Voices in DiversityEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Jang Jung-il et al / 장정일 et al / 2001 / -
Poetry. Asian Studies. VOICES IN DIVERSITY: POETS FROM POSTWAR KOREA offers a selection of poems from 37 South Korean poets born in or after 1945, edited and translated by poet Ko Won. The selected poets represent the voice of a nation emerging from Japanese rule; they are witnesses to sweeping political, social and cultural developments who have distilled their experience of a dynamic world into a precise and elegant poetics deeply concerned with modern political realities. Much as with the Middle East, these realities virtually demand a greater acquaintance with the arts and culture of this region, a knowledge which this collection certainly provides. Ko Won has published fourteen books of poetry, is a member of the P.E.N. Center USA West, and directs the Kulmaru Institute of Literature, Los Angeles. https://www.abebooks.com/9780893048853/Voices-Diversity-Poets-Postwar-Korea-0893048852/plp
DES CHOSES QUI VIENNENT APRÈS LA DOULEURFrench(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Lee Seong-Bok / 이성복 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry > 1945-1999
Ces poèmes évoquent pour l'Occidental une vision poétique de l'Extrême-Orient. Ils se révèlent pourtant hantés par l'humiliation et le cauchemar. "Une femme était ensevelie dans une pierre. J'y suis entré moi aussi pour l'amour d'elle. Un été il a beaucoup plu, elle a quitté la pierre en pleurant. Le soleil et la lune ont conduit celle qui s'en allait. Seul je reste au bord du ciel bleu de Namhae Gumsan. Seul je suis submergé par les eaux bleues de Namhae Gumsan". Source: http://books.google.co.kr/books/about/Des_choses_qui_viennent_après_la_douleu.html?id=3HLCGAAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
韓·日 戰後世代100人詩選集世界時人叢書 4Japanese(日本語) Available
Kang Unkyo et al / 강은교 et al / 1995 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Poems by 100 Poets from Korea and Japan in the Post-War Era – Green Longing This anthology introduces the works of 100 poets from the post-war generation of both South Korea and Japan. It was published in both South Korea and Japan, 50 years after Japan’s defeat and South Korea’s liberation. It features a total of 124 Korean poems.
I heard life calling meEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
LEE Seong-Bok et al / 이성복 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Yi Song-bok has been hailed as one of the most important contemporary South Korean poets. His first collection of poems, When Does a Rolling Stone Awaken, published in 1980, is a trenchant critique of the state of mind of Koreans and of the social and political conditions in the country at the time. His second collection, South Sea, Silk Mountain, is a softer, quieter, more intimate book. This volume presents a translation of the collections in both Korean and English text, including interviews with the author.
そしてまた霧がかかったJapanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available
LEE Seong-Bok et al / 이성복 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry > 1945-1999
髪をほどくように苦痛をほどき はかなく一生が過ぎ去れば この水はもう一度流れるだろうか(「君の深い水、私を閉じ込めた水」より) 韓国の詩壇を代表する詩人の一人、李晟馥の詩を翻訳した詩集。 Source : http://www.junkudo.co.jp/mj/products/detail.php?product_id=3000263938
Ah, Mouthless ThingsEnglish(English) Available
Lee Seong-Bok / 이성복 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry
Posing the question of reciprocity between all things, South Korean Lee Seong-bok’s poetry peels back the fragile layers of this world, and echoes the unheard voices of “mouthless things.” source URL : https://www.amazon.com/Ah_Mouthless-Things-Lee-Seong-Bok/dp/1557134405
А, у вас нет ртаRussian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea
LEE Seong-Bok et al / 이성복 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry
Wie anders sind die NächteGerman(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Lee Seong-Bok / 이성복 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry
Koreanische Lyrik von außergewöhnlicher Imaginationskraft: mal flamboyant, mal ruhig und gelassen beschwört Lee Seong-bok das Leben. Lee Seong-boks Gedichte sind eine Feier des Individuums. Sie nehmen sein Glück, seinen Schmerz, seine Lust, sein Leiden, seine Fähigkeit zur Liebe ernst und finden dafür poetische Bilder. »Lebensstudien« nennt der Autor selbst seine Gedichte, die das Rationale oft übersteigen. Sie sind geheimnisvoll, grotesk, verspielt, wenden sich dem Alltäglichen zu und stellen sich zugleich den existenziellen Fragen. Source: http://www.wallstein-verlag.de/9783835308688-lee-seong-bok-wie-anders-sind-die-naechte.html
Ah, les choses sans boucheFrench(Français) Available
Lee Seong-Bok / 이성복 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry
Né en 1952, le poète sud-coréen Lee Seong-Bok a reçu les prix Kim Su-young et Kim So-wol pour ses deux premiers recueils Quand la pierre qui roule s'éveillera-t-elle ? (1980) et Namhae Gumsan (1986), traduit en français sous le titre Des choses qui viennent après la douleur (Belin, 2005). Ah, les choses sans bouche (2003) est son dernier recueil en date dans une oeuvre qui comprend des essais (Le lointain chemin qui mène à Toi et Souffrances des arbres en fleurs en 1990, Pourquoi n'ai je pas pu dire un mot sur les pétales des fleurs de grenade en 2001), des recueils poétiques (La fin de cet été-là en 1990, Souvenir des houx en 1993, Traces de vagues sur le front de la lune en 2003), et des aphorismes (Ta douleur ne sert même pas à rendre verte une feuille en 2001). Ancien professeur de littérature française spécialiste de Baudelaire, Nerval et Gide, il enseigne actuelle-ment la création littéraire à l'Université Keimyung de Daegu.; Source: http://www.amazon.fr/choses-sans-bouche-Lee-Seong-bok/dp/2842422767
The Colors of DawnEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Sun-Woo et al / 김선우 et al / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Throughout the twentieth century, few countries in Asia suffered more from foreign occupation, civil war, and international military conflict than Korea. The Colors of Dawn brings together the moving and powerful voices of over forty Korean poets from these turbulent years. From 1903 to 1945, the Japanese Empire occupied the Korean peninsula and instituted measures to annihilate the nation and its culture. After Japan's defeat in WWII, Korea became a killing ground during the Korean War (1950 to 1953). During this period and into the 1980s, South Korea was controlled by a military dictatorship, and today it remains on war footing. In the midst of internal and external conflicts, Korea's poets—threatened by the authorities with torture, imprisonment, and death—found ways to express their fierce desire for freedom and self-governance. The result is a century of outstanding poetry, from Sim Hun (1901) to more familiar modern and contemporary poets, such as Kim Chi-ha and Ko Ŭn. Source: http://www.uhpress.hawaii.edu/p-9566-9780824866228.aspx
Translated Books
We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).