Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

20 results
  • Voices in Diversity
    Voices in Diversity
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Jang Jung-il et al / 장정일 et al / 2001 / -

    Poetry. Asian Studies. VOICES IN DIVERSITY: POETS FROM POSTWAR KOREA offers a selection of poems from 37 South Korean poets born in or after 1945, edited and translated by poet Ko Won. The selected poets represent the voice of a nation emerging from Japanese rule; they are witnesses to sweeping political, social and cultural developments who have distilled their experience of a dynamic world into a precise and elegant poetics deeply concerned with modern political realities. Much as with the Middle East, these realities virtually demand a greater acquaintance with the arts and culture of this region, a knowledge which this collection certainly provides. Ko Won has published fourteen books of poetry, is a member of the P.E.N. Center USA West, and directs the Kulmaru Institute of Literature, Los Angeles.

  • Cracking the shell
    Cracking the shell
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi Seung-ho et al / 최승호 et al / 2006 / -

    This poetry anthology contains ninety poems by three prominent Korean ecopoets who write about the endangered environment and deplore its impact on nature and mankind. Seungho Choi¡¦s poetry is filled with explicit descriptions and pessimism that condemn the capitalist society and man¡¦s selfish desires, which, he believes, can ultimately ruin the ecosystem and mankind. Chiha Kim¡¦s somewhat-cynical poetry encourages the fulfillment of each creature¡¦s life through harmonious living among all living things. Hyonjong Chong¡¦s poetry, with the earth goddess Gaia in mind, writes about the bliss that could be found in living amicably with the ecosystem.   Source:

  • Flowers in the Toilet Bowl
    Flowers in the Toilet Bowl
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi Seung-ho / 최승호 / 2004 / -

    This volume brings together 65 poems from Choi Seungho's ten books that best illustrate his thought and art. In many of his poems, Choi portrays the rampant desires of the "hypnotized" man and the gray landscape of the late consumer society. Choi tries to expose the illusory nature of man’s desire by graphically portraying its dire consequences. His is a world where a woman's womb is a factory, a vending machine is a prostitute, and a glance upon the lake affords a reflection of pollution. His critical consciousness against current life is always directed toward the basic problems of humanity. Deeply influenced by Taoistic and Buddhistic thought, his poetic world is directly linked to the world of ecological imagination addressing the most urgent problems of human survival.

  • Alerte à la neige
    Alerte à la neige
    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    CHOI Seung-Ho / 최승호 / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry

    C hoi Seung-ho est né en 1954, à Chuncheon dans la province de Gangweon (Corée du Sud). Jusqu’à l’âge de vingt-trois ans, l’aîné d’une famille de cinq enfants, il vit dans cette région de montagnes et de lacs et passe son enfance, juste après la guerre de Corée, dans les ruines et la pauvreté. Son père qui dirigeait une petite entreprise doit quitter la maison familiale après la faillite de son affaire en 1967 : débute alors une longue séparation avec son père. Source:

  • Yo que soy nada, lo soy todo
    Yo que soy nada, lo soy todo
    Spanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    CHOI Seung-Ho / 최승호 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry

    Choi Seung-ho (1954) participa del movimiento poético de una nueva generación de escritores coreanos que ha reaccionado críticamente en contra de las múltiples consecuencias, humanas y sociales, generadas por el proceso de industrialización de su país. Source:

  • 世界現代詩文庫 II 韓國現代詩集
    世界現代詩文庫 II 韓國現代詩集
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Yi Sang et al / 이상 et al / 1987 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • 韓·日 戰後世代100人詩選集世界時人叢書 4
    韓·日 戰後世代100人詩選集世界時人叢書 4
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Kang Unkyo et al / 강은교 et al / 1995 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Poems by 100 Poets from Korea and Japan in the Post-War Era – Green Longing This anthology introduces the works of 100 poets from the post-war generation of both South Korea and Japan. It was published in both South Korea and Japan, 50 years after Japan’s defeat and South Korea’s liberation. It features a total of 124 Korean poems.

  • Autobiographie aus Eis
    Autobiographie aus Eis
    German(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    CHOI Seung-Ho / 최승호 / 2011 / -

    Der Koreaner Choi Seung-Ho wird oft als Zivilisationskritiker bezeichnet, der den Zerstörungen des industriellen Zeitalters nachfragt. Seine Gedichte berufen sich auf die Schönheit des Alltäglichen und suchen nach einer Einheit des Menschen mit der Natur. Während er in den frühen Büchern die Erkundung der realen Welt durch das Individuum ins Zentrum stellte, widmete er sich später stärker der Erforschung der Innenwelt des Menschen. In den letzten Jahren geraten immer mehr die grotesken, auch die hintergründig-komischen Aspekte des Lebens in seine Gedichte. Kyunghee Park und Kurt Drawert haben eine Auswahl aus dem lyrischen Werk zum ersten Mal ins Deutsche übertragen. Das Buch aus Wasser Im Buch aus Wasser steht nichts mehr geschrieben. Es ist durchsichtig, und blättert man es um, rinnt einem nur noch das Wasser über die Finger. Das Buch aus Wasser ist dunkel, wenn die Dunkelheit kommt, und es ist mit der Helligkeit hell. Ich möchte mir mit dem Buch aus Wasser die Füsse waschen, und ich giesse die Blumen mit diesem Buch. Choi Seung-Ho, geb. 1954 in Chungcheon, studierte an der Pädagogischen Hochschule in Seoul und veröffentlicht seit Ende der siebziger Jahre Gedichte und Prosa. Schon mit seinem ersten Gedichtband "Schneesturmwarnung" (1983) schrieb er sich in die erste Reihe der jüngeren koreanischen Lyriker; bislang sind elf Gedichtbände erschienen. Sein Werk wurde mit zahlreichen Literaturpreisen ausgezeichnet. Eine Sammlung seiner Gedichte ist auf Englisch erschienen.

  • Instances
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi Jeongrye et al / 최정례 / 2011 / -

    One of Korea's most exacting and innovative poets, JEONGRYE CHOI writes a poetry that uncovers the strangeness of everyday experience. Alert and streetwise, but tuned into the undercurrent of things, Choi's poetry creates environments at once familiar but dreamlike, marked by a preternatural clarity. Favoring imagistic condensation and formal trimness, Choi's poetry possesses a highly-suggestive, allusive intensity that locates the startling within the familiar. Always rooted in the here-and-now, Choi's speakers are simultaneously outside it, questioning the propriety of our taken-for-granted arrangements. Delicate and wistful, this poetry has the tensile strength to address itself to the deepest challenges of human experience: as Choi writes, with characteristic (and deceptive) off-handedness, "hey abyss." In a world of inconstancy and ceaseless transformation, Choi's poetry forgoes easy consolations and instead offers poetry of the highest order as the only consolation. Reading it offers an almost vertiginous sense of the variousness of experience. As Brenda Hillman observes, "There is a quality of imagination in her work that is still a rare thing in poetry."

    Spanish(Español) Available

    CHOI Seung-Ho / 최승호 / 2010 / -

    Autobiografía de hielo brinda a los lectores de lengua castellana la posibilidad de descubrir la obra de un peculiar poeta coreano contemporáneo. Choi Seung-ho se dio a conocer a mediados de los años 80 con una serie de libros que retrataban con visión pesimista los estragos de la industrialización, la tecnología y el despegue económico vividos en Corea desde la década anterior. Su poesía fue calificada inícíalmente como ecologista y se consolidó en torno a una observación aguda, tanto de la naturaleza como de la realidad urbana, a través de poemas que reflejan el impacto del desmesurado desarrollo capitalista en el hombre común. A partir de la década del 90 y hasta sus libros más recientes, su poética se interna de manera definitiva en la vía de la contemplación y abreva de una vertiente mística vinculada al budismo zen y al pensamiento de Lao-Tsé. Este volumen presenta una antología general seleccionada por el propio autor e incluye poemas de todos sus libros, traducidos directamente del coreano al castellano por Kim Un-kyung, con versiones revisadas por el escritor argentino Oliverio Coelho. Source: De Hielo/