E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

18 results
  • The Girl Who Wrote Loneliness
    English(English) AudioBook

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999

    The highly anticipated release of the most personal novel by Kyung-sook Shin, who first burst onto the literary scene with the New York Times bestseller Please Look after Mom Homesick and alone, a teenage girl has just arrived in Seoul to work in a factory. Her family, still in the countryside, is too impoverished to keep sending her to school, so she works long, sunless days on a stereo assembly line, struggling through night school every evening in order to achieve her dream of becoming a writer. Korea's brightest literary star sets this complex and nuanced coming-of-age story against the backdrop of Korea's industrial sweatshops of the 1970s and takes on the extreme exploitation, oppression, and urbanization that helped catapult Korea's economy out of the ashes of war. But it was girls like Shin's heroine who formed the bottom of Seoul's rapidly changing social hierarchy, forgotten and ignored. Richly autobiographical, The Girl Who Wrote Loneliness lays bare the conflict and confusion Shin faces as she confronts her past and the sweeping social change of the past half-century. Cited in Korea as one of the most important literary novels of the decade, this novel cements Shin's legacy as one of the most insightful and exciting writers of her generation. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/F768CADD-6281-4CF6-8FE0-438CEA82E386

  • Por favor, cuida de mamá [Kindle Edition]
    Spanish(Español) Ebook

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2007 / -

    Park So-nyo, una humilde campesina, ha sido durante toda la vida una abnegada madre de familia, una mujer que siempre lo ha sacrificado todo para dar una educación a sus hijos. Ahora, tras haberse perdido en la estación central de Seúl cuando iba a visitar a sus hijos a la ciudad, su búsqueda desesperada se convierte en un encendido elogio de los lazos familiares lleno de emoción. Una novela que cautivará a todos los lectores por su sencillez, sinceridad y la honestidad de su mensaje universal que ensalza la figura materna. Source:  http://www.amazon.es/favor-cuida-mamá-Kyung-Sook-Shin-ebook/dp/B006543C32/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1423803954&sr=1-1&keywords=Por favor, cuida de mamá   Purchase Kindle Edition >>  http://www.amazon.es/favor-cuida-mamá-Kyung-Sook-Shin-ebook/dp/B006543C32/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1423803954&sr=1-1&keywords=Por favor, cuida de mamá

  • The Girl Who Wrote Loneliness
    English(English) Ebook

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999

    The Girl Who Wrote Loneliness is a stark and lyrical work that follows a teen-aged girl who has just arrived in Seoul to work in a factory while struggling to achieve her dream of finishing school and becoming a writer. Shin sets the this complex and nuanced coming of age story against the backdrop of Korea's industrial sweatshops of the 1970's and takes on the extreme exploitation, oppression, and urbanization that helped catapult Korea's economy out of the ashes of the war.Millions of teen-aged girls from the countryside descended on Seoul in the late 1970's. These girls formed the bottom of the city's social hierarchy, forgotten and ignored. Richly autobiographical, the novel lays bare the conflict and confusion Shin goes through as she confronts her past and the sweeping social change that has taken place in her homeland over the past half century. The Girl Who Wrote Loneliness has been cited in Korea as one of the most important literary novels of the decade, and cements Shin's legacy as one of the most insightful and exciting young writers of her generation. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/C6E29BF2-1AED-49EC-A982-A9E1CEE58C31

  • Cuentos coreanos del siglo XX [Kindle Edition]
    Spanish(Español) Ebook

    Hyun Jin-geon et al / 현진건 et al / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    En su mayor parte, los últimos cien años de la literatura coreana han transcurrido entre el dolor y la violencia. Si bien la península se deshizo desus últimos vestigios feudales y accedió a la modernidad a partir de lacaída de la dinastía Choson (1392-1910), en las décadas siguientes todavíapadeció los horrores de la ocupación, la guerra y la dictadura. Invadido por Japón (1910-1945), el país sufrió una severa política de aculturación; dividida la nación en 1946, se vio inmersa en la Guerra deCorea (1950-1953); y aún debió padecer largas décadas de dictadura militar (1961-1987) antes de llegar a un régimen democrático. La narrativa coreana se ha visto así abocada a una doble urgencia. Por una parte, superar las fórmulas tradicionales del relato e incorporar las más novedosas técnicas narrativas; y, por otra, generar una literatura de resistencia, altamente comprometida con los valores humanísticos y democráticos que anhelaban los coreanos. El resultado de tal esfuerzo se ha visto recompensado por una importante nómina de autores,por fuertes y variadas tendencias literarias y por un público lector altamente exigente. Los más jóvenes creadores, testigos de un extraordinario renacimiento económico, se enfrentan con audacia a los nuevos retos que afronta el país. La actual narrativa coreana articula con maestría su discurso a partir de la rica memoria heredada, pero, simultáneamente,incorpora a su escritura registros novedosos que le permiten auscultar la angustia del hombre contemporáneo. La selección que aquí presentamos es una muestra cabal del progresivodesarrollo de una literatura que, aunque poco conocida en España,comienza a ser considerada fuera de sus fronteras, como una de las másauténticas y valiosas del actual panorama literario internacional.   SOURCE: http://www.verbumeditorial.com/es/libreria/Catalog/show/cuentos-coreanos-del-siglo-xx-193876   Purchase Kindle Edition >>  http://www.amazon.es/Cuentos-coreanos-del-siglo-XX-ebook/dp/B0071NMCPA/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1423728284&sr=1-1&keywords=Cuentos coreanos del siglo XX  

  • Please Look After Mom
    English(English) Ebook

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2011 / -

    WINNER OF THE MAN ASIAN LITERARY PRIZE When sixty-nine-year-old So-nyo is separated from her husband among the crowds of the Seoul subway station, her family begins a desperate search to find her. Yet as long-held secrets and private sorrows begin to reveal themselves, they are forced to wonder: how well did they actually know the woman they called Mom? Told through the piercing voices and urgent perspectives of a daughter, son, husband, and mother, Please Look After Mom is at once an authentic picture of contemporary life in Korea and a universal story of family love. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6414CB21-FE2F-4974-AA63-03662E273FE1

  • I'll Be Right There
    English(English) Ebook

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    “A love story between friends. It is so well written. [Kyung-sook Shin] has this use of language that is just beautiful and poetic. It’s a great book if you’re looking to escape.” —Chelsea Handler, #1 New York Times bestselling author How friendship, European literature, and a charismatic professor defy war, oppression, and the absurd Set in 1980s South Korea amid the tremors of political revolution, I’ll Be Right There follows Jung Yoon, a highly literate, twenty-something woman, as she recounts her tragic personal history as well as those of her three intimate college friends. When Yoon receives a distressing phone call from her ex-boyfriend after eight years of separation, memories of a tumultuous youth begin to resurface, forcing her to re-live the most intense period of her life. With profound intellectual and emotional insight, she revisits the death of her beloved mother, the strong bond with her now-dying former college professor, the excitement of her first love, and the friendships forged out of a shared sense of isolation and grief. Yoon’s formative experiences, which highlight both the fragility and force of personal connection in an era of absolute uncertainty, become immediately palpable. Shin makes the foreign and esoteric utterly familiar: her use of European literature as an interpreter of emotion and experience bridges any gaps between East and West. Love, friendship, and solitude are the same everywhere, as this book makes poignantly clear. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/1BE68C17-9E35-4836-8523-5A94FEBDCE56

  • Please Look After Mom
    English(English) AudioBook

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2011 / -

    A million-plus-copy best seller in Korea—a magnificent English-language debut poised to become an international sensation—this is the stunning, deeply moving story of a family’s search for their mother, who goes missing one afternoon amid the crowds of the Seoul Station subway. Told through the piercing voices and urgent perspectives of a daughter, son, husband, and mother, Please Look After Mom is at once an authentic picture of contemporary life in Korea and a universal story of family love. You will never think of your mother the same way again after you read this book. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/74B792BB-248B-42F2-B392-5FCF59C50711

  • Истории, рассказанные Луне
    Russian(Русский) Ebook

    Kyung-Sook Shin et al / 신경숙 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

    Хрупкость человеческого существования, неумолимая скоротечность отведенного каждому из нас земного времени, невозможность проникнуть во внутренний мир другого человека и его до конца понять – все это мы ощущаем в сюжетах 26 новелл, вошедших в эту книгу. Каждая история окрашена юмором, ироническим, но сочувственным отношением к человеку и его проблемам и дает надежду на то, что многое в нашей жизни можно изменить к лучшему, если повнимательнее прислушаться к себе. Син Кёнсук родилась в 1963 г. в крестьянской семье. Ее детство пришлось на период так называемого «экономического чуда» Южной Кореи, произошедшего после разрушительной Корейской войны 1950–1953 гг. С молодых лет работала на заводе, где стала свидетелем бунта трудящихся, который потряс Южную Корею. В юности будущая писательница и сама участвовала в протестах и митингах и пережила эпоху страшных политических потрясений и репрессий. В своих произведениях автор часто изображает травмированное теми событиями поколение. Син Кёнсук – яркий представитель современной южнокорейской литературы. Ее творчество, полное лиризма и тонкого психологизма, высоко оценивают южнокорейские и зарубежные критики, и это признание выразилось в том, что она стала первой в мире женщиной, которая удостоилась престижной награды – азиатского Букера (Man Asian Literary Prize). Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/CADD35E5-BF8C-449B-93ED-47636599C44F

  • The Court Dancer
    English(English) Ebook

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Romance

    When a novice French diplomat arrives for an audience with the Emperor, he is enraptured by the Joseon Dynasty's magnificent culture, then at its zenith. But all fades away when he sees Yi Jin perform the traditional Dance of the Spring Oriole. Though well aware that women of the court belong to the palace, the young diplomat confesses his love to the Emperor, and gains permission for Yi Jin to accompany him back to France.A world away in Belle Epoque Paris, Yi Jin lives a free, independent life, away from the gilded cage of the court, and begins translating and publishing Joseon literature into French with another Korean student. But even in this new world, great sorrow awaits her. Betrayal, jealousy, and intrigue abound, culminating with the tragic assassination of the last Joseon empress—and the poisoned pages of a book.Rich with historic detail and filled with luminous characters, Korea's most beloved novelist brings a lost era to life in a story that will resonate long after the final page. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/18D95E5E-036B-43B9-9509-A0EB7FB81BBE

  • Als Mutter verschwand
    German(Deutsch) Ebook

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2012 / -

    Sie wollte nur ihre erwachsenen Kinder in Seoul besuchen. Aber als sie mitihrem Mann am Hauptbahnhof in die überfüllte U-Bahn steigen will, passiertes: Mutter geht in der Menschenmenge verloren. Und sie bleibt spurlos verschwunden– obwohl die Familie natürlich alles tut, um sie zu finden. Die Suche zieht sich über Wochen und Monate hin und wird immer aussichtsloser. Dabei wird sowohl ihren Kindern als auch ihrem Mann zum ersten Malbewusst, was diese Frau für sie alle war – und vor allem, wer sie eigentlichwar. Ein hinreißender, anrührender, ganz und gar ungewöhnlicher Roman über Mütter und Kinder, über die Verwerfungen zwischen den Generationenund über die alles überbrückende Kraft der Liebe. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/4792253?cid=37224