Original Works

We provide information on Korean literature titles (classical, modern and contemporary) in multiple languages.

29 results
  • DLKL
    한국현대소설선: 바다와 나비

    Hangukyeondaesoseolseon: badawa nabi

    English(English) Printed/Published Work

    Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 1981 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry

  • 날마다 웃는 집
    날마다 웃는 집

    Nalmada unneun jip

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Beomnyun et al / 법륜 et al / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

  • Impressions papier hanji
    단편모음집 <딸기도둑> 외

    Danpyeonmoeumjim oe

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Eun Heekyung / 은희경 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature

  • DLKL


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Eun Heekyung / 은희경 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    This is a short story by Eun Heekyung, published in her short story collection Sangsok (Inheritance) in 2002. It shows the protagonist’s process of dealing with the wounds of the heart she’d received as a child after becoming an adult through a delicate perspective.

  • DLKL
    루비나 65

    rubina 65

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Yi Sang et al / 이상 et al / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

  • 마이너리그


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Eun Heekyung / 은희경 / 2001 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    This is a novel by Eun Heekyung, published in 2001. The story of the four main characters, who are considered “nonmainstream,” is told with a light-hearted gaze on life.

  • 비밀과 거짓말
    비밀과 거짓말

    Bimilgwa geojinmal

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Eun Heekyung / 은희경 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    This is a novel by Eun Heekyung, published in 2005. It was serialized in the quarterly journal Munhakdongne from the summer of 2003 to the spring of 2004. The brothers, who had left their hometown in search of their own lives, return after the death of their father, and take this opportunity to look back on their childhood. The author shows the changing meaning of hometown from a place where the brothers wanted to escape to a place with new meaning, and asks questions about the value of life.

  • 상속


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Eun Heekyung / 은희경 / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

    2002년에 출간된 은희경의 소설집이다. 표제작인 을 비롯 , , , 등 모두 7편의 작품이 수록되어 있다. 작가는 현실을 기록하기 보다는 현실을 대하는 태도에 관해 작품을 써왔는데 이번 소설집도 그렇다. 작품에 등장하는 불임인 아내에게 버림받은 남자, 복화술사, 병을 치료할 돈마저 날려버린 사업가, 시골에서 도시에 올라온 소녀 등이 경험하는 사건들을 씁쓸한 웃음과 어쩔 수 없는 태연함 그리고 명료한 현실인식으로 그려내고 있다. 동시에 작가는 비관할 수 없는 현실을 딛고 오늘을 살아가야 하는 사람들의 슬픔도 함께 살피고 있다.

  • 새의 선물
    새의 선물

    Saeui seonmul

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Eun Heekyung / 은희경 / 1995 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    This is a novel by Eun Heekyung, published in 1996. It won the 1st Munhakdongne Novel Award. The work presents the lives of adults through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl. With a cheerful and transparent gaze, the author paints a picture of the protagonist who decides that she does not want to become a ridiculous adult as she grows up witnessing how the words and actions of adults full of lies. The novel gained widespread popularity, being printed 73 times since publication, and a slightly revised version of the novel was published in 2010 in celebration of the 15th year of the novel’s publication.

  • 소년을 위로해줘
    소년을 위로해줘

    Sonyeoneul wirohaejwo

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Eun Heekyung / 은희경 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    2010년에 출간된 은희경의 장편소설이다. 작품은 주인공 소년이 아버지없이 어머니와 둘이 살면서 경험하는 다양한 사건을 다루고 있다. 작가는 주인공의 전학과 새로운 환경에 적응하는 과정 그리고 첫사랑까지 보통의 이야기를 흥미롭게 들려주고 있다.