피프티 피플
- Original Title
- 피프티 피플
- Title Romanization
- Pipeuti pipeul
- Title Sub
- 정세랑 장편소설
- English Title(Printed)
- Fifty People
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Chung Serang
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2016
- Publisher
- 창비
- 9788936434243
- The Series
- 문학과지성 시인선 ; 422
- Main Characters
- -
- Subject/Theme
- Solidarity; the pain and sorrow of life
The story follows the lives of fifty different individuals, all related in some way to a large university hospital. This tale of intertwined lives shows that it is the responsibility of society, and not merely of the individual, to resolve the problem of pain and suffering.
Translated Books4 See More
Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Availableフィフティ・ピープル
Chinese(繁體) Funded by LTI Korea Available五十人
Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableNăm Mươi Người
Related Resources16 See More
English(English) DocumentWorking People in Korean Literature: The Ethics of Chivalry and the Passion of Gamblers
English(English) DocumentSchool Nurse Ahn Eun-young
English(English) PublicationKLN(Korean Literature Now) Vol.48