
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

4 results
  • Huit regards de femmes sur la Corée d’aujourd’hui
    French(Français) Article

    keulmadang / January 21, 2012

    Pour nombre d’occidentaux, l’image de la femme asiatique et surtout de la femme coréenne ne s’éloigne guère du stéréotype de la femme soumise à son mari. On a vite fait d’accuser le confucianisme, qui place ouvertement l’homme yang, le Ciel, au-dessus de la femme yin, la Terre dans sa cosmologie, quitte à oublier qu’originellement la pensée de Confucius cherchait la complémentarité et l’équilibre nécessaire au bon fonctionnement du monde. On oublie aussi bien souvent que par le passé, avant le confucianisme, sous les 3 royaumes (-57 – 618) ou Silla unifié (682-936), les femmes étaient respectées et possédaient des droits équivalents à ceux des hommes : celui de se remarier, d’hériter, de participer au culte des ancêtres… Bel et bien aliénés sous la dynastie Yi, contrôlés et souvent enfermés comme les femmes elles-mêmes, ces droits subissent le néoconfucianisme et ses règles fermes, tout en sachant que rien ne dure. Avec l’ouverture à l’occident au XIXème siècle et l’arrivée du Christianisme en Corée, une vision égalitariste s’installe et ils reprennent leur statut. Ce n’était certes pas une évolution éthique, mais elle était nécessaire aux besoins.

  • 야생화는 바람이 잎을 살랑살랑 흔들어 주어야 생기가 난다
    Korean(한국어) Article

    경향신문 / October 14, 2005

    전경린(43)은 90년대 중반 한국 문단의 샛별로 떠올라 현재 한국 여성 문학의 대표자리를 굳건히 지키고 있는 작가다. ‘한국여성문학’을 빙송테마로 잡고 적당한 직가틀 물색 중이던 지난 봄 전경린에 이르러 더 이상 적당한 작가는 없다는 결론을 내렸다.

  • Treffpunkt Thalia
    German(Deutsch) Article

    Thalia,de / May 25, 2007

    Korea wir Gastland der diesjährigen Buchmesse in Frankfurt sein. 1m Vorfeld zur Frankfurter Buchmesse möchten wir Ihnen jetzt schon Literatur aus Korea vorstelJen.

  • Novels in the Age of One-Source Multi-Usage (Late 1990s-Today) | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    Novels in the Age of One-Source Multi-Usage (Late 1990s-Today)   By Kang Yu-jung\ on Oct 28 2014 01:17:36 Vol.6 Winter 2009 In this age that we call the post-capitalism age, where art is diffused into as many different forms as possible and where art is transformed into a speculative commodity, at a time when the crisis of literature and the death of literature is constantly being discussed, ironically, the demand for novels as original stories for films is now greater than ever.     From the mid-90s up to now, out of the newly coined phrases to appear during this period, the most culturally relevant phrase, is probably “one-source multi-usage.” The phrase describes a phenomenon where one cultural item becomes reinterpreted and disseminated into different formats and genres. A good example: the play Yi was turned into a film, and the script for the play was used for the film version as well. Strictly speaking, this unfamiliar and foreign term is related to a process that is normally referred to as an adaptation. Adaptation usually involves a single process; for example, a play gets turned into a movie, or a novel is adapted into a film. On the other hand, with the phrase “one-source multiusage,” the focus is on the word “multi.” In other words, the idea is to disseminate a single artwork into as many different genres as possible. In this age of post-capitalism, where the value of cultural content is evaluated in term of investment and profit, it’s necessary to make the most out of a single source.