Open Resources

This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


Video of the 2020 “Talk Talk” Online Symposium on Diaspora Literature

Video of the 2020 “Talk Talk” Online Symposium on Diaspora Literature
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Video of the 2020 “Talk Talk” Online Symposium on Diaspora Literature
Korean literature, overseas Korean literature, literary research, forum, symposium, discussion
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Title
Item type
MP4 Video
Access Type
온라인 열람
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

In celebration of the publication of the Introductory Sourcebooks on the Current Status of Overseas Korean Literature, the authors and researchers who participated in the production of the sourcebooks gathered to assess the needs of today’s overseas Korean literature as a valuable cultural asset of world literature at this symposium. The symposium was divided into two sessions: Part 1 examined the overall history and flow of overseas migration of Koreans and Korean diaspora literature, and discussed Korean diaspora literature in the Americas and post-Soviet states, and Part 2 focused on Korean diaspora literature in China and Korean diaspora literature in Japan under the theme of diasporic life and art in East Asia.

해외문학 창작현황 소개자료집의 출간을 기념하여, 제작에 참여한 집필진과 연구자들이 모여 오늘의 해외한인문학이 세계문학의 소중한 문화자산으로서 필요한 것이 무엇인가를 가늠한다. 총 2개의 세션으로 나누어 진행된다. 1부에서는 해외한인문학과 해외한인동포이주의 전반적인 역사와 흐름을 짚어보면서, 미주한인문학과 고려인 문학에 관하여 이야기한다. 2부에서는 동아시아의 디아스포라적 삶과 예술이라는 주제 아래 재일한인문학과 조선족 문학에 초점을 맞추어 이야기한다.