
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

179 results
  • 韓国の現代史を背景に癒えない痛みと沈黙の重みを伝える―ファン・ジョンウン『ディディの傘』長瀬 海による書評
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    All Reviews / December 11, 2020

    ◆韓国の現代史を背景に癒えない痛みと沈黙の重みを伝える 静かな、しかし言い表せないほどに大きな悲しみと怒り。目を細めて過去と未来を眺めたときに、胸に満ちる昏さ。韓国社会で息をしている人々の痛切な思いが、この1冊の本に綴じられた二つの中編から届いてくる。彼女・彼らが抱える決して癒えない「疼痛」が、神経を伝って、ページを握る指から手、そして身体を痺れさせる。(...)

  • <大波小波> 共通の痛みが新たな文学を生む
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    中日新聞 / January 18, 2021

    小説の中で描かれる個人の葛藤には自(おの)ずと社会背景が映し出される。外国文学の一ジャンルとして人気が定着しつつある韓国文学では特にその傾向が強い。 古くは日本の植民地支配と独立運動。独立解放から南北分断、朝鮮戦争。独裁政権から民主化。IMF危機。ダイナミックなうねりを経た社会に暮らした人々の心のうちを、私たちはドラマや映画を通じて知り、いまや文学にて深く探ることができる。たとえば、ファン・ジョンウン著『ディディの傘』(亜紀書房)は、セウォル号事件やキャンドル革命といった経験がもたらした物語である。

  • Untold Night and Day by Bae Suah review – surrealism in Seoul
    English(English) Article

    The Guardian / March 18, 2020

    Born in Seoul in 1965, Bae Suah is one of Korea’s most radical contemporary writers, whose prolific output has won prizes and acclaim both within her home country and abroad. Her fiction is notable for its surrealism, sudden shifts in chronology and lyrical intensity of language, a style no doubt influenced by her translation of writers such as WG Sebald and Fernando Pessoa. One Korean reviewer described Bae’s early novel A Greater Music as “doing violence to the Korean language”: it was this particular line that attracted Deborah Smith, translator of the Booker International prize-winning author Han Kang, to Bae’s subversive writing. Untold Night and Day, translated by Smith, marks the arrival of her heady fiction in the UK for the first time. (..)

  • Untold Night and Day — double vision in a twilight Seoul
    English(English) Article

    Financial Times / January 31, 2020

    Untold Night and Day — double vision in a twilight Seoul

  • Existential crises and the search for identity
    English(English) Article

    Straittimes / February 25, 2020

    Bae Suah, who has published more than a dozen novels and short stories since 1993, is one of South Korea's most inventive experimental writers. She stays true to form in Untold Night And Day, blurring the distinction between black and white, and night and day, in an ethereal labyrinth where life unfolds in strange repeated loops and the slippery edges of reality start to fray.

  • Untold Night and Day by Bae Suah review – a dreamlike quest
    English(English) Article

    The Guardian / February 24, 2020

    Untold Night and Day was first published in Korea in 2013 and is the fourth of Bae Suah’s novels – which number more than a dozen – to be translated into English by Deborah Smith. It is also the first of her books to be published in the UK, arriving at a time when Korean culture is in the spotlight – with the recent success of Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite at the Oscars and the launch of Connect, BTS – the K-pop band’s global art project.

  • Book review: Untold Night and Day by Bae Suah
    English(English) Article

    stuff / March 21, 2020

    On a sweltering day in Seoul, the former actress Kim Ayami works her final shift at an audio theatre for the blind. She wonders what she will do next, "with unemployment staring her in the face and not much time left before her 28th birthday". Bae Suah's Untold Night and Day is not a simple tale of quarter-life crisis, however, but a surreal, disorienting and highly original novel, full of unsolved mysteries, repeated motifs and startling prose. (..)

    English(English) Article

    bookriot / March 02, 2020

    If you loved the critically acclaimed and astonishing film Parasite—directed by Bong Joon-ho, with a screenplay cowritten by Bong Joon-ho and Han Jin-won—and you’re looking for more great Korean artistry to scratch that itch, look no further than the incredible books in translation coming out of South Korea right now. Many of these novels have themes similar to the ones explored in Parasite, some capture the tone and mood of the film, and others feel quite different but have the genius, the same ingenuity of Parasite.

  • Untold Night and Day by Bae Suah, review: meet the Korean Kafka
    English(English) Article

    The Telegraph / March 08, 2020

    On a sweltering day in Seoul, the former actress Kim Ayami works her final shift at an audio theatre for the blind. She wonders what she will do next, “with unemployment staring her in the face and not much time left before her 28th birthday”. 

  • Kiley Reid’s debut novel is a brilliant dissection of race and class
    English(English) Article

    big issue / February 21, 2020

    When I read a truly great debut novel my heart sings. When I read a novel that dissects race and class with scalpel-like precision, it gives me faith in the future of publishing – an industry once so reticent to acknowledge these issues that now publishes a book with those subjects at its core to great fanfare.