хёнсок / 박현숙 / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Children and Adolescents

    Школьнику Ван Доёну и шеф-повару Ли Минсоку после смерти несказанно повезло! Ведь далеко не каждому удается встретить загадочную Кумихо и получить от нее предложение — всего-то капелька крови в обмен на 49 дней жизни. Вернуться из мертвых столь просто — большой соблазн, однако условия сделки оказываются не такими прозрачными... Перед Ван Доёном и Ли Минсоком встает непростой выбор, но один из них готов на многое, чтобы воскреснуть и исправить ошибки прошлого. Ведь когда еще представится такой шанс? Трогательная история о том, что такое настоящая жизнь. О том, как важно проживать каждый ее момент и благодарить даже за малое. source :

  • English(English) AudioBook

    UNITED STATES / SOYOUNG PARK / 박소영 / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Children and Adolescents

    Enclosed under a vast dome, Snowglobe is the last place on Earth that’s warm. Outside Snowglobe is a frozen wasteland, and every day, citizens face the icy world to get to their jobs at the power plant, where they produce the energy Snowglobe needs. Their only solace comes in the form of twenty-four-hour television programming streamed directly from the domed city. The residents of Snowglobe have everything: fame, fortune, and above all, safety from the desolation outside their walls. In exchange, their lives are broadcast to the less fortunate outside, who watch eagerly, hoping for the chance to one day become actors themselves. Chobahm lives for the time she spends watching the shows produced inside Snowglobe. Her favorite? Goh Around, starring Goh Haeri, Snowglobe’s biggest star—and, it turns out, the key to getting Chobahm her dream life. Because Haeri is dead, and Chobahm has been chosen to take her place. Only, life inside Snowglobe is nothing like what you see on television. Reality is a lie, and truth seems to be forever out of reach. Translated for the first time into English from the original Korean, Snowglobe is a groundbreaking exploration of personal identity, and the future of the world as we know it. It is the winner of the Changbi X Kakaopage Young Adult Novel Award. Source:

  • German(Deutsch) AudioBook
    Der Rote Palast

    GERMANY / JUNE HUR / 허주은 / 2023 / literature  >  English and American literatures

    Den Palast zu betreten bedeutet, einen blutigen Pfad zu beschreiten. Joseon (Korea), 1758. Unehelichen Töchtern stehen in der Hauptstadt nur wenige Möglichkeiten offen, aber durch harte Arbeit und Studium hat sich die achtzehnjährige Hyeon eine Stelle als Palastschwester verdient. Alles, was sie will, ist, den Kopf unten halten, gute Arbeit leisten und vielleicht endlich die Anerkennung ihres entfremdeten Vaters gewinnen. Doch plötzlich wird Hyeon in die dunkle und gefährliche Welt der Hofpolitik gestoßen, als jemand in einer einzigen Nacht vier Frauen ermordet. Die Hauptverdächtige ist Hyeons Mentorin. Entschlossen, die Unschuld ihrer geliebten Lehrerin zu beweisen, beginnt Hyeon mit ihren eigenen geheimen Ermittlungen. Bei ihrer Suche nach der Wahrheit trifft sie auf Eojin, einen jungen Polizeiinspektor, der ebenfalls auf der Suche nach dem Mörder ist. Als die Beweise beginnen, auf den Kronprinzen als Mörder hinzuweisen, müssen Hyeon und Eojin zusammenarbeiten, um die dunkelsten Ecken des Palastes zu durchsuchen und die tödlichen Geheimnisse hinter dem Blutvergießen aufzudecken. Source:

  • English(English) AudioBook
    Your Utopia

    UNITED KINGDOM / Bora Chung / 정보라 / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century  >  SF  >  Fantasy

    By the internationally acclaimed author of Cursed Bunny, in another thrilling translation from the Korean by Anton Hur, Your Utopia is full of tales of loss and discovery, idealism and dystopia, death and immortality. "Nothing concentrates the mind like Chung's terrors, which will shrivel you to a bouillon cube of your most primal instincts" (Vulture), yet these stories are suffused with Chung's inimitable wry humor and surprisingly tender moments, too—often between unexpected subjects. Chung's writing is "haunting, funny, gross, terrifying—and yet when we reach the end, we just want more" (Alexander Chee). If you haven't yet experienced the fruits of this singular imagination, Your Utopia is waiting. Source:

  • English(English) AudioBook
    A Magical Girl Retires

    UNITED STATES / Park Seoryeon / 박서련 / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century  >  SF  >  Fantasy

    A millennial turned magical girl must combat climate change and credit card debt in this delightful, witty, and wildly imaginative ode to magical girl manga. Twenty-nine, depressed, and drowning in credit card debt after losing her job during the pandemic, a millennial woman decides to end her troubles by jumping off Seoul's Mapo Bridge. But her suicide attempt is interrupted by a girl dressed all in white—her guardian angel. Ah Roa is a clairvoyant magical girl on a mission to find the greatest magical girl of all time. And our protagonist just may be that special someone. But the young woman's initial excitement turns to frustration when she learns being a magical girl in real life is much different than how it's portrayed in stories. It isn't just destiny—it's work. Magical girls go to job fairs, join trade unions, attend classes. And for this magical girl there are no special powers and no great perks, and despite being magical, she still battles with low self-esteem. Her magic wand . . . is a credit card—which she must use to defeat a terrifying threat that isn't a monster or an intergalactic war. It's global climate change. Because magical girls need to think about sustainability, too. Park Seolyeon reimagines classic fantasy tropes in a novel that explores real-world challenges that are both deeply personal and universal: the search for meaning and the desire to do good in a world that feels like it's ending. A fun, fast-paced, and enchanting narrative that sparkles thanks to award-nominated translator Anton Hur, A Magical Girl Retires reminds us that we are all magical girls—that fighting evil by moonlight and winning love by daylight can be anyone's game. Translated from the Korean by Anton Hur Source:

  • English(English) AudioBook
    Hardly War

    UNITED STATES / Don Mee Choi / 최돈미 / 2021 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Poetry  >  21st century poetry

    Hardly War, Don Mee Choi's major second collection, defies history, national identity, and militarism. Using artifacts from Choi's father, a professional photographer during the Korean and Vietnam wars, she combines memoir, image, and opera to explore her paternal relationship and heritage. Here poetry and geopolitics are inseparable twin sisters, conjoined to the belly of a warring empire.

  • English(English) AudioBook
    Your Utopia

    FRANCE / Bora Chung / 정보라 / 2024 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century  >  SF  >  Fantasy

    From the internationally acclaimed author of Cursed Bunny, in another thrilling translation from Korean by Anton Hur, this collection shares tales of loss and discovery, idealism and dystopia, death and immortality. ​ In "The Center for Immortality Research," a low-level employee runs herself ragged planning a fancy gala for donors, only to be blamed for a crime she witnessed during the event, under the noses of the mysterious celebrity benefactors hoping to live forever. But she can't be fired—no one can. In "One More Kiss, Dear," a tender, one-sided love blooms in the AI-elevator of an apartment complex; as in, the elevator develops a profound affection for one of the residents. In "Seeds," we see the final frontier of capitalism's destruction of the planet and the GMO companies who rule the agricultural industry, but nature has ways of creeping back to life. Chung's writing is "haunting, funny, gross, terrifying—and yet when we reach the end, we just want more" (Alexander Chee). If you haven't yet experienced the fruits of this singular imagination, Your Utopia is waiting. "Nothing concentrates the mind like Chung's terrors, which will shrivel you to a bouillon cube of your most primal instincts" (Vulture), yet these stories are suffused with Chung's inimitable wry humor and surprisingly tender moments, too. Source:

  • Russian(Русский) AudioBook
    Ночь пяти псов

    RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Чхэ Ёнсин / 채영신 / 2023 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    «Пугающий, но в то же время захватывающий роман, который правдиво показывает, насколько обыденна ненависть в человеческой жизни, как ни печально это признавать», – Рю Посон, литературный критик.В старом заброшенном доме найдены убитые школьники. В преступлении сознается учитель тхэквондо. Но зачем он расправился со своими учениками и какое отношение к случившемуся имеет Пак Семин, мальчик-альбинос, которого травили убитые?«Ночь пяти псов» – история человека, виновного уже в том, что он родился, ведь в мире одинаковых людей каждый, кто отличается, становится изгоем. Впервые на русском языке корейский психологический триллер, бестселлер, победитель 7-й премии в области молодежной литературы «Хвансанболь». Source:

  • English(English) AudioBook
    The Consultant

    UNITED KINGDOM / IM SEONG-SUN / 임성순 / 2023 / literature  >  Korean Literature  >  Korean Fiction  >  21st century

    Sometimes work can be murder... The Consultant is very good at his job. He creates simple, elegant, effective solutions for... restructuring. Nothing obvious or messy. Certainly nothing anyone would ever suspect as murder. The 'natural deaths' he plans have always gone well: a medicine replaced here, a mechanism jammed there. His performance reviews are excellent. And it's not as though he knows these people. Until his next 'customer' turns out to be someone he not only knows but cares about, and for the first time, he begins to question the role he plays in the vast, anonymous Company. And as he slowly begins to understand the real scope of their work, he realises just how easy it would be for the Company to arrange one more perfect murder... But how far will he go to escape The Company? And how far will they go to stop him? The electrifying first novel from award-winning Korean thriller-writer Im Seong-Sun – now in English for the first time – combines the tension of the best crime fiction with searing social criticism to present a searing take-down of global corporate life. Source:

  • German(Deutsch) AudioBook
    Geschichten sind das Kleid der Wahrheit

    GERMANY / Shiva Ryu / 류시화 / 2023 / literature  >  Other Asian literatures

    "Die Wahrheit, die du der Welt erzählen willst, musst du in deine Geschichte hineintun. Wenn du deine Wahrheit geradewegs als Behauptung hinstellst, wird sie niemanden interessieren. Kleidest du sie jedoch in deine ganz eigene Geschichte, gewinnt sie an Überzeugungskraft, und die Menschen werden dir gerne zuhören. Doch dafür musst du zuerst das Leben erfahren. Denn die Geschichten entstehen aus der Erfahrung des Lebens." Diese Worte seines indischen Meisters nahm sich Shiva Ryu zu Herzen. So begann er auf seiner Reise durch das Land die unterschiedlichsten Fabeln zu sammeln, um ihren Zauber und ihre Weisheit nun auf seine Art und im Kontext seiner Wahrheit zu vermitteln. Denn es gibt Dinge, die den Wandel der Zeiten überdauern. Fabeln erhellen, was im Leben wichtig und wertvoll ist und lassen uns das Wesen des Menschen verstehen. Sie bringen uns dazu, das Wundersame unserer Welt zu erkennen und wer weiß – vielleicht können uns diese Geschichten aus Indien als Rahmen dienen, wenn wir unsere eigene Wahrheit erzählen wollen. source: