E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

5 results
  • The Old Woman with the Knife
    The Old Woman with the Knife
    English(English) Ebook

    Gu Byeong-mo / 구병모 / 2022 / -

    The kinetic story of a sixty-five-year-old female assassin who faces an unexpected threat in the twilight of her career—this is an international bestseller and the English language debut from an award-winning South Korean author At sixty-five, Hornclaw is beginning to slow down. She lives modestly in a small apartment, with only her aging dog, a rescue named Deadweight, to keep her company. There are expectations for people her age—that she'll retire and live out the rest of her days quietly. But Hornclaw is not like other people. She is an assassin. Double-crossers, corporate enemies, cheating spouses—for the past four decades, Hornclaw has killed them all with ruthless efficiency, and the less she's known about her targets, the better. But now, nearing the end of her career, she has just slipped up. An injury leads her to an unexpected connection with a doctor and his family. But emotions, for an assassin, are a dangerous proposition. As Hornclaw's world closes in, this final chapter in her career may also mark her own bloody end. A sensation in South Korea, and now translated into English for the first time by Chi-Young Kim, The Old Woman with the Knife is an electrifying, singular, mordantly funny novel about the expectations imposed on aging bodies and the dramatic ways in which one woman chooses to reclaim her agency. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6241484?cid=37224

  • The Old Woman with the Knife
    The Old Woman with the Knife
    English(English) AudioBook

    Gu Byeong-mo / 구병모 / 2022 / -

    *A Most Anticipated Read in LitHub, CrimeReads, Thrillist, and Popsugar* The kinetic story of a sixty-five-year-old female assassin who faces an unexpected threat in the twilight of her career—this is an international bestseller and the English language debut from an award-winning South Korean author At sixty-five, Hornclaw is beginning to slow down. She lives modestly in a small apartment, with only her aging dog, a rescue named Deadweight, to keep her company. There are expectations for people her age—that she'll retire and live out the rest of her days quietly. But Hornclaw is not like other people. She is an assassin. Double-crossers, corporate enemies, cheating spouses—for the past four decades, Hornclaw has killed them all with ruthless efficiency, and the less she's known about her targets, the better. But now, nearing the end of her career, she has just slipped up. An injury leads her to an unexpected connection with a doctor and his family. But emotions, for an assassin, are a dangerous proposition. As Hornclaw's world closes in, this final chapter in her career may also mark her own bloody end. A sensation in South Korea, and now translated into English for the first time by Chi-Young Kim, The Old Woman with the Knife is an electrifying, singular, mordantly funny novel about the expectations imposed on aging bodies and the dramatic ways in which one woman chooses to reclaim her agency. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6476546

  • La vieille dame au couteau
    La vieille dame au couteau
    French(Français) Ebook

    GU Byeong-mo et al / 구병모 / 2022 / -

    Chemise imprimée à petites fleurs, pantalon noir, Jogak ressemble à n'importe quelle autre dame de soixante-cinq ans. Sauf que ce vendredi-là, dans le métro, elle s'apprête à commettre un meurtre. Elle n'en est pas à son premier coup. Au fil des ans, Jogak s'est taillé une solide réputation dans le milieu des tueurs à gages. Mais dernièrement, quelque chose a changé : la solitude, les remords, la vieillesse... Qui sait ? Son bras tremble chaque fois un peu plus au moment de porter le coup fatal. Qu'importe, Jogak a une dernière mission à accomplir, que celle-ci sonne l'heure de sa retraite ou de sa fin sanglante. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/8952967?cid=37224

  • 破果
    Chinese(汉语) Ebook

    GU Byeong-mo et al / 구병모 / 2020 / -

    她――是老人,也是女人;而在充滿歧視與壓迫的社會中,她,成了殺手。 韓國女性小說新流派,以犀利筆鋒,一刀剖開「敬老」二字最醜陋的一面―― 「老」是什麼? 是身邊的人事物都在消失,只有自己還在原地。 是被大眾遺忘,是受年輕人歧視,是被世界認為無用。 老,是我無法直視的鏡中倒影。 殺手爪角,今年六十五,從事取人性命的工作已過四十載。 從小寄人籬下的她務實地遵守著儉樸的生存守則,並遵照亦師如父的男人「流」的忠告――「不要製造必須守護的東西」,平靜地生活著。 要說殺手最大的危機是什麼?不是失敗,不是樹敵,而是變老。 時間流逝,她開始感到體力的變化,變得易忘事,也逐漸多愁善感。傳奇殺手的利爪變鈍,變得無用。以為身邊一切都會和時間一同消逝,一無所有的她,也將一無所有的走到生命盡頭。 然而,這樣的人生因為一次相遇,產生巨大改變。 為了留住那絕無僅有、特別耀眼的瞬間,她第一次盡全力去活―― 因為你是女人,受到侮辱是常有的事,必須置之不理。 因為你是老人,沒有用處,年輕人一定會看輕你。 因為你是女人,又是老人,自然被剝奪了名字,也被抹除了活在世上的資格―― 然而,她依舊想抵抗這樣的世界。 Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5704095?cid=37224

  • Frau mit Messer
    Frau mit Messer
    German(Deutsch) Ebook

    Gu Byeong-mo / 구병모 / 2022 / -

    Wieviel James Bond steckt in einer Frau Anfang sechzig? Als Auftragsmörderin ist es Hornclaw nur recht, dass sie chronisch übersehen und unterschätzt wird. Mit jeder Stunde scheint sie unsichtbarer zu werden, und niemand ahnt, dass sie ein Messer hat, mit dem sie umzugehen weiß. Seit 40 Jahren tötet sie eiskalt im Auftrag anderer. Immer ist sie entkommen. Doch das Altern lässt sie ein wenig softer werden. Plötzlich gibt es Menschen, die sie schützenswert findet, und das, nachdem sie genau das ihr Leben lang vermieden hat. Und kaum ist das Visier unten, nehmen ihre Verfolger ihre Spur auf. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/9992644