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Chung Serang(정세랑)

Chung Serang

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Chung Serang
Family Name
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Chung Serang
Pen Name
チョン・セラン, Chung Serang, 鄭世朗
Representative Works
  • Descriptions
  • Korean(한국어)
  • English(English)
  • Chinese(简体)

1984년 서울에서 태어났다. 2010년 장르문학전문잡지 《판타스틱》에 「드림, 드림, 드림」을 발표하며 작품활동을 시작했다. 폭력이 일상화된 세계를 묘사하면서도 평범한 개인의 선한 의지와 가능성을 긍정하며 끝내 희망적인 결말로 나아가는 작품들을 선보여왔다. 『이만큼 가까이』, 『보건교사 안은영』, 『피프티 피플』 등 일곱 권의 장편소설과 소설집 『옥상에서 만나요』, 『목소리를 드릴게요』가 있다. 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 넷플릭스 드라마 <보건교사 안은영>의 극본을 집필했다. 2013년 창비장편소설상, 2017년 한국일보문학상을 받았다. 

Chung Serang was born in 1984 in Seoul, Korea. She debuted in 2010 with the publication of the story “Dream, Dream, Dream” in the SF fantasy magazine Fantastique. Her writing usually depicts a world in which violence has become an everyday occurrence. Yet, the characters in her novels affirm individual good will and potential of ordinary people, and thus find hope in the end. Chung is the author of seven novels including As Close as This, and School Nurse Ahn Eunyoung and two short story collections: See You on the Rooftop and You Can Have My Voice. She has written the screenplay for School Nurse Files, an upcoming Netflix original series based on School Nurse Ahn Eunyoung. Chung is the recipient of the 2013 Changbi Prize in Fiction and the 2017 Hankook Ilbo Literary Award. 

郑世郎(1984-),韩国小说家。2010年在科幻杂志《幻想》发表作品《梦、梦、梦》(《드림, 드림, 드림》),从此步入文坛。初期主要创作科幻小说,之后的作品主要讲述人们在现实中所受的内心创伤。曾获创批长篇小说奖、《韩国日报》文学奖等奖项。        长篇小说《想念虎牙》(《덧니가 보고 싶어》,2011)、《保健教师安恩英》(《보건교사 안은영》,2015/台湾商务出版社(台湾),2020)

Original Works19 See More

  • DLKL
    Japanese(日本語) Printed/Published Work
    문예 2021 冬

    Munye 2021 dong

    Chung Serang / 정세랑 / 2021
  • 보건교사 안은영
    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work
    보건교사 안은영

    Bogeon gyosa An Eunyeong

    Chung Serang / 정세랑 / 2015
  • 옥상에서 만나요
    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work
    옥상에서 만나요

    Oksangeseo mannayo

    Chung Serang / 정세랑 / 2018

Translated Books30 See More



Title Author Running time Language Year
Novel Reading, I - Audio Clip from the Seoul International Writers Festival 2020 Chung Serang 00:35:14 Korean(한국어) 2020
Audio Clip of the Closing Keynote Speeches from the Seoul International Writers Festival 2020 Chung Serang 01:10:37 Korean(한국어) 2020
