보건교사 안은영
- Original Title
- 보건교사 안은영
- Title Romanization
- Bogeon gyosa An Eunyeong
- Title Sub
- 정세랑 장편소설
- English Title(Printed)
- School Nurse Ahn Eunyoung
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy
- Author
- Chung Serang
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2015
- Publisher
- 민음사
- 9788937473098
- The Series
- 김지하전집; 3 - 희곡
- Main Characters
- Ahn Eun-young, Hong In-pyo
- Subject/Theme
- Special power, violent reality
Ahn Eun-young, a public health teacher at M High School, has a special power to see things that are invisible to others. Ahn Eun-young's power is often used to exorcise demons. Ahn and Hong In-pyo join forces to address and resolve violence, scars, and conflicts among people and to create a safe school for students.
Translated Books5 See More
Japanese(日本語) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available保健室のアン・ウニョン先生
Chinese(繁體) Funded by LTI Korea Available保健教師安恩英
Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Funded by LTI KoreaSchool Nurse Ahn Eunyoung
Related Resources16 See More
English(English) DocumentWorking People in Korean Literature: The Ethics of Chivalry and the Passion of Gamblers
English(English) DocumentSchool Nurse Ahn Eun-young
English(English) PublicationKLN(Korean Literature Now) Vol.48