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Yun Seok-jung(윤석중)

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Yun Seok-jung
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Pen Name
Yun Seok-jung, Yoon Suk-Joong, 석동
Representative Works
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  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • Chinese(汉语)

Yun Seok-jung (1911-2003) is a South Korean children’s writer. He began his literary career with the publication of the children’s play Olppaemiui nun (올빼미의 눈 Eye of the Owl) in Dong-A Ilbo in 1925. He has pioneered the Juvenile Literary Movement, founding the juvenile literary group “Kkotbatsa” in 1923 and publishing the literary coterie magazine Kkotbat (꽃밭 Field of Flowers). He wrote children’s books, children’s songs, and children’s poems about children’s daily life and nature.l  Children’s song collection Yun Seok-jung dongyojip (윤석중동요집 Collection of Children’s Songs by Yun Seok-jung) (1932)

l  Collection of children’s songs and poems Yeodeun sal meogeun ai (여든 살 먹은 아이 An Eighty-Year-Old Child) (1990)

l  Children’s story collection Yeolsongarak iyagi (열손가락 이야기 The Story about Ten Fingers) (1977)

윤석중(1911~2003)은 한국의 아동문학가다.  1925년  《동아일보》에 동화극 <올빼미의 눈>을 발표하며 본격적인 문단 활동을 시작하였다. 1923년에 소년문예단체 '꽃밭사'를 결성하고 동인지  《꽃밭》을 발간하는 등 소년문예운동의 선구자로서 활동하였다. 주로 어린이들의 일상과 자연을 소재로 하여 동화, 동요, 동시를 창작하였다.

尹石重(1911-2003),韩国儿童文学作家。1925年在《东亚日报》发表童话剧《猫头鹰的眼睛》(《올빼미의 눈》),从此投身创作活动。作为青少年文学运动的先驱,于1923年创立了少年文学团体“花园社”,并发行了同人志《花园》。其作品多为涉及儿童日常和自然的童话、童谣和童诗。

童谣集《尹石重童谣集》(《윤석중동요집》,1932)、童谣童诗集《八十岁的孩子》(《여든 살 먹은 아이》,1990)、童话集《十个手指的故事》(《열손가락 이야기》,1977)

  • Half past four poems for children (1978)

Original Works1

  • 넉 점 반
    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work
    넉점 반

    Neokjeom ban

    Yun Seok-jung / 윤석중 / 2004

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