韩国现代文学作品选Chinese(简体) Available
Yun Yunjin et al / 윤윤진 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
《韩国现代文学作品选》是“21世纪韩国语专业系列教材”之一。本书选取现代韩国语文学领域中36位代表作家的代表作品或节选。每篇作品选读后提供作者及背景介绍、思考练习题及文学常识。本书可作为韩国语专业高年级文学课教学用书,也可供社会上具有相当韩国语基础的文学爱好者作进修读物。 Source : https://book.douban.com/subject/1445869/
A Ready-Made LifeEnglish(English) E-Book Available
Ch`ae Man-Sik et al / 채만식 et al / 1998 / -
A Ready Made Life is the first volume of early modern Korean fiction to appear in English in the U.S. Written between 1921 and 1943, the sixteen stories are an excellent introduction to the riches of modern Korean fiction. They reveal a variety of settings, voices, styles, and thematic concerns, and the best of them, masterpieces written mainly in the mid-1930s, display an impressive artistic maturity. Included among these authors are Hwang Sun-won, modern Korea's greatest short story writer; Kim Tong-in, regarded by many as the author who best captures the essence of the Korean identity; Ch'ae Man-shik, a master of irony; Yi Sang, a prominent modernist; Kim Yu-jong, whose stories are marked by a unique blend of earthy humor and compassion; Yi Kwang-su and Kim Tong-ni, modernizers of the language of twentieth-century Korean fiction; and Yi Ki-yúng, Yi T'ae-jun, and Pak T'ae-won, three writers who migrated to North Korea shortly after Liberation in 1945 and whose works were subsequently banned in South Korea until democratization in the late 1980s. One way of reading the stories, all of which were written during the Japanese occupation, is that beneath their often oppressive and gloomy surface lies an anticolonial subtext. They can also be read as a collective record of a people whose life choices were severely restricted, not just by colonization, but by education (either too little or too much, as the title story shows) and by a highly structured society that had little tolerance for those who overstepped its boundaries. Life was unremittingly onerous for many Koreans during this period, whatever their social background. In the stories, educated city folk fare little better than farmers and laborers. https://www.abebooks.com/9780824820718/Ready-Made-Life-Early-Masters-Modern-0824820711/plp
La dame de L'AnémoneFrench(Français) Available
Chu Yo-Sup et al / 주요섭 / 2005 / KDC구분 > Social science > Public administration
Dans la Corée des années 1930, un jeune étudiant se rend tous les soirs dans le salon de thé l'Anémone pour écouter La Symphonie inachevée de Schubert. Là, il dévisage avec insistance Yeongsuk, la belle gérante. Celle-ci se sent flattée d'être l'objet d'une passion si dévorante mais se désole de la timidité du jeune homme qui semble miné par son amour secret. Les quatre nouvelles de ce recueil nous entraînent au cœur d'une Corée fascinante. Elles nous révèlent une littérature originale - indépendante de ses sœurs chinoise et vietnamienne - dont les thèmes récurrents sont la misère, la laideur, l'impossibilité de s'aimer librement... dans un monde misérabiliste, écrasé par un confucianisme triomphant. Et pourtant, la plume alerte de l'écrivain, sa volonté de raconter une histoire, la force des personnages dégagent un sentiment de grande jubilation chez le lecteur, qui émerge de l'extraordinaire empathie créée par Chu Yo-Sup. Une véritable découverte. Source: http://www.amazon.fr/La-dame-LAnémone-Yo-Sup-Chu/dp/2752600194
Mama and the BoarderEnglish(English) Available
Chu Yo-Sup et al / 주요섭 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
Asia Publishers presents some of the very best modern Korean literature to readers worldwide through its new Korean literature series . We are proud and happy to offer it in the most authoritative translation by renowned translators of Korean literature. We hope that this series helps to build solid bridges between citizens of the world and Koreans through a rich in-depth understanding of Korea. Source : http://www.amazon.com/Bi-lingual-Edition-Modern-Korean-Literature/dp/B00U5PR6DE
Kim Dong-in et al / 김동인 et al / 1978 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
愛の韓国童話集Japanese(日本語) Available
Yi Ju-hong et al / 이주홍 et al / 2001 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Children and Adolescents > Classics of Children and Adolescents
This anthology introduces ten children’s stories published in Korea between the 1920s and the 1990s. It is noteworthy that works that are generally considered as general fiction in Korea, such as Hwang Sun-Won’s “Sonagi” (소나기 Rain Shower), Kim Yujung’s “Bombom” (봄봄 Spring, Spring), and Chu Yo-Sup’s “Sarang sonnim-gwa eomeoni” (사랑 손님과 어머니 Mama and the Boarder), are introduced in this book as “children’s stories.”
Избранные кopeйcкиe рассказы новейшего времениRussian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Chu Yo-Sup et al / 주요섭 et al / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
This anthology is a collection of seven modern Korean short stories, including Chu Yo-Sup’s “Sarang sonnim-gwa eomeoni” (사랑 손님과 어머니 Mama and the Boarder). The short stories are published in both the original Korean texts and their Russian translations, and the book also features commentary and explanatory notes on the works and their authors by Kim Hyoja.
Yi Sang y otros narradores coreanos (RELATOS)Spanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Yi Sang et al / 이상 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
A principios del siglo XX la narrativa coreana rompió con los modelos de la tradición. Un amplio grupo de autores se asomó a la vida cotidiana y contó los sufrimientos y las alegrías de su pueblo. Unos optaron por un severo realismo, otros, como Yi Sang, exploraron los senderos más arriesgados de la vanguardia. El volumen recoge una muestra de ocho de las figuras más sobresalientes del período. N° de ref. de la librería 14771
KORE ÖYKÜLERİTurkish(Türkçe) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Hyun Jin-geon et al / 현진건 et al / 2017 / -
Bu kitapta yer alan eserler Kore’nin Japon sömürgesi altında bulunduğu dönemlerde, sömürge altındayken bile kalemlerini bırakmayan Koreli yazarların öyküleridir. Modern Kore Edebiyatı’nın yükselişi ve toplumun modernleşmesi, geleneksel sosyo-politik düzenin yıkılışı ve Japon emperyalizminin acı tecrübesinin başlangıç aşamasında olduğu bir dönem olarak düşünülebilir. 1910 yılından 1945 yılına değin Kore; bağımsız bir devlet olarak değil, kültürel bir varlık olarak tam 35 yıl mevcudiyetini sürdürmüştür. Bu dönemin yazarları, sömürge gerçeği ile çatışmaya başlayıp sosyalizm düşüncesini edebiyat yoluyla topluma aşılamak için çaba göstermiştir. Yom Sang Seob, Kim Dong In, Na To Hyang, Jeon Yeong Taek, Kye Yong Muk, Hyon Jin Gon, Ju Yo Seop, Lee Tae Jun ve Yi Sang gibi yazarlara yer veren Kore Öyküleri, bu dönemin 11 önemli öykücüsünden 11 güçlü öyküyü bir araya getiriyor. Source: http://www.dr.com.tr/Kitap/Kore-Oykuleri/Kolektif/Edebiyat/Dunya-Oyku/urunno=0001729467001
B舎監とラブレター(韓国文学の源流 短編選1)Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Na Hye-seok et al / 나혜석 et al / 2022 / -
韓国(朝鮮)文学の黎明期を彩る文学は厳しい時代を反映して社会の底辺で報われぬ愛に生きる人たちの心をえぐられる物語を生み出してきた。 三従の道からの解放を自ら実践しようとして日本留学も果たした女性瓊姫は、新しい女性としての生き方を模索する「瓊姫(キョンヒ)」。白痴のように見えて実は、ある特殊な能力を持つ少年は自由を求めて危険な道に踏み出す「白痴? 天才?」。金を少しでも減らしたくない男。日々寄付を求めてやってくる人々を追い返すために猟犬を飼い始める「猟犬」。死んでから天国に行くより、今のこの世でほんの少しでもいいから、よい暮らしをしてみたいと願う男「人力車夫」。究極の貧しさゆえ空腹を満たすために腐ったサバを食べてしまい、食中毒をおこした息子を何とかして救おうと奔走する母親「朴乭(パクトル)の死」。厳格な舎監が夜な夜な繰り返す秘密の時間。その秘密を垣間見てしまった女学生たち「B舎監とラブレター」。朝鮮人の父親と日本人の母親を持つ混血の息子の葛藤と生きづらさを時代背景と共に綴る「南忠緒(ナムチュンソ)」。韓国最初の創作SF小説。人間の排泄物から必要な要素だけ取り出して人工肉を作る実験に明け暮れる笑えない現実「K博士の研究」。子どものころから主人に絶対服従を誓って生きてきたもの言えぬ男。ある日、屋敷が火事になり、若主人の新婦を救おうと火の中に飛び込んでいく「唖の三龍」。 Source : https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4863855249
Translated Books
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