札幌旅店Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Ha Seong-nan et al / 하성란 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
少年善明在一次交通事故中身亡,遗体上的左耳不翼而飞……双胞胎姐姐珍明的左耳也不断耳鸣,在频频袭来的幻听中,竟反复听到不明其意的一句日语:“我的名字叫小介”。难道这是来自弟弟善明的呼唤吗?弟弟生前仿佛有意让人寻宝似藏起的四只小钟,开启了珍明长达十年的追寻:谜一样的小钟仅留下两只,另两只下落何处?其中一只在深爱善明的少女尹美来手上,但她却在一次登山活动中失踪;常年沉浸在悲痛心情中的珍明偶然间看到了一个有钟楼图案的镜框,背景是日本城市札幌。多年后,无法放下这一切的珍明独自来到札幌,在别人的对话中听到了“小介”两字,几经周折,她终于在小介的房间内发现了第四只小钟,以及自己的照片和善明寄给他的信…… Source: http://product.dangdang.com/20575548.html
現代韓国短篇選 上Japanese(日本語) Available
Kyung-Sook Shin et al / 신경숙 et al / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
6 stories 現代韓国女性作家短編Japanese(日本語) Available
Ji-Young Gong et al / 공지영 et al / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
30~40代の女性作家6人が描く「今日の韓国」。隣の部屋の女に翻弄される主婦の日常「隣の家の女」、カウンセリングを受け離婚を決意する「ちょっとした日々の記録」など。巻末エッセー・鷺沢萠 Source: http://www.amazon.co.jp/stories-シックスストーリーズ-現代韓国女性作家短編-キム-インスク/dp/4087733602
JI-DOSpanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Son Chang-sop et al / 손창섭 et al / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Desde el fin de las dictaduras (1961-1987) en la literatura coreana hubo un florecimiento literario no exento de crudeza, ironía y, en definitiva, una exacer¬bación de todo lo que puede pedírsele a la literatura en un país que en el siglo XX ha atravesado todos los dramas posibles. Si algo caracteriza a los ocho escritores contemporáneos que acá presentamos, es el tener posiciones políticas ligadas al contexto histórico social, y no a la autonomía literaria o a los parámetros claustrofóbicos de valoración literaria impuestos por la modernidad. Este es un atributo diferencial, no un valor. Es decir, es el modo en que lo político entra en el lenguaje de una sociedad oriental específica. Corea no terminó de salir de la pobreza y saldar los traumas que dejó el colonialismo japonés, cuando estalló la guerra de Corea (1950-1953). Las secuelas, a pesar de la entrada acelerada en el neoliberalismo y la dosis paliativa de amnesia que el mundo del entretenimiento y el consumo inyectó en una sociedad avanzada e hipertecnologizada, todavía hoy duran. Los escritores reunidos en este volumen pertenecen de algún modo a esa Corea única, previa a la división. Los ocho cuentos forman un mapa posible para entender la literatura coreana más reciente y su principal corriente: un realismo de corte social que sincroniza la literatura y la historia con el presente nacional. JI-DO, en este sentido, puede resultar una antinomia básica que muestra un secreto natural de la literatura: el de las ficciones que producen realidad. Oliverio Coelho SOURCE : http://santiagoarcos.com.ar/?p=130
あの夏の修辞法Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Ha Seong-nan et al / 하성란 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
非情な現代都市に生きる人間の日常の裏面を、冷徹な観察者の目線で細密に描写するハ・ソンナンが、本格的な都市化へと向かう70年代初頭の韓国の姿を、自らの分身とも思える少女の目を通して描き出した作品。 原題<그 여름의 수사법> Source URL : http://shop.chekccori.tokyo/products/detail/1199
Die NachbarinGerman(Deutsch)
Ha Seong-nan et al / 하성란 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story
COREE DES VILLES, COREE DES CHAMPSFrench(Français) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea
Youn Dae-Nyeong et al / 윤대녕 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
La ville brille, mais blesse. Elle représente toutes les illusions, les aspirations sociales de la jeunesse, mais aussi les rêves brisés, les amertumes. Dans Les Poncires, une grand-mère rompt avec la morosité de son appartement citadin pour faire un dernier voyage : les somptueux paysages de l’île de Jeju, au large de la Corée. Un homme entre deux âges retourne dans son village natal s’occuper de ses vieux parents et redécouvre la vie à la campagne dans La Lumière du printemps, tandis que le père d’une famille habitant un immeuble résidentiel considère l’éventualité d’échanger son épouse pour sa jeune voisine dans La Femme d’à côté. source: http://www.decrescenzo-editeurs.com/portfolio-items/coree-des-villes-coree-des-champs/
AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)English(English) Available
David R. McCann et al / 데이비드 매캔 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical
"Azalea is about Korean literature and literary culture, and therefore about writing, publishing, translating, and reading. The writing has already happened, the translation too, but now for the reading! We have looked at original works, wondering who might best translate a gem. Or we have discovered a strong translation and asked, 'Can we publish it?' And how might artwork of various kinds, or perhaps photographs of Korea contemporaneous with the literary works, be added to the mix? The occasional hortatory note, such as my own in this issue about the 1953 short story 'Cranes' by Hwang Sunwon, may add another edge, perhaps, to the reader's framing and reframing of the piece." --from the Editor's Note Contributors: Heinz Insu Fenkl, Ha Seong-nan, Mickey Hong, Huh Su-gyung, Hwang In-sook, Hwang Jiwoo, Hwang Sunwon, Kim Aeran, Kim Chiha, Kim Hyesoon, Kim Jung-Hyuk, Kim Seung-Hui, Kim Young-ha, Ko Un, Lee Changdong, Lee Hye-kyung, Lee Moon-jae, Lee Si-Young, Chonggi Mah, David R. McCann, Orhan Pamuk, Park Min-gyu, Robert Pinsky, Song Ch'an-ho, Ronald Suleski, Sung Suk-je,Yoon Sung-Hee,Yun Dae Nyeong, Dafna Zur.
Flowers of MoldEnglish(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available
Ha Seong-nan / 하성란 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)
On the surface, Ha Seong-nan's stories seem pleasant enough, yet there's something disturbing just below the surface, ready to permanently disrupt the characters' lives. A woman meets her next-door neighbor and loans her a spatula, then starts suffering horrific gaps in her memory. A man, feeling jilted by an unrequited love, becomes obsessed with sorting through his neighbors' garbage in the belief that it will teach him how to better relate to people. A landlord decides to raise the rent, and his tenants hatch a plan to kill him at a team-building retreat. In ten captivating, unnerving stories, Flowers of Mold presents a range of ordinary individuals--male and female, young and old--who have found themselves left behind by an increasingly urbanized and fragmented world. The latest in the trend of brilliant female Korean authors to appear in English, Ha cuts like a surgeon, and even the most mundane objects become menacing and unfamiliar under her scalpel. source: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781940953960
Bluebeard's First WifeEnglish(English) Available
Ha Seong-nan / 하성란 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story
Disasters, accidents, and deaths abound in Bluebeard’s First Wife. A woman spends a night with her fiancé and his friends, and overhears a terrible secret that has bound them together since high school. A man grows increasingly agitated by the apartment noise made by a young family living upstairs and arouses the suspicion of his own wife when the neighbors meet a string of unlucky incidents. A couple moves into a picture-perfect country house, but when their new dog is stolen, they become obsessed with finding the thief, and in the process, neglect their child. Ha’s paranoia-inducing, heart-quickening stories will have you reconsidering your own neighbors. Source : https://www.amazon.com/
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