Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

299 results
  • Modern Korean fiction
    Modern Korean fiction
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hyun Jin-geon et al / 현진건 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    To represent the past century of Korean fiction, this definitive collection extends beyond familiar writers, challenges cultural norms, and crosses political borders. By inlcuding stories from neglected female, North Korean, and wolbuk writers (those who migrated to the North after 1945 and whose works were widely banned in South Korea) and by bringing politically engaged works together with experimental ones, this anthology articulates the ruptures and resolutions that have makred the peninsula. From sketches of desperate peasants in straitened circumstances to fast-moving, visceral tales of contemporary South Korea, the works in this collection bear witness to the dramatic transformations and events in twentieth-century Korean history, including Japanese colonial rule, civil war, and economic modernization in the South. The writers explore these developments through a variety of literary and political lenses, revealing wtih precision and poignancy their impact on Korean society and the lives of ordinary Koreans. This anthology includes an introduction, which synthesizes the key developments in modern Korean literature, and a comprehensive bibliography of Korean fiction in translation

  • A Ready-Made Life
    A Ready-Made Life
    English(English) E-Book Available

    Ch`ae Man-Sik et al / 채만식 et al / 1998 / -

    A Ready Made Life is the first volume of early modern Korean fiction to appear in English in the U.S. Written between 1921 and 1943, the sixteen stories are an excellent introduction to the riches of modern Korean fiction. They reveal a variety of settings, voices, styles, and thematic concerns, and the best of them, masterpieces written mainly in the mid-1930s, display an impressive artistic maturity. Included among these authors are Hwang Sun-won, modern Korea's greatest short story writer; Kim Tong-in, regarded by many as the author who best captures the essence of the Korean identity; Ch'ae Man-shik, a master of irony; Yi Sang, a prominent modernist; Kim Yu-jong, whose stories are marked by a unique blend of earthy humor and compassion; Yi Kwang-su and Kim Tong-ni, modernizers of the language of twentieth-century Korean fiction; and Yi Ki-yúng, Yi T'ae-jun, and Pak T'ae-won, three writers who migrated to North Korea shortly after Liberation in 1945 and whose works were subsequently banned in South Korea until democratization in the late 1980s. One way of reading the stories, all of which were written during the Japanese occupation, is that beneath their often oppressive and gloomy surface lies an anticolonial subtext. They can also be read as a collective record of a people whose life choices were severely restricted, not just by colonization, but by education (either too little or too much, as the title story shows) and by a highly structured society that had little tolerance for those who overstepped its boundaries. Life was unremittingly onerous for many Koreans during this period, whatever their social background. In the stories, educated city folk fare little better than farmers and laborers.

  • Unspoken Voices
    Unspoken Voices
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi Chung-Hui et al / 최정희 et al / 2002 / -

    The stories in this collection are written by twelve Korean women writers whose experience, insight, and writing skill make them truly representative of Korean fiction at its best. "The Rooster" is a comical revelation of an old man who accepts the truth that Man and Nature revolve around the same immutable natural law. In "The Fragment," refugees who flee to Pusan during the Korean War suffer the unspeakable squalor and despair when jammed in a warehouse. "The Young Elm Tree" tells the story of a high school girl who falls in love with the son of her mother's new husband. What all these twelve writers share in common is a keen eye that penetrates into the lives of Korean women from the early part of the 20th century to the present. THE AUTHORS Authors included fall into two groups-those born during the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910-1945) and those born after 1945. All the eight authors in the first group experienced the Second World War in childhood and the Korean War as adults. They saw pain, hardship, and death, but they observed courage, resilience, humor, and love even in the most dire times. The four younger writers are active creators of works that have won top literary awards. Their fresh new look at life, their bold experimental style, and their refreshing voices are a reflection of their generation. THE TRANSLATOR Dr. Jin-Young Choi is Professor of English at Chung-Ang University in Seoul. She has translated two novels, numerous short stories and tales. Her Saturday columns in The Korea Herald were collected into one volume form One Woman's Way. All of her translated short stories were published in Korean Literature Today.

  • Versammelte Lichter
    Versammelte Lichter
    German(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kyung Ran et al / 조경란 et al / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

  • Wie kommt der Elefant in mein Schlafzimmer?
    Wie kommt der Elefant in mein Schlafzimmer?
    German(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kyung Ran et al / 조경란 / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

  • Zeit zum Toastbacken
    Zeit zum Toastbacken
    German(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kyung Ran et al / 조경란 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century

    In den Romanen von Jo Kyung Ran ist der Abbruch von menschlichen Beziehungen ein Schlüsselthema für ihre literarische Welt. Die Entfremdung innerhalb der Familie ist in ihrem ersten Roman „Zeit zum Toastbacken“ sehr intensiv dargestellt: Anstelle von Liebe bindet ein schwer durchschaubares Systen die unversöhnlichen Familienmitglieder aneinander. Während Yochin, die Tochter (und Ich-Erzählerin), danach strebt, ihre Backkunst zu vervollkommnen, entwickeln sich parallel dazu die Geschichten um die weniger vollkommenen Menschen in ihrem Umfeld. Dabei spielen vordergründig Körperlichkeiten eine zentrale Rolle; dahinter steht jedoch stets die Frage nach Identität. Und viele der so sicher scheinenden Ansichten, aus denen Yochin ihr Weltbild zusammensetzt, entpuppen sich überraschend als Trugbilder und Fehlannahmen. Seinen besonderen Charme erhält der Roman dadurch, dass die Ich-Erzählerin ihre Betrachtungen zeitweilig aus dem Blickwinkel der Bäckerin anstellt, was den Leser immer wieder zum Schmunzeln veranlasst: „Wenn man sie sah, dachte man unwillkürlich an einen prächtig geratenen Napfkuchen, so warm und weich sah sie aus.“   Source:

  • 6 stories 現代韓国女性作家短編
    6 stories 現代韓国女性作家短編
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Ji-Young Gong et al / 공지영 et al / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    30~40代の女性作家6人が描く「今日の韓国」。隣の部屋の女に翻弄される主婦の日常「隣の家の女」、カウンセリングを受け離婚を決意する「ちょっとした日々の記録」など。巻末エッセー・鷺沢萠 Source:シックスストーリーズ-現代韓国女性作家短編-キム-インスク/dp/4087733602

  • 朝鮮短篇小說選集
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Hyun Jin-geon et al / 현진건 et al / 1981 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This anthology includes four short stories, including “Unsu joeun nal" (운수 좋은 날 A Lucky Day) by Hyun Jin-geon (1900-1943). The translator, Hideo Aoyama, was born in 1927, majored in Korean, and served as a professor at Tenri University. It contains both the original Korean texts and the Japanese translations.

  • En busca del elefante
    En busca del elefante
    Spanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kyung Ran et al / 조경란 / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

    Esta es una colección de siete cuentos de la autora JO Kyung-ran, conocida por su fino y delicado estilo literario. Para la autora, una de las tareas de los escritores es percibir lo invisible, escuchar su espíritu que habla en voz baja y ponerlo en palabras. Por eso se interesa en los seres débiles, en los extraños, y quiere ser su puente hacia el lector y descubrirle aquellos discretos acontecimientos que ocurren en su derredor y que ignora las más de las veces. Su mirada comprensiva le da su sexto sentido. La mayoría de sus personajes son extraños, viven en profundo aislamiento y, cuando se relacionan con otros, a menudo sufren por rupturas que no comprenden ni soportan. No hay nada exitoso en el amor ni se sienten salvados por la familia.

  • Tong
    Dutch(Nederlands) Funded by LTI Korea

    Kyung Ran et al / 조경란 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

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