Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

53 results
  • Poésie coréenne contemporaine
    Poésie coréenne contemporaine
    French(Français) Available

    Kim Ok et al / 김억 et al / 1991 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • Modern Korean Poetry
    Modern Korean Poetry

    Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 1994 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    A companion volume to the Classical Korean Poetry, this anthology provides the reader a bird's eye view of modern, 20th century Korean poetry, thus completing the sampling of the Korean poetry beginning with the 12th century through the present., 9780875730578

  • 死にたいけどトッポッキは食べたい
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Baek Se Hee et al / 백세희 / 2020 / -

    なんとなく気持ちが沈み、自己嫌悪に陥る。 ぼんやりと、もう死んでしまいたいと思いつつ、 一方でお腹がすいてトッポッキが食べたいなと思う……。 気分障害と不安障害を抱える女性が、精神科医とのカウンセリングを通して、 自分自身を見つめ直した12週間のエッセイ。 韓国で若い世代を中心に40万部を超えるベストセラー! 人間関係や自分自身に対する不安や不満を抱え、繊細な自分自身に苦しんだ経験のある すべての人に寄り添う1冊です。   Source :

  • I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokpokki
    I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokpokki
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Available

    Baek Se Hee / 백세희 / 2019 / -

  • 大都会の愛し方
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Sang Young Park et al / 박상영 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

  • Cursed Bunny
    Cursed Bunny
    English(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Bora Chung / 정보라 / 2021 / -

    Cursed Bunny is a genre-defying collection of short stories by Korean author Bora Chung. Blurring the lines between magical realism, horror, and science-fiction, Chung uses elements of the fantastic and surreal to address the very real horrors and cruelties of patriarchy and capitalism in modern society. Anton Hur’s translation skilfully captures the way Chung’s prose effortlessly glides from being terrifying to wryly humorous. Winner of a PEN/Heim Grant. Source:

  • 死にたいけどトッポッキは食べたい 2
    死にたいけどトッポッキは食べたい 2
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Baek Se Hee et al / 백세희 / 2020 / -

    自分で自分を傷つけ、憐れみ、そんな自分に依存する…。生きづらさのループから抜け出すためたどり着いた心のありかたとは。繊細な心を描き、各国で話題のエッセイ、その後の話。 Source :ペク・セヒ/dp/4334952151

  • Love in the Big City
    Love in the Big City
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Sang Young Park / 박상영 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    A funny, transporting, surprising, and poignant novel that was one of the highest-selling debuts of recent years in Korea, Love in the Big City tells the story of a young gay man searching for happiness in the lonely city of Seoul. Love in the Big City is the English-language debut of Sang Young Park, one of Korea’s most exciting young writers. A runaway bestseller, the novel hit the top five lists of all the major bookstores and went into nine printings. Both award-winning for its unique literary voice and perspective, and particularly resonant with young readers, it has been a phenomenon in Korea and is poised to capture a worldwide readership. Love in the Big City is an energetic, joyful, and moving novel that depicts both the glittering nighttime world of Seoul and the bleary-eyed morning-after. Young is a cynical yet fun-loving Korean student who pinballs from home to class to the beds of recent Tinder matches. He and Jaehee, his female best friend and roommate, frequent nearby bars where they push away their anxieties about their love lives, families, and money with rounds of soju and ice-cold Marlboro Reds that they keep in their freezer. Yet over time, even Jaehee leaves Young to settle down, leaving him alone to care for his ailing mother and to find companionship in his relationships with a series of men, including one whose handsomeness is matched by his coldness, and another who might end up being the great love of his life. A brilliantly written novel filled with powerful sensory descriptions and both humor and emotion, Love in the Big City is an exploration of millennial loneliness as well as the joys of queer life, that should appeal to readers of Sayaka Murata, Han Kang, and Cho Nam-Joo. Source :

  • 雖然想死,但還是想吃辣炒年糕
    Chinese(繁體) Available

    Baek Se Hee et al / 백세희 / 2019 / -

    「無所謂,沒有陰影的人本來就無法理解陽光。」 一位「輕鬱症」女孩與精神科醫師的療癒對話 個性內向又被動的我,做著自己喜歡的工作、 參加自己熱愛的社團、戀愛也幾乎從未有過空窗期, 儘管如此,我還是深受不怎麼憂鬱、卻也幸福不起來的無力感所折磨。 有一天我走進精神科醫師的診間,「輕鬱症」這個名詞也走入了我的世界。 原來,有許多人跟我一樣,外表看似正常, 內心卻早已千瘡百孔,把「強顏歡笑」當成習慣…… 周遭的人都不能理解我這種憂鬱,到底我要糟糕到什麼地步, 才能獲得他們的理解?為什麼大家都不會把自己的內心狀態誠實地展現出來? 難道是因為已「心力交瘁」,所以連開誠布公的力氣都沒有? 我奮力高舉搖晃著自己的手,告訴大家我在這裡。 希望和我情況類似的朋友,可以因為看到我的案例而感到安心。 就算憂鬱了一整天,也會因為一件小事而會心一笑; 雖然很想一死了之,卻還是會因為肚子餓而想吃辣炒年糕,這就是真實人生。 我將這「12週心理治療」的對話完整記錄下來, 想要不帶任何私心地走入某位讀者的內心深處。 希望每一天,都是逐漸痊癒的過程。 Source :

  • 雖然想死,但還是想吃辣炒年糕2

    Baek Se Hee et al / 백세희 / 2020 / -

    希望有朝一日,看不見的內心傷痛可以和看得見的身體傷口相提並論。」 與精神科醫師的14週療癒對話, 陪伴「輕鬱症」的你,與不完美的自己溫柔和解。 你也會這樣嗎? 受困於「原來我喜歡的人並不喜歡我」 分明覺得很疲憊,卻怕被別人說:「又在扮演受害者了。」 對自己主動拉近距離的人際關係感到惴惴不安 怕被他人看穿自己卑微與無能 《雖然想死,但還是想吃辣炒年糕》的暢銷, 為我帶來了許多名氣與關注,同時也帶來了批評: 「只是在無病呻吟」、「又在扮演受害者了」、「意志力薄弱」、「老是煩惱一些微不足道的煩惱」…… 憂鬱/輕鬱/躁鬱……如果是那麼容易治療,就好了。 事實是,就連獲得理解,都好難。 我的病情不斷在反反覆覆, 我想我需要肉眼能見的傷口,來證明自己不是無病呻吟。 總想著:「是不是要大鬧一場,才會被人認為是真瘋而不是裝瘋。」 如今我學會與自己溫柔和解。 我的心裡仍有許多尚未治癒的傷痛,透過接受精神科醫師的治療, 使我逐漸明白那些傷痛的種類以及背後成因。 我逐漸領悟,憂鬱症或許不會就此痊癒,但我已經不再討厭自己, 因為發現自己也有許多發光發熱的部分; 從今以後,我將練習,駐足在內心開朗明亮、綠意盎然的空間。 我繼續將這「14週心理治療」的對話完整記錄下來, 或許能成為某些人安慰的信念。 Source :