Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

90 results
  • Reading Korea
    Reading Korea
    English(English) Book Available

    Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Without question, literature is the best place to start knowing and understanding one another. For isn't there a real fascinating connection between writers and place - where people come from and where they go? A very large part of a nation's writing is the story of its roots in a place and when Koreans come to our country, they bring with them the story of their roots in Korea.     Source:

  • What is Darkening
    What is Darkening
    English(English) Book Available

    Ra Heeduk / 나희덕 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    "What Is Darkening," the fourth collection of poems by poet Ra Hee-duk (b.1966), has now been translated and published in English. The book talks about her concept of life and her faith. The book includes the poems "What Is Darkening," "Near the Peach Tree," "A Month for an Ax," "Raindrop," and "Obsessed with a Spider." The poem "What is Darkening," lending its title to the book, starts with "When 5:44 becomes 5:45/ as I lie in the room," explaining what it means to be "darkening." For the poet, the passage of time means "darkening." As time takes warmth away from the world, a poplar falls in the distance and its bark begins to dry. It is the moment of death. Then, all memory stops at 5:45. In the end, the poet rubs her broken ribs alone and recalls her own past.   Source:

  • Echoing Song
    Echoing Song
    English(English) Book Available

    Lee Hyang-ji et al / 이향지 et al / 2005 / -

    Echoing Song presents the work of 20 contemporary Korean women poets active from the 1970s to the present. Each poet is represented with 10 to 15 poems reflecting the range of their poetic development. This anthology demonstrates the originality and variety of modern Korean women’s poetry.

  • The Reverse Side of Life
    The Reverse Side of Life
    English(English) Book Available

    Lee Seung-u / 이승우 / 2005 / -

    Bak Bugil's father is a genius. Everyone expects him to pass the civil service examination and become a judge - except that he hasn't been seen since he left to study in Seoul. Bak lives with his mother and his father's relatives. At the end of a path at the back of the house is a persimmon tree and a ramshackle hut. Children are forbidden to go near the tree, but Bak makes repeated incursions to collect its fruit until a chance encounter with the hut's inhabitant changes his life for ever. Years later a journalist is asked to write about Bak, now one of South Korea's most original writers, and decides to reconstruct the author's childhood through an examination of his stories, novels and interviews. Yet when he meets Bak it becomes clear that the author finds such recollections traumatic. At the stratum of his earliest memories, firmly lodged like a fossil, is a face lonely and dark. The journalist knows that if he is to penetrate Bak's psyche he must first confront that face. In this partially autobiographical novel Lee Seung-U explores his roots. A theology graduate, he mixes together the notion of original sin rooted in the subconscious and its accompanying sense of insecurity, as well as the idea of a distant God who only occasionally extends a helping hand, to reveal how the conflict of the secular and the divine manifests itself in the real world.

  • Scale & stairs
    Scale & stairs
    English(English) Book Available

    Ra Heeduk et al / 나희덕 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Follow along as little bunny Jimmy and his brothers learn their lesson in this picture book. They learn to work together, clean up their room, and organize their toys. Once they finish, they finally have room for more fun and understand how important it is to keep their room clean.

  • Die Rückseite des Lebens
    Die Rückseite des Lebens
    German(Deutsch) Book Available

    Lee Seung-U et al / 이승우 / 1996 / -

    French(Français) Book Available

    Lee Seung-u / 이승우 / 2000 / -

    Pak Pukil, le héros de ce roman d'apprentissage, doit faire front, dès l'enfance, à une réalité sociale qu'il ne comprend pas. D'autant que les adultes de son entourage ne lui facilitent pas la tâche. La tyrannie de l'oncle qui l'élève, la folie de son père, le départ de sa mère et son remariage, le mensonge omniprésent le déroutent et le blessent. Contraint de tout découvrir par lui-même, il tente d'échapper à sa tragique solitude par l'amour d'une femme et des études de théologie. Mais y a-t-il un Dieu en ce bas monde, et la vie sordide à laquelle il est confronté apprend-elle à aimer ? Dans un roman très personnel, à la construction savante et virtuose, Lee Seung-U pose les questions fondamentales de la liberté, du destin, du salut. Il explore la vie intérieure, le drame de l'introversion, mais aussi celui de la création en cultivant le doute et l'inquiétude. Dans le paysage littéraire de la Corée d'aujourd'hui, il fait figure d'auteur unique en son genre et de tout premier plan.   Source:

  • Vermutungen über das Labyrinth
    Vermutungen über das Labyrinth
    German(Deutsch) Book Available

    Lee Seung-u / 이승우 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story

    Südkorea hat in den vergangenen vierzig Jahren eine außerordentlich schnelle Modernisierung erlebt. Nach dem Korea-Krieg (1950-1953) eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt, mit einer fast ausschließlich bäuerlichen Bevölkerung, vollzog sich von etwa 1960 an ein rascher Aufstieg. Lee Sung-U, obgleich erst Mitte 40, hat also einen Wandel erlebt, für den Europa ein Jahrhundert brauchte. Diese Entwicklung brachte nicht allein steigenden Wohlstand für immer größere Teile der Bevölkerung, rapide Verstädterung und damit zuletzt ein Mehr an individuellen Freiheiten. Erkauft wurde der Fortschritt über Jahrzehnte hinweg mit katastrophalen Arbeitsbedingungen und einer Militärdiktatur, die von dem Putsch des Generals Park Chung-Hee 1961 bis in die neunziger Jahre hinein jede Opposition gewaltsam unterdrückte, erkauft wird der Fortschritt auch mit zunehmender Vereinzelung, die in Lee Sung-Us Erzählungen mehrfach ihre Widerspiegelung findet. Obwohl sich Lee Sung-U vor allem der Gegenwart zuwendet, spielen politische Konflikte in seinem Werk nur eine geringe Rolle. Vielmehr reflektiert er seine Distanz von der Politik in zwei Schriftstellerfiguren, die sicher nicht mit ihm gleichgesetzt werden können, deren Haltung jedoch deutliche Parallelen zu der seinen aufweisen...   Source:über-das-Labyrinth-Sung-U/dp/3865320120

  • JI-DO
    Spanish(Español) Book Available

    Son Chang-sop et al / 손창섭 et al / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Desde el fin de las dictaduras (1961-1987) en la literatura coreana hubo un florecimiento literario no exento de crudeza, ironía y, en definitiva, una exacer¬bación de todo lo que puede pedírsele a la literatura en un país que en el siglo XX ha atravesado todos los dramas posibles. Si algo caracteriza a los ocho escritores contemporáneos que acá presentamos, es el tener posiciones políticas ligadas al contexto histórico social, y no a la autonomía literaria o a los parámetros claustrofóbicos de valoración literaria impuestos por la modernidad. Este es un atributo diferencial, no un valor. Es decir, es el modo en que lo político entra en el lenguaje de una sociedad oriental específica. Corea no terminó de salir de la pobreza y saldar los traumas que dejó el colonialismo japonés, cuando estalló la guerra de Corea (1950-1953). Las secuelas, a pesar de la entrada acelerada en el neoliberalismo y la dosis paliativa de amnesia que el mundo del entretenimiento y el consumo inyectó en una sociedad avanzada e hipertecnologizada, todavía hoy duran. Los escritores reunidos en este volumen pertenecen de algún modo a esa Corea única, previa a la división. Los ocho cuentos forman un mapa posible para entender la literatura coreana más reciente y su principal corriente: un realismo de corte social que sincroniza la literatura y la historia con el presente nacional. JI-DO, en este sentido, puede resultar una antinomia básica que muestra un secreto natural de la literatura: el de las ficciones que producen realidad. Oliverio Coelho     SOURCE :

  • 韩国现代小说选
    Chinese(简体) Book Available

    Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    《韩国现代小说选》是由韩国文学翻译院组织专家精选的作品集,选取了从1950年代到2000年代反映每个时代精神特征和社会面貌的12部短篇小说。通过描写50年代战争创伤的《受难二代》、60年代颓废一代的《汉城,1964年冬》、70年代产业化时代里精神失乡民的《去森浦的路》,以及反映80年代民众运动和工人运动、90年代个人写作和女性主义文学,2000年代新的写作模式和想像力的作品,小说家们勾画出了一道真实而鲜活的韩国社会的变迁轨迹。 镇守要回来了,镇守要活着回来了。某某人来了战死通知书某某人杳无音信不知是死是活而我们镇守今天要活着回来了,一想到这事儿,万道几乎都要飘起来了。也许是听了这消息吧,朴万道一口气就爬上了平常怎么也要歇一两口气儿才能翻过去的龙头坡,尽管胸13怦怦直跳还边喘着粗气,可是爬上了坡顶他都不想歇口气儿,因为隔着田野远远望见的车站里正升起股股白烟而且传来汽笛的长呜声。儿子坐的火车快中午了才会到。     Source: