Original Works

We provide information on Korean literature titles (classical, modern and contemporary) in multiple languages.

13 results
  • 밤의 여행자들
    밤의 여행자들

    Bamui yeohaengjadeul

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Yun Ko Eun / 윤고은 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy

    This is a novel by Yoon Ko Eun, published in 2013. The author critically presents the connection between the earth in ruins and capital through the protagonists who commoditize the images of disasters, breaking away from the heavy and apocalyptic world of the existing disaster narratives. This novel shows the author’s clear intention to break with the old utopia without ignoring the weight of reality. In July 2021, this book received the 2021 Crime Fiction in Translation Dagger award from the UK Crime Writers’ Association.

  • 살인자의 기억법
    살인자의 기억법

    Sarinjaui gieokbeop

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Young-ha / 김영하 / 2013 / -

    This is a novel by Kim Young-ha, published in 2013. In 2017, it was adapted into a film of the same title, and in 2020, it topped the list of best mystery novels in Germany. The novel follows the protagonist, who was a serial killer, living in a world created by his imagination while suffering from dementia. The protagonist encounters what he fears in his imagination, and through the process, the author shows how human terror and fear influence reality.

  • 서른의 반격
    서른의 반격

    Seoreunui bangyeok

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Sohn Won-pyung / 손원평 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    This novel by Sohn Won-pyung, published in 2017, won the 5th Jeju 4.3 Peace Literature Award. Through the protagonists who were born in 1988, the author raises questions about the older generation’s absurdity and the sense of authority from the perspective of the younger generation. Rather than addressing a big social problem and resisting against it, the protagonists express their thoughts through trivial revenge and subversion that can be carried out in daily life.

  • 아몬드


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Sohn Won-pyung / 손원평 / 2017 / -

    This is a novel by Sohn Won-pyung, published in 2017. It won the 10th Changbi Youth Literature Award. The author depicts the process in which a boy who can't feel emotions form relationships with others, understand them, and be changed. The novel tells the story of two isolated boys who have lost their families, how they grow up through friendship and support for each other, and the courage and willpower necessary to create a better world.

  • 죽음의 자서전
    죽음의 자서전

    Jugeumui jaseojeon

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Hyesoon / 김혜순 / 2016 / -

    2016년에 출간된 김혜순 시인의 시집이다. 죽음을 예견케 하는 육체적 고통을 계기로 써내려간 49편의 시가 수록되어 있다. 시인은 '삼차신경통'이라는 뇌 신경계의 문제로 인해 고통을 겪으며 이 고통과 '세월호 참사'를 비롯한 사회적 죽음의 문제들을 다룬다. 시는 49일간 써내려간 죽음의 기록으로, 시인의 육체적, 정신적 고통이 시로 형상화되었다는 평가를 받는다.

  • 풀


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2017 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

  • 히스테리아


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Yi-deum / 김이듬 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    2014년에 출간된 김이듬 시인의 다섯 번째 시집이다. 총 50편의 시가 3부로 나뉘어 수록되어 있다. 시인은 '히스테리아'라는 가상의 공간을 통해 다수가 소수를 박해하는 현장을 묘사한다. 시집은 소수의 목소리를 옹호하며 차이만이 존재의 가치를 결정할 수 있음을 증명하고자 한다.

  • 엄마들


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Yeong-shin Ma / 마영신 / 2015 / -

    2015년 출간된 마영신의 만화다. 작가는 가족들 중에서 가장 가까이 있지만 아는 것이 없는 존재인 엄마를 이야기의 주제로 삼았다. 작가는 가족들을 위해 늘 무언가를 하는 엄마의 모성애와 희생은 당연하 것이 아니라는 사실을 유쾌한 목소리로 전해준다.

  • 한 글자 사전
    한 글자 사전

    Han geulja sajeon

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim So Yeon / 김소연 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature

  • 차가운 사탕들
    차가운 사탕들

    Chagaun satangdeul

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    LEE YOUNG JU / 이영주 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry