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Kim Yi-deum(김이듬)

Kim Yi-deum

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Kim Yi-deum
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Kim Yideum, Kim Yi-Deum
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  • English(English)
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Kim Yi-deum was born in Jinju, South Korea. She studied German literature at Pusan National University, and earned her doctoral degree in Korean literature from Gyeongsang National University. In 2001, Kim made her literary debut by publishing her poems in the quarterly journal Poesie. She is the author of the poetry collections A Stain in the Shape of a Star, Cheer up, Femme Fatale, The Unspeakable Lover, Song of Berlin, Dahlem, Hysteria, Drifting Black Hair, and Wearing an Undried T-shirt; the novel Blood Sisters; the essay collections Friends of Every Nationality, Dear Slovenia, and Goodbye, My Little Table; and the collection of critical essays A Study on Modern Korean Feminist Poetry. Her works Cheer up, Femme Fatale, Hysteria, and Blood Sisters are available in English translation. As part of the international program of the Arts Council Korea, Kim lectured on Korean literature at the Free University of Berlin in 2012 and at the University of Ljubljana in 2015. She has received numerous awards, including the Poetry & the World Literary Award, the Kim Daljin Changwon Award, the Poem of the Year Prize, the 22nd Century Literary Award, the Kim Chunsoo Poetry Award, the National Translation Award, and the Lucien Stryk Asian Translation Prize. Kim Yi-deum is currently Professor of Creative Writing at Hanyang University.

김이듬(1969~)은 한국의 시인이다. 2001년 <포에지>에 <욕조a에서 달리는 욕조A를 지나>외 6편의 시를 발표하며 작품활동을 시작했다. 작가는 소외되고 억압된 여성의 목소리를 강렬한 시어로 드러내고 있다. 2014년에 출간한 시집<히스테리아>로 2020년 한국최초로 전미번역상, 루시엔 스트릭 번역상을 수상했다. 

金怡得(1969-),韩国诗人。2001年在《诗歌》发表《路过在浴缸a奔跑的浴缸A》(《욕조a에서 달리는 욕조A를 지나》)等7首诗作,从此开始创作活动。其作品以稳健的笔风描写了受排斥和压迫的女性的呼声。诗集《歇斯底里》(《히스테리아》)于2020年获韩国首个全美翻译奖——吕西恩•斯特莱克翻译奖。        诗集《不能说的爱人》(《말할 수 없는 애인》,2011)、《歇斯底里》(《히스테리아》,2014)

  • 시집<말할 수 없는 애인>(2011), <히스테리아>(2014)

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