Choi Inhak et al / 최인학 et al / 1988 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century
The collection introduces seven children’s stories, including the titular story “Bame bon gudu” (밤에 본 구두 The Shoes I Saw at Night) by Choi Inhak, and others that were published in Korea between the 1960s and the 1980s. It also features explanatory notes by the translator Han Guyong.
Bang Jeong-hwan et al / 방정환 et al / 1991 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
This poetry collection compiles poems written by 62 poets, ranging from Kim Sowol and Yun Tong-Ju to contemporary poets, specifically selected for children. The book features poems that are easily approachable and understandable for anyone from the lower grades in elementary school and older.
蟋蟀来电话了Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kang So-chon et al / 강소천 / 2020 / -
本书适合3-10岁孩子阅读,内容纯真、童趣,充满想象力。诗集共分为自然篇、游戏篇、童梦篇、成长篇、亲情篇五个篇章。篇幅短小精悍,画面感强,情感丰沛,内容丰富,向孩子传递着世界的美好和善意,将生活的哲理潜移默化分享给孩子,帮助他们认识世界、了解自我、提高审美、收获自信和勇气。全彩印刷,知名童书插画师定制插画。一诗一画,诗画一体,给读者更多美的享受。 source : https://www.amazon.com/蟋蟀来电话了-韩-姜小泉/dp/7533960386
Translated Books
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