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Collection of Winning Essays from the 3rd Korean Diaspora Literature Essay Contest

Collection of Winning Essays from the 3rd Korean Diaspora Literature Essay Contest
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Collection of Winning Essays from the 3rd Korean Diaspora Literature Essay Contest
Korean literature, diaspora literature, diaspora
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Title
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PDF/A Document
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온라인 열람
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

Collection of Winning Essays from the 3rd Korean Diaspora Literature Essay Contest The Literature Translation Institute of Korea began to hold the Korean Diaspora Literature Essay Contest in 2018 in an effort to advance the discourse on diaspora literature and to raise people’s recognition of diaspora literature. Under the theme of “Korean Literature Embracing Differences and Diversity,” the 3rd essay contest was held in the second half of 2019 for 26 works of ethnic Korean writers from overseas. The Collection of Winning Essays contains the winning essays of the 38 prize winners.

번역원은 이산문학 담론을 고취시키고 국내 인지도를 높이기 위해 2018년부터 한민족 이산문학 독후감대회를 개최해왔다. 2019년 상반기에 개최된 3회 독후감대회는 ‘차이와 다양성을 아우르는 우리 문학’을 주제로 하여, 26종의 해외 한인문학 작품을 대상으로 하고 있다. 수상작품집에는 수상자 38인의 수상작이 게재되어 있다.