E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

9 results
  • Yi Sang y otros narradores coreanos [Googleplay E-Book]
    Yi Sang y otros narradores coreanos [Googleplay E-Book]
    Spanish(Español) Ebook

    Yi Sáng et al / 이상 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    A principios del siglo XX la narrativa coreana rompió con los modelos de la tradición. Un amplio grupo de autores se asomó a la vida cotidiana y contó los sufrimientos y las alegrías de su pueblo. Unos optaron por un severo realismo, otros, como Yi Sang, exploraron los senderos más arriesgados de la vanguardia. El volumen recoge una muestra de ocho de las figuras más sobresalientes del período. N° de ref. de la librería 14771   Purchase Googleplay e-book >> https://books.google.co.kr/books?id=E439cLD-SugC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Yi Sang y otros narradores coreanos&hl=ko&sa=X&ei=eT3cVJriOYGgmQWKs4D4Cg&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Yi Sang y otros narradores coreanos&f=false

  • Tale of a Mad Painter
    Tale of a Mad Painter
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Dong-in / 김동인 / 2013 / -

    Kim Dong-in is one of early modern Korean literature’s representative writers of “pure” fiction. Kim declared that fiction should create an autonomous world whose value inhered within itself. In “Tale of a Mad Painter”, Kim’s aestheticist tendencies are on full display. The protagonist Solgeo serves as an embodiment of the frequently expressed remark that “evil too can be a form of beauty.” Through him Kim explores an obsessive longing for the beautiful that is akin to madness. Solgeo is both the ugliest creature under the heavens and a painter of genius. His abnormal behavior and desperate final act to complete a work of art can be said to express Kim’s aestheticism.

  • Lashing: Notes from a Prison Journal
    Lashing: Notes from a Prison Journal
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Dong-in / 김동인 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1910-1945

    Kim Dong-in is one of early modern Korean literature’s representative writers of “pure” fiction. Kim declared that fiction should create an autonomous world whose value inhered within itself. The short story “Lashing”, in showing conflicts among prisoners under extreme duress in jail, exposes humanity’s selfishness, which forces suffering upon others for the sake of comfort. The first-person narrator pressures an elderly man into acquiescing in receiving a physical punishment that he had wished to appeal. The narrator’s reactions after driving the elderly man to the whipping platform and hearing his screams builds extreme tension and impels readers to reflect on the ugly aspects of human character.

  • Our Toes Are Alike
    Our Toes Are Alike
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Dong-in / 김동인 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1910-1945

    Kim Dong-in (1900 – 1951), together with Yi Kwang-su, is one of early modern Korean literature’s representative writers of “pure” fiction. His debut work “The Sorrow of the Weak,” which appeared in the journal Changjo (Creation) in 1919, is considered the first Korean short story to focus in earnest on character development and psychological analysis. A clear, concise style is the hallmark of Kim’s writing. As the first author to adopt the plain past tense “-ieottda” style and to establish an objective stance in fiction with a third person point of view, he is regarded as having employed a realistic technique and well-rounded character types, in contrast to Yi Kwang-su, who saw literature as a vehicle for enlightenment and whose characters were more flatly drawn.  

  • Clear Commandments
    Clear Commandments
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Dong-in / 김동인 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1910-1945

    Kim Dong-in (1900 – 1951), together with Yi Kwang-su, is one of early modern Korean literature’s representative writers of “pure” fiction. His debut work “The Sorrow of the Weak,” which appeared in the journal Changjo (Creation) in 1919, is considered the first Korean short story to focus in earnest on character development and psychological analysis. A clear, concise style is the hallmark of Kim’s writing. As the first author to adopt the plain past tense “-ieottda” style and to establish an objective stance in fiction with a third person point of view, he is regarded as having employed a realistic technique and well-rounded character types, in contrast to Yi Kwang-su, who saw literature as a vehicle for enlightenment and whose characters were more flatly drawn.  

  • Modern Korean Literature
    Modern Korean Literature
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Yujung et al / 김유정 et al / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    The sixth book in Kegan Paul International's "Korean Culture Series", this volume contains thirty stories that have been selected on the basis of historical interest and literary worth, each representing a monumental moment in the history of Korean Literature. The ten stories in the first part share the common theme of the Korean experience of the confrontation between man and woman; in some stories the relationship is portrayed as innocent and pure, in others the relationship becomes more sophisticated and complex. The ten stories in the second part all deal with old Korean or the old Korean way of life - the Korea of byegone days, which is gradually disappearing in the face of industrialization and internationalization. The third group of stories reveals modern Korea in the process of change during the period of the Japanese Occupation, the liberation from the Occupation, and the Korean War. All thirty stories may serve as social documents. From the time of ideological chaos following the independence of Korea in 1945 up to the fall of the USSR in the 1980s, modern Korean literature has been powerfully swayed by Marxist ideology one way or another. Literature has an important role to play in its portrayal of the relations between society and individual people, and it has a particularly vital social function in developing or undeveloped countries. However, the stories in this anthology are not just historical documents. They represent the peak of literary achievements by great and gifted writers in the first half of this century. It is remarkable to find so many talented writers producing so many powerful works of art in a short span of just over 50 years between 1908 and 1965. This anthology is an invitation to readers to grasp how much Korea has attained in the process of its modernization. The authors whose works appear in this volume are: Yi Kwang-su, Kim Dong-in, Hyun Chin-kon, Yi Hyo-suk, Kim Yu-jong, Yi Sang, Kim Dong-ni, O Yung-su, Hwang Sun-won, Sohn, So-hi, Hahn Mu-suk, Sunwu Hwi, Kang Shin-jae, Oh Sang-won, Suh Ki-won, Han Mal-suk, Choi In-hun, Kim sung-ok, Yi Mun-ku. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/4114074?cid=37224

  •  A Ready-Made Life
    A Ready-Made Life
    English(English) Ebook

    Ch`ae Man-Sik et al / 채만식 et al / 1998 / -

    A Ready Made Life is the first volume of early modern Korean fiction to appear in English in the U.S. Written between 1921 and 1943, the sixteen stories are an excellent introduction to the riches of modern Korean fiction. They reveal a variety of settings, voices, styles, and thematic concerns, and the best of them, masterpieces written mainly in the mid-1930s, display an impressive artistic maturity. Included among these authors are Hwang Sun-won, modern Korea's greatest short story writer; Kim Tong-in, regarded by many as the author who best captures the essence of the Korean identity; Ch'ae Man-shik, a master of irony; Yi Sang, a prominent modernist; Kim Yu-jong, whose stories are marked by a unique blend of earthy humor and compassion; Yi Kwang-su and Kim Tong-ni, modernizers of the language of twentieth-century Korean fiction; and Yi Ki-yúng, Yi T'ae-jun, and Pak T'ae-won, three writers who migrated to North Korea shortly after Liberation in 1945 and whose works were subsequently banned in South Korea until democratization in the late 1980s. One way of reading the stories, all of which were written during the Japanese occupation, is that beneath their often oppressive and gloomy surface lies an anticolonial subtext. They can also be read as a collective record of a people whose life choices were severely restricted, not just by colonization, but by education (either too little or too much, as the title story shows) and by a highly structured society that had little tolerance for those who overstepped its boundaries. Life was unremittingly onerous for many Koreans during this period, whatever their social background. In the stories, educated city folk fare little better than farmers and laborers. A Ready-Made Life will provide scholars and students with crucial access to the literature of Korea's colonial period. A generous opening essay discusses the collection in the context of modern Korean literary history, and short introductions precede each story. Here is a richly diverse testament to a modern literature that is poised to assume a long overdue place in world literature. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/4004892?cid=37224

  • The Rainy Spell and Other Korean Stories
    The Rainy Spell and Other Korean Stories
    English(English) Ebook

    Yi Kwang-Su et al / 이광수 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This anthology of short stories reflects the writers' shared core experience of Korea's trajectory from an inward-looking feudal state, through Japanese colony and battle-ground for the Korean War, to a modernizing society. Three stories have been added to the original edition. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/4123934?cid=37224

  • Sweet Potato
    Sweet Potato
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Dong-in et al / 김동인 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story

    Kim Tongin (1900-1951) is one of Korea's earliest and most respected modern writers whose naturalist fiction brilliantly depicts Korean life during a period of profound social change. Namesake of the prestigious Dong-in Literary Award, Kim Tongin's succinct writing style can still inspire readers and provide insight into early 20th century Korea over 60 years after his death. Finally, a volume of Kim Tongin's short stories, most of them previously untranslated, is available to readers of English. source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/10266542?cid=37224