Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

420 results
  • Please Look After Mom
    Please Look After Mom
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia)

    Kyung-Sook Shin / 신경숙 / 2011 / -

    Sepasang suami-istri berangkat ke kota untuk mengunjungi anak-anak mereka yang telah dewasa. Sang suami bergegas naik ke gerbong kereta bawah tanah dan mengira istrinya mengikuti di belakangnya. Setelah melewati beberapa stasiun, barulah dia menyadari bahwa istrinya tak ada. Istrinya tertinggal di Stasiun Seoul. Perempuan yang hilang itu tak kunjung ditemukan, dan keluarga yang kehilangan ibu/istri/ipar itu mesti mengatasi trauma akibat kejadian tersebut. Satu per satu mereka teringat hal-hal di masa lampau yang kini membuat mereka tersadar betapa pentingnya peran sang ibu bagi mereka; dan betapa sedikitnya mereka mengenal sosok sang ibu selama ini, perasaan-perasaannya, harapan-harapannya, dan mimpi-mimpinya.   Source:

  • すばる

    Kyung-Sook Shin et al / 신경숙 et al / 1998 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

    分類 収録作品(日本語) 収録作品(韓国語) 作家(日本語) 作家(韓国語) ページ その他(詩集/部分/副題) 対談 沈黙に耳を澄まして 대담 침묵에 귀를 기울이다 申京淑 신경숙 p.92   小説 聖日 성일 申京淑 신경숙 p.102 「강물이 될 때까지」  小説 野原の中の高台の空き家 벌판 위의 빈집 申京淑 신경숙 p.119 「오래전 집을 떠날 때」  小説 あゆ釣り通信 은어낚시통신 尹大寧 윤대녕 p.125  

  • 单人房

    Kyung-Sook Shin et al / 신경숙 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999


  • Anxiety of words
    Anxiety of words
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi Seung-ja et al / 최승자 et al / 2006 / -

    Anxiety of Words focuses on the work of three contemporary Korean women poets whose fierce poetic voices display a critical consciousness of women’s lives under patriarchy, capitalism, and neocolonialism. Each poet is represented, in bilingual format, by approximately twenty poems and a biographical introduction. The volume also contains a detailed introduction to the Korean poetry scene by translator Don Mee Choi, with a focus on the historical and contemporary role of women poets in Korea. The poetry of Ch’oe Sung-ja, Kim Hyesoon, and Yi Yon-ju consistently violates the literary expectations of gentle and subservient yoryu (female) poetry through innovative language and depictions of Korean women’s identities and struggles.

  • The rainy spell and other Korean stories
    The rainy spell and other Korean stories
    English(English) E-Book Available

    Yi Kwang-Su et al / 이광수 et al / 1998 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This anthology of short stories reflects the writers’ shared core experience of Korea’s trajectory from an inward-looking feudal state, through Japanese colony and battle-ground for the Korean War, to a modernizing society. Three stories have been added to the original edition. Source :

  • Voices in Diversity
    Voices in Diversity
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Jang Jung-il et al / 장정일 et al / 2001 / -

    Poetry. Asian Studies. VOICES IN DIVERSITY: POETS FROM POSTWAR KOREA offers a selection of poems from 37 South Korean poets born in or after 1945, edited and translated by poet Ko Won. The selected poets represent the voice of a nation emerging from Japanese rule; they are witnesses to sweeping political, social and cultural developments who have distilled their experience of a dynamic world into a precise and elegant poetics deeply concerned with modern political realities. Much as with the Middle East, these realities virtually demand a greater acquaintance with the arts and culture of this region, a knowledge which this collection certainly provides. Ko Won has published fourteen books of poetry, is a member of the P.E.N. Center USA West, and directs the Kulmaru Institute of Literature, Los Angeles.

  • Reading Korea
    Reading Korea
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Without question, literature is the best place to start knowing and understanding one another. For isn't there a real fascinating connection between writers and place - where people come from and where they go? A very large part of a nation's writing is the story of its roots in a place and when Koreans come to our country, they bring with them the story of their roots in Korea.     Source:

  • Mommy Must be a Fountain of Feathers
    Mommy Must be a Fountain of Feathers
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    KIM HYESOON / 김혜순 / 2008 / -

    Poetry. Asian Studies. Translated from the Korean by Don Mee Choi. The first full-length English language edition of one of the foremost woman poets in Modern Korean poetry. Kim Hyesoon was the first woman recipient of the prestigious Kim Suyong Contemporary Poetry Award, and is the author of eight collections of poetry. In Kim Hyesoon's saturated political fables, horror is packed inside cuteness, cuteness inside horror. Interior and exterior, political and intimate, human and animal, agent and victim become interchangeable, interbreeding elements. No subjecthood is fixed in this microscape of shifts, swellings, tender subjugations and acts of cruel selflessness.   Source:

  • Echoing Song
    Echoing Song
    English(English) Available

    Lee Hyang-ji et al / 이향지 et al / 2005 / -

    Echoing Song presents the work of 20 contemporary Korean women poets active from the 1970s to the present. Each poet is represented with 10 to 15 poems reflecting the range of their poetic development. This anthology demonstrates the originality and variety of modern Korean women’s poetry.

  • Unspoken Voices
    Unspoken Voices
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi Chung-Hui et al / 최정희 et al / 2002 / -

    The stories in this collection are written by twelve Korean women writers whose experience, insight, and writing skill make them truly representative of Korean fiction at its best. "The Rooster" is a comical revelation of an old man who accepts the truth that Man and Nature revolve around the same immutable natural law. In "The Fragment," refugees who flee to Pusan during the Korean War suffer the unspeakable squalor and despair when jammed in a warehouse. "The Young Elm Tree" tells the story of a high school girl who falls in love with the son of her mother's new husband. What all these twelve writers share in common is a keen eye that penetrates into the lives of Korean women from the early part of the 20th century to the present. THE AUTHORS Authors included fall into two groups-those born during the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910-1945) and those born after 1945. All the eight authors in the first group experienced the Second World War in childhood and the Korean War as adults. They saw pain, hardship, and death, but they observed courage, resilience, humor, and love even in the most dire times. The four younger writers are active creators of works that have won top literary awards. Their fresh new look at life, their bold experimental style, and their refreshing voices are a reflection of their generation. THE TRANSLATOR Dr. Jin-Young Choi is Professor of English at Chung-Ang University in Seoul. She has translated two novels, numerous short stories and tales. Her Saturday columns in The Korea Herald were collected into one volume form One Woman's Way. All of her translated short stories were published in Korean Literature Today.