Reading Korean literature in the era of the Korean novelistEnglish(English) Article
The Korea Times / January 15, 2019
Korea has a rich and fast-growing library of modern literature. The list of writers of novels, short stories, and other works is long. Korean writers have taken a significant place in world literature. Their translators are also making names for themselves. These Korean writers, some contemporary and some from times past but reborn through modern editions and translations, not only represent the best of Korean literature, they are being received and honored globally. Many of these Korean writers are equal to the great writers of other cultures and countries.
Экологи заламывают руки в агонииRussian(Русский) Article
Gorky.media / July 12, 2019
Имя Хен Чжингона (1900 — 1943) вряд ли что-то скажет нашему читателю. Между тем он один из классиков корейской литературы, которого в обязательном порядке изучают в школах к югу от 38-й параллели. Теперь с его наследием могут познакомиться и русскоязычные любители восточной беллетристики.
La littérature coréenneFrench(Français) Article
keulmadang / October 07, 2012
La Corée, péninsule d’Asie de l’est coincée entre la Chine et le Japon semble avoir toujours été dans l’ombre de ces pays économiquement et culturellement très puissants. C’est un pays qui possède une Histoire tant passionnante que chaotique
The Quartely Conversation / March 16, 2015
Kim Namcheon, Scenes from the Enlightenment (translated by Charles LaShure) Choi In-hun, The Square (translated by Kim Seong-kon) Ch’oe In-ho, Another Man’s City, (translated by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton) Hailji, The Republic of Uzupis, (translated by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton) Park Min-gyu, Pavane for a Dead Princess, (translated by Amber Hyun Jung Kim) Despite South Korea having the kind of vibrant literary scene you’d expect from a country with one of the highest literacy rates in the world, we’re still not exactly inundated with English translations of South Korean fiction. Given this dearth, Dalkey Archive Press’s Library of Korean Literature series, twenty five titles published in collaboration with the Literary Translation Institute of Korea, was always going to be a welcome endeavor, though there are also niggling doubts: will the books stand on their own merits, or will they require some pre-existing knowledge of Korea to be properly appreciated? Is there some kind of cultural propaganda going on, a desire for “representativeness” that might have skewed the selection process?
Yi Kwang-su's 'Kashil' translated by his daughterEnglish(English) Article
The Korea Times / May 15, 2015
Yi Kwang-su (1892-1950) is the pioneer of Korean literature at the turn of the 20th century, when the country was under Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945). Although he was known as a great novelist, he also wrote many poems and essays. "Kashil" and Best Essays contain one short story and seven essays, chosen and translated by his daughter, Dr. Lee Chung-Nan. Lee received her doctorate in English Literature from New York University and taught English literature at various colleges and universities before she turned to the law profession. From the perspective of an English scholar, she chose her father's seven best essays. I can feel the love of her father.
WLT’s 75 Notable Translations 2013English(English) Article
World Literature Today / December 10, 2013
The 2013 calendar year was packed with literary translation news. At least two new publishers entered the field: Frische&Co. published its first e-books, and New Vessel Press brought out its first titles. In addition to bringing out the twentieth volume in its translation anthology series, Two Lines’ new book publishing arm published its first titles. And the long-anticipated Library of Arabic Literature launched six more books, following its first offering in December 2012.
Азиатские хиты: 8 достойных романов от китайских, корейских и японских авторовRussian(Русский) Article
ELLE / November 15, 2022
Уместить в маленький рассказ множество житейских мудростей способны далеко не все авторы. На Востоке мастером короткого жанра прослыл писатель Хён Чжингон, который в широких литературных кругах заслуженно прослыл «корейским Чеховым».
Sometimes You Have to Laugh: The Lighter Side of Korean Fiction | LISTEnglish(English) Article
list_Books from Korea / -
Sometimes You Have to Laugh: The Lighter Side of Korean Fiction By Charles Montgomery on Nov 09 2014 04:18:29 Vol.12 Summer 2011 Korean fiction has a reputation as being quite serious and there are also sometimes problems involved in translating humor. Consequently you might guess that there is no lightness in the Korean fiction that has been translated. The good news is that this is simply not true. There is quite a bit of character-based humor in Korean literature. Often, that humor helps readers understand Korean cultural elements in the stories they read. There is a saying in English that, “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down,” and it applies to these kinds of stories. Choe Chong-hui’s Chom-nye explores the difficulties of post-war peasants, and features a clever and rapacious shaman who uses the death of a bride to swindle the mourning family out of all the dead women’s goods and the families’ sole remaining chicken. There is also Chon Kwangyong’s brilliant Kapitan Ri, an excellent summary of the first 50 years of the 20th century in Korea, the main character of which is a highly amusing bad guy. When humor is fused into these meaningful stories, Korean literature becomes more easily accessible. There are also some stories that are just plain funny. Three of these great stories are from the KLTI/Jimoondang Publishing series, “The Portable Library of Korean Fiction.” The Camellias, by Kim Yujung, is a “first love” story in which a country bumpkin comes face to face with Jeomsun, a girl from a higher class who loves him. The tone is rough and humorous as Jeomsun is only capable of showing her interest through an aggression that she feels is justified by the boy’s inability to understand that they are actually in love. The young love is complicated by the fact that Jeomsun is the narrator’s social superior, and this causes the narrator to see Jeomsun’s peculiar mix of affection and aggression as a form of class warfare. Of course it is, as Jeomsun pulls stunts that would get a social equal smacked on the head, but Kim plays this for broad comedy and the unnamed narrator’s denseness justifies the lengths that Jeomsun feels she has to go to in order to demonstrate her love. In the end, after various amusing bumps and bruises, love is realized.
لماذا تجهل المكتبة العربية أدب كوريا الجنوبية؟Arabic(اللغة العربية) Article
Independent Arabia / December 07, 2020
يعتبر الأدب الكوري أدباً غريباً عن معظم القراء العرب على خلاف الأدب الصيني أو الياباني، فعدد الأعمال المترجمة قليل جداً، عدا عن أن النصوص لم تستحوذ على اهتمام دور النشر العربية آنفاً. وبينما اتجه القراء العرب عموماً إلى أدب أوروبا والغرب بالمطلق، كان هناك أدب كوري ينشأ في الشرق الأقصى بمعزل عن نظريات النقد الأوروبية والتيارات الأدبية التي حكمت الرواية الغربية والرواية العربية أواخر القرن الـ 20.
【國際文學獎巡禮】崔末順/韓國的文學獎與若干爭Chinese(汉语) Article
聯合新聞網 / June 27, 2021
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.