Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

14 results
  • Seri Sastra Korea Abad Ke-20 Jilid 1
    Seri Sastra Korea Abad Ke-20 Jilid 1
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Funded by LTI Korea

    Cho Myung-hee et al / 조명희 et al / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • 韩国现代文学作品选
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Yun Yunjin et al / 윤윤진 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    《韩国现代文学作品选》是“21世纪韩国语专业系列教材”之一。本书选取现代韩国语文学领域中36位代表作家的代表作品或节选。每篇作品选读后提供作者及背景介绍、思考练习题及文学常识。本书可作为韩国语专业高年级文学课教学用书,也可供社会上具有相当韩国语基础的文学爱好者作进修读物。 Source :

  • 小説家仇甫氏の一日 : ほか十三編
    小説家仇甫氏の一日 : ほか十三編
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Hyeon Sangyun et al / 현상윤 et al / 2006 / -

    朝鮮のモダニズムの旗手として有名な朴泰遠の表題作をはじめ、1910年代から40年代の植民地期の朝鮮近代文学の多彩な短編を、時代を追って読むことのできるアンソロジー。   Source:

  • 再訳 朝鮮詩集
    再訳 朝鮮詩集
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    日本帝国植民地下に編纂・和訳された『朝鮮詩集』。六十余年を経て、在日の民族詩人・金時鐘は朝鮮本土に原詩収集と詩人たちの経歴調査をおこない、詩の形態を含め、原詩の保全を第一とする再訳を果たした。祖国解放からあらたな文体を得てはじめて立ち現れる朝鮮の真なる詩人とは―。ハングル原詩との対訳、さらに詩人略歴を全面改訂。 Source:再訳-朝鮮詩集-金-時鐘/dp/4000238426

  • 赵明熙诗文集

    Cho Myung-hee et al / 조명희 / 1983 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)

  • Избранна лирика
    Избранна лирика

    Cho Myung-hee et al / 조명희 / 1995 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)

  • Rat Fire
    Rat Fire
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Park Young-hee et al / 박영희 et al / 2013 / -

    Proletarian writing dominated the colonial Korean literary scene from the mid-1920s to the mid-1930s and left a lasting legacy in the later, post-1945 literatures of North and South Korea. Rat Fire: Korean Stories from the Japanese Empire brings together thirteen short stories by colonial Korean writers, as well as two works written in 1946 under U.S. military occupation. Political cartoons, illustrations, newspaper clippings, and photographs--over sixty included in the volume--place the works of Korean writers in close conversation with the rich history of colonial proletarian visual culture. This anthology moves across verbal and visual media and geographical borders, following characters making their way through disintegrating rural areas and flourishing colonial urban centers, from the alluring margins of the Japanese metropole to the expanding Manchurian frontier. Rat Fire: Korean Stories from the Japanese Empire broadens and complicates the definition of the colonial Korean proletarian culture movement. In this volume, writers and artists confront the shifting boundaries of ethnicity/race, class, and culture that were reconfiguring both colonial Korea and the Japanese metropolitan center in the context of global imperialism in the first half of the twentieth century. Contributing translators: Ruth Barraclough, Mee Chang, Kimberly Chung, Bruce Fulton, Ju-Chan Fulton, Theodore Hughes, Young-Ji Kang, I Jonathan Kief, Ross King, Jin-kyung Lee, Samuel Perry, Christina Yi   Source :

  • корейски разкази
    корейски разкази
    Bulgarian(български) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kim Dong-in et al / 김동인 et al / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Антологията Корейски разкази съдържа творби от един от най-мрачните периоди в корейската история - Японската окупация (1910 - 1945). В сложната обстановка, в която писателите са принудени да се съобразяват с властта и наложената цензура, те съумяват майсторски да пресъздадат действителността през очите на широка палитра от персонажи. Героите в разказите варират от гении до умствено изостанали, от борци за свобода до хора, примирили се с крайната си бедност. Писателите са изправени пред дилемата дали да приемат мерките, наложени от властта, или да се борят с тях и проектират своите терзания върху описаните герои, които често са противоречиви като характер. Читателят остава без дъх от дълбочината на емоциите, сложната реконструкция на шокиращата действителност и разкритията за подбудите на персонажите и нерядко трябва да направи избора: да осъди или оправдае действията на героите. Source :

  • Silvery World and Other Stories
    Silvery World and Other Stories
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Injik et al / 이인직 et al / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    A new collection of translations of Korean fiction from the colonial period of the early twentieth century. The contents will introduce readers to works written from a variety of viewpoints, including those that advocate pro-Japanese stands, to anarchy, and to socialist narratives. These works also demonstrate the growth of literature in Korea during this time as the authors use new narrative techniques and aims in their creations. Along with the translations, the volume includes an overall introduction to give readers the necessary background information to appreciate the stories and also individual introductions to each story to provide specifics on the authors and their writings. Both Korean specialists and non-specialists will find the works in this collection easy to approach and informative of how some saw life in this turbulent period of Korea’s history.   Source URL :

  • 現代朝鮮詩選

    Kim Sowol et al / 김소월 et al / 1960 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Curated and translated by Ho Namugi, a Zainichi Korean poet and translator, this collection features 60 poems from colonial Korea and North Korea. The book is divided into four parts—Part 1 includes poems from the Japanese colonial era such as Kim Sowol’s “Sanyuhwa” (산유화 Mountain flowers); Part 2 includes poems from the liberation period; Part 3 includes poems from the Korean War era; and Part 4, which encompasses poems written up until the 1960s.