CHEER UP FEMME FATALEEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Yi-deum et al / 김이듬 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry
Poetry. Asian American Studies. Translated from the Korean by Ji yoon Lee, Don Mee Choi and Johannes Goransson. "Kim Yi-Deum's poetry is the landscape of confession. The confession flows inside the landscape and the landscape soars inside the confession. These two elements of her poetry are interconnected in the way eros gets pulled up to the divine place. Her poetry appears as poetry, it also appears as prose. As poetry, it's polyphonic, and as prose, it's defiant. Her poetry is the theater of multiple personality. You hear the voices of hundreds of people, hundreds of things. These naked living things become her poetic subjects. In each poem, the different sensations of each body are invented. She punishes herself and accepts her own unsightly, gutless face. Her poetry is engaged in the difficult process of discovering the other inside her. Her rhythm, which emerges from the fishnet of interconnections, bites power and sets her free." Kim Hyesoon"
Poems of Kim Yideum, Kim Haengsook, & Kim Min JeongEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Yi-deum et al / 김이듬 et al / 2017 / -
This collection brings together three of the most exciting voices in contemporary Korean poetry to the English language in translation. These three women poets shock and delight, entertain and de-familiarize, corrupt and contaminate traditional readings and stereotypical definitions of Asian women, Asian poetry, Asian-ness. While K-pop girl groups sell cuteness, marketing the female body as an object to be consumed by the male gaze, poems by these three women reveal how that manufactured cuteness is a state of acute deformity. If the male gaze strips the female body of significant social agency through a loss of authenticity or aura, these poets give us a world that shuts down the power behind that gaze. https://www.amazon.com/Poems-Yideum-Haengsook-Jeong-Pacific/dp/1922181374
Blood SistersEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Yi-deum et al / 김이듬 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Blood Sisters tells the story of Jeong Yeoul, a young Korean college student in the 1980's, when the memory of President Chun Doohwan's violent suppression of student demonstrations against martial law was still fresh. Yideum captures with raw honesty the sense of dread felt by many Korean women during this time as Jeong struggles in a swirl of misguided desires and hopelessness against a society distorted by competing ideologies, sexual violence, and cultural conservatism. Facing this helplessness, her impulse is to escape into the world of art. Blood Sisters is a vivid, powerful portrayal of a woman’s efforts to live an authentic life in the face of injustice. source: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Sisters-Kim-Yideum/dp/1941920772
HysteriaEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Yi-deum et al / 김이듬 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry
Poetry. Asian & Asian American Studies. Edited by Joyelle McSweeney and Johannes Göransson. Translated by Jake Levine, Soeun Seo, and Hedgie Choi. Kim Yideum's second collection to appear in English continues to evoke the grotesqueries of her first work, while simultaneously delving further into the materiality of everyday life. Through an overflowing that echoes fellow feminist poet Kim Hyesoon, and a blunt, down to earth language that is unique to the poems, HYSTERIA rides through the surface of wage labor, patriarchy, and subsistence, proceeding through a variety of personas, human and otherwise, along an intensity that demands to be seen as it is, to be taken at face value. Source : https://www.abebooks.com/products/isbn/9780900575822/30309885616&cm_sp=snippet-_-srp1-_-PLP19
Against HealingEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Hyesoon et al / 김혜순 et al / 2019 / -
Translating Feminisms showcases intimate collaborations and conversations between some of Asia's most exciting women writers and emerging-star translators: contemporary poetry of labour and language, alongside essays exploring how, where and by whom feminist writing and female bodies are translated. For us at Tilted Axis Press, feminist publishing means working against the fetishisation of 'oppression' and demands that authors explicitly subscribe to what white women recognise as feminism, or even foreground their femaleness in their work. We work towards ensuring that the women we publish have the creative agency to contextualise their own work, resisting the commodification and/or erasure of their femaleness on their own terms. As part of Tilted Axis's wider project of decolonisation through and of translation, and in response to seeing women authors of colour misread through a white feminist lens, we wanted to re-imagine the possibilities of a fully intersectional, international feminism. In the process, we ve expanded our own conception of feminist writing and being we hope these chapbooks will do the same for you. Source : https://www.amazon.com/Against-Healing-Nine-Korean-Poets/dp/1911284312
KIM HYESOON et al / 김혜순 et al / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical
HisteriaPolish(Polski) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Yi-deum et al / 김이듬 / 2022 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry
Intrygujący, a zarazem zupełnie unikalny zbiór tekstów koreańskiej poetki. Sięgnij po niego i spotkaj się z tym, co nieoczekiwane, zaskakujące i odważne. "Histeria" to publikacja zawierająca rozmaite utwory Kim Yideum. Wśród nich najwięcej jest wierszy, choć można też odnaleźć prozę poetycką czy malownicze opisy sytuacyjne. Teksty, które czytelnik odnajdzie w przedstawianej książce, są bezkompromisowe, często kontrowersyjne, a przede wszystkim odważne. Dotyczą tematów, które każdy zna, ale nie każdy chce otwarcie poruszać. Widać w nich sporo nowatorstwa, a oryginalne spojrzenie na wiele spraw na pewno zwraca uwagę każdego, kto po nie sięgnie. Autorka nie owija w bawełnę, ukazując otaczającą ją rzeczywistość dokładnie tak, jak ją widzi. Zwraca uwagę na niedoskonałość ogólnie przyjętych norm społecznych, pewne bariery światopoglądowe, a także wyraźny zanik empatii wśród ludzi. Nie zamierza iść na żadne kompromisy i potępia też postawy, które zakładają iście na ustępstwa tylko po to, by przypodobać się innym lub uzyskać spokój kosztem samego siebie. Przede wszystkim w jej poezji widoczny jest sprzeciw wobec toksycznym relacjom i przemocy, jakich często doświadczają kobiety. source : https://www.taniaksiazka.pl/histeria-kim-yideum-p-1716519.html
Translated Books
We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).