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KLN Vol. 55 Featured Writer Kim Soom Interview

KLN Vol. 55 Featured Writer Kim Soom Interview
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KLN Vol. 55 Featured Writer Kim Soom Interview
Kim Soom, Interview, Cho Hae-jin, Grotesque, Family, Shipyard, Workers, History, Comfort women, Female, Severance, Relationship, The story of roots
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Author
Item type
General document
DOC Document
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is an interview with Kim Soom, the Featured Writer of KLN Vol. 55, who celebrates the 25th anniversary of her literary debut. The interview approaches Kim’s literary world with various keywords and sheds light on her works from various angles. In line with the theme of this issue “The Female Family Tree,” the history seen through the author’s literary perspective is understood through her books Fighting Dog (2005), Cheol (Iron, 2008), One Left (2016), Sublime is Looking Inward (2018), Have You Ever Wished for a Soldier to Be an Angel? (2018), Will I Be Able to Touch the Tree? (2019), Drifting Land (2020), and Listening Time (2021).

KLN 55호의 특집작가 김숨의 인터뷰다. 등단 25주년을 맞은 작가의 작품세계에 다양한 키워드로 접근하며 그의 작품활동을 다각도에서 조명한다. 본 호의 주제인 '여성 가계도'와 맞물려 작가의 문학적 관점에서 바라보는 역사를 작가의 장편 소설 『투견』(2005),『철』(2008),『한 명』(2016),『숭고함은 나를 들여다보는 거야』(2018),『군인이 천사가 되기를 바란적이 있는가』(2018),『나는 나무를 만질 수 있을까』(2019),『떠도는 땅』(2020),『듣기 시간』(2021) 등을 통해 투시한다.