The anthology of modern Korean poetryEnglish(English) Available
Jung Jong Hwa et al / 정종화 et al / 1986 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Anthology of contemporary Korean poetry Vol.2English(English) Available
Cho Jeonggwon et al / 조정권 et al / 1989 / -
世界現代詩文庫 II 韓國現代詩集Japanese(日本語) Available
Yi Sang et al / 이상 et al / 1987 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
TranslucencyEnglish(English) Available
Sung Chankyung / 성찬경 / 2010 / -
Translucency puts together about fifty poems by Chankyung Sung that showcase his dexterous command of metaphor and subtle sensibility toward language. In these poems, Sung portrays a complex world of man's spirit with refined language, opening a new horizon of intellectual poetry, or "metaphysical lyrics," in Korea. It is not the principle of constructing experience, but the posi-tive intellectual process of perceiving new experiences that governs Sung's poetic world. Sung extracts the best of the East and West and combines them in his poetry. The mystery of life is the leitmotif of his poetry; he grasps the structure of soul with intuition and portrays it in a metaphor refined in his fur-nace-like imagination which melts down heterogeneous things. About the Poet: Chankyung Sung was born in Yesan in 1930 and studied Eng-lish literature at college. He began to publish his poems in 1950s and has written eight books of poetry including Fugue for a Burning at the Stake (1966), Translucency (1984), Silent Drama (1995), and Distance Makes Universe a Toy (2006). Sung has re-ceived Korean Association of Poets Award, Weoltan Literary Award, and Seoul City Literary Award. He is a member of the National Academy of Arts. https://www.abebooks.com/9781931907699/Translucency-Selected-Poems-Chankyung-Sung-1931907692/plp
Paulownia Leaf: Modern Korean Literature 1980English(English)
Han Yong-Un et al / 한용운 et al / 1979 / -
現代韓国文学選集 5Japanese(日本語)
Shin Seokjung et al / 신석정 et al / 1976 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
O Pássaro Que Comeu O SolPortuguese(Português)
HAN Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 1993 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Lançado no verão de 1993 pela editora Arte Pau-Brasil – Coleção ptyx, “O Pássaro que Comeu o Sol” (esgotado), é uma compilação de 40 autores da moderna poesia coreana. Produziram sob o que foi chamado “era colonial”, de 1910 (quando foi anexada ao Japão) até 1945. Quando o país foi derrotado na 2ª guerra e se retirou do território coreano. A seleção dos textos e tradução, a partir dos ideogramas originais, foi realizada por Yun Jung Im, professora e coordenadora do Curso de Lingua e Literatura Coreana do Departamento de Letras Orientais (DLO) – FFLCH da Universidade de São Paulo. Prefácio de Paulo Lemimski e apresentação de Haroldo de Campos. Trabalho que revela a delicadeza, profundidade e experimentalismos gráficos de autores como Yi Sang, o “Sijô” de Yi Ho-u ou Bak Du-jin um dos tres poetas do grupo “Corça Azul” movimento que focava a natureza como tema. Outras traduções de Yun Jung Im. “Sijô, Poesiacanto Coreana Clássica”, pareceria com Alberto Marsicano (Iluminuras, 1994) e “Olho-de-Corvo e outras obras de Yi Sán” (Perpectiva, 1999). Source : https://vitimasdaopart.wordpress.com/2020/10/05/o-passaro-que-comeu-o-sol/
Translated Books
We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).