Best loved poems of KoreaEnglish(English) Available
Byun Yeongro et al / 변영로 et al / 1984 / -
It is hoped that the present volume gives some idea about modern Korean poetry in terms of subject matter, themes and modes of expression. The majority of the poems have been taken from among the most widely read and best-loved poems. The present book, however, cannot claim to present a satisfactory cross-section of modern Korean poetry. Among other things, the poems presented in volume where chosen largely on the basis of the degree to which individual poems rendered themselves to translation into the English language and partly on the personal preferences of the translator (from the Introduction). https://www.amazon.com/Best-Loved-Poems-Korea-Foreigners/dp/0930878353
What the spider saidEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Ko Chang Soo et al / 고창수 / 2004 / -
This is a collection of short "epigrammatic" poems by Chang Soo Ko originally written in Korean. The narrator of the poems is conceived to be a "spider," which to the poets mind represents a mystic observer with "spiderly" sense of humor. The poems were written with substantial attention to poetic vision and metaphor. Some of the poems in Korean have been published in Korean literary magazines while a dozen of the poems in English translation have been carried in English-language literary journals such as Modern Poetry in Translation of U.S. and Ceide of Ireland as well as in Between Sound and Silence, a dual-language book of Kos poetry in Korean and English, published in Seoul and New York by Hollym International. https://www.amazon.com/What-Spider-Said-Poems-Chang/dp/1931907145
Between Sound and SilenceEnglish(English) Available
Ko Chang Soo et al / 고창수 / 2000 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry
"Chang Soo Ko made his debut as a poet in Korea in the 1960s and in America in the 1980s. He has received The Korean Literature Translation Award from the Korea Times, The Poetry Prize in Korea, and The Bolan Prize for International Merit (in Poetry) in Pakistan. Between Sound and Silence, a dual-language volume of poems, includes predominantly his poems in English previously published in American literary journals."
Korea's golden poems = 한국의 명시English(English) Available
Ko Chang Soo et al / 고창수 / 1997 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
El sonido del silencioSpanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Ko Chang Soo et al / 고창수 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry
El espíritu de la poesía (Fung Ryu Do) o el Tao del fluir del viento, es el factor que recorre la poesía coreana desde hace miles de años. Hay, en este concepto de la búsqueda del sentido, de la razón y de la naturaleza unificadora de las cosas, la visión trascendente de tratar de aprehender lo inaprehensible: el fluir de la trama invisible que unifica todos los fenómenos. En la poesía de Ko, influida por el misticismo Zen, y los occidentales T. S. Elliot y Rainer Maria Rilke, se respira el fluir del Tao, vibra el filo de la modernidad y se reflexiona y medita sobre el arte de escribir poesía, caben el tiempo y el espacio retenidos en la creación de metáforas, la vida secreta de las cosas que atisban desde la oscuridad y los filamentos extendidos al Todo de aquello que denominamos realidad, porque, los sonidos del silencio son ritmos pulsantes de esa misma realidad cotidiana. Source: http://www.literaturacoreana.com/profile/ElSonidodelSilencio
Translated Books
We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).