Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

12 results
  • Histoires insolites de Corée
    French(Français) Book Available

    KWON Ji-ye et al / 권지예 et al / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Pour la plupart nés dans les années 70, les auteurs de ce recueil dessinent les nouvelles lignes de force de la littérature coréenne  (érotisme, libération des mœurs, affirmation de soi, désirs..), sans se départir des enjeux d’une société jugée encore très conservatrice. Sur un mode à la fois divertissant et poétique, ils témoignent d’une fine connaissance des phénomènes de l’inconscient et des pouvoirs de la littérature.   source:

  • AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    English(English) Book

    Cheon Myeong-kwan et al / 천명관 et al / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    English(English) Book

    Kim Kyung-uk et al / 김경욱 et al / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • The Disaster Tourist
    English(English) Book

    Yun Ko Eun et al / 윤고은 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy

    An eco-thriller with a fierce feminist sensibility, The Disaster Tourist engages with the global dialog around climate activism, dark tourism, and the #MeToo movement. For ten years, Yona has been stuck behind a desk as a coordinator for Jungle, a travel company specializing in vacation packages to destinations devastated by disaster and climate change. Her work life is uneventful until trouble arises in the form of a predatory colleague. To forestall any disruption of business as usual, Jungle makes Yona a proposition: a paid “vacation” to the desert island of Mui. But Yona must pose as a tourist and assess whether Jungle should continue their partnership with the unprofitable destination. Yona travels to the remote island, whose major attraction is an underwhelming sinkhole, a huge disappointment to the customers who’ve paid a premium. Soon Yona discovers the resort’s plan to fabricate a catastrophe in the interest of regaining their good standing with Jungle―and the manager enlists Yona’s help. Yona must choose between the callous company to whom she’s dedicated her life or the possibility of a fresh start in a powerful new position. As she begins to understand the cost of the manufactured disaster, Yona realizes that the lives of Mui’s citizens are in danger―and so is she.   Source :

  • Les Touristes du désastre
    French(Français) Book

    Yun Ko Eun et al / 윤고은 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy

    Un roman noir sur les ravages du « tourisme macabre », porté par la plume acide d’une des meilleures jeunes écrivaines de Corée. La jeune coréenne Yona travaille pour Jungle, un voyagiste spe cialise dans le tourisme macabre, dit « tourisme noir ». Elle conçoit des circuits dans des endroits marqués par la mort et les drames. Pour Jungle, elle va visiter l’i le de Mui, connue pour ses lieux d’accidents tragiques, et doit juger si cette destination est encore rentable. Elle de couvre alors qu’un propriétaire d’hôtels veut provoquer une catastrophe (pas tre s) naturelle pour attirer de nouveaux les touristes… Un roman noir et acide par l’une des meilleurs auteures coréennes. Source :ésastre-Disaster-Tourist-One-Shot/dp/241303000X

  • 災難觀光團
    Chinese(汉语) Book

    Yun Ko Eun et al / 윤고은 / 2022 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy

    「災難旅遊」新企劃,無與倫比的奇想壯觀場面,化腐朽為神奇的新商機! 叢林旅遊專門推出災難觀光行程,上百種套裝行程任君挑選:人禍類的交戰區、集中營、核災廢墟;天災類的火山、颶風、海嘯、地震重創之地,全是精心開發景點,想一探福島或是中東交火區,想走馬看「災」、深入歷史現場、擔任志工奉獻愛心,全都能幫您辦妥。 尤娜擔任災難觀光企劃已有十年,她正打算開發近期遭逢海嘯的城市。但就在這時,她在公司內被盯上,騷擾、排擠、站邊的壓力蜂擁而來。正當她灰心求去之際,一個帶薪休假的機會出現了──前提是她要偽裝成遊客跟團,暗中訪調公司打算裁撤的災區小島。 曾因為沙漠出現巨大天坑、獵頭事件而揚名的小島陷入危機,當地近來太過平靜,難以再靠災難觀光營生。尤娜的到訪,幾乎等於是宣告小島經濟死刑──於是,一場再造「災難生機」的計劃隱隱成形,為了達到災難度、死傷數字化的標準,島上居民做出了意想不到的決定…… 娛樂至死的年代,沒有不能賺的錢,你的底線會在哪裡? 耳目一新的想像力,生態驚悚小說的新高度! Source :

  • Disaster Tourist
    English(English) Book

    Yun Ko Eun et al / 윤고은 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy

    A satirical Korean eco-thriller with a fierce feminist sensibility. Yona has been stuck behind a desk for years working as a programming coordinator for Jungle, a travel company specialising in package holidays to destinations ravaged by disaster. source:,-translated-by-Lizzie-Buehler-Disaster-Tourist-9781788163149

  • Turystka
    Polish(Polski) Book

    Yun Ko Eun et al / 윤고은 / 2022 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy

    Ko Yona od lat pracuje w tej samej firmie turystycznej, specjalizującej się w organizowaniu wypraw do miejsc spustoszonych przez katastrofy. Kiedy przełożony zaczyna ją napastować, Yona planuje złożyć na niego skargę. Jednak firma, próbując ukryć zarzuty, przedstawia jej atrakcyjną propozycję: urlop zagraniczny. Yona ma zweryfikować jeden z najdroższych programów wyjazdowych. Przyjmuje ofertę, ale na miejscu okazuje się, że wyspa Mui ma niewiele atrakcji. Kiedy w drodze powrotnej Yona przypadkiem odłącza się od grupy (a może to wcale nie przypadek?), zaczyna odkrywać prawdziwe oblicze wyspy. Zostaje też wciągnięta w niebezpieczny plan sfabrykowania katastrofy ekologicznej, a wszystko po to, by dla turystów podróż była bardziej interesująca. Turystka Yun Ko-eun porusza tematy zmian klimatycznych, ciemnej strony turystyki, a także ruchu obywatelskiego #JaTeż. Source :

  • Afet Gezginleri
    Turkish(Türkçe) Book

    Yun Ko Eun et al / 윤고은 / 2023 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy

    Afet Gezginleri Doğan Kitap İnsan neden başkalarının yaşadığı felaketi yakından görmek ister? Yona, afet bölgelerine turlar düzenleyen bir turizm şirketi olan Jungle’da on yıldır koordinatörlük yapmaktadır. Bir yönetici onu taciz edene kadar çok sıradan bir iş hayatı vardır. Şirketin işleyişinde yaşanabilecek herhangi bir aksamayı ertelemek için Jungle Yona’ya bir teklifte bulunur: çöl adası Mui’ye tüm masrafları karşılanmış bir gezi. Yona diğer afet gezginlerinin arasına karışıp Jungle’ın bu bölgeye tur düzenlemeye devam edip etmeyeceğine karar verecektir. Yona adaya gidince orada yaşanmış felaketlerin kimseyi etkilemediğine şahit olur. Tur şirketlerinin adayı terk etmesi kaçınılmazdır. Ancak kısa bir süre sonra da Mui adasının sahibi şirketin bambaşka planları olduğunu öğrenir. Mona on yılını vermesine rağmen onu bir kenara iten şirketi ve yeni bir başlangıç arasında seçim yapmak zorunda kalır. Fakat zaman daraldıkça Mui’de yaşayan insanlarla birlikte kendi hayatının da tehlikede olduğunu fark eder. source:

  • 夜間旅行者
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    Yun Ko Eun et al / 윤고은 / 2023 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > SF > Fantasy

    被災地を巡るダークツアーを企画するヨナは、収益の低いツアーを査定するよう命じられ、ベトナム沖の島に向かう。滞在中ヨナはひき逃げ事件を目撃してしまい、謎の一味に加わるよう脅される。彼らは、新たなダークツアーを「捏造」しようとしていた。パスポートを失くして出国できないヨナは、滞在許可証を入手するため仕方なく計画に加わる。やがてツアーの全貌が明らかになり、「捏造」の恐るべき真実が発覚するが、もう計画から抜け出すことはできなくなっていて…。ダークツーリズムの闇を描く韓国ミステリ。 source: