Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

4 results
  • Biscuit Vol.1
    German(Deutsch) Book Available

    Kye Seung-Hui / 계승희 / 2004 / KDC구분 > Arts

    A group of fanatical doomsday cultists stole a bomb and kidnapped a policeman. As if not bad enough, the Detective Troy Moon will be assigned a new partner, with whom he should give those police officers, namely his actual partner Naidan track. Unenthusiastic makes Troy in search and discovered a short time important clues that suggest a link between the kidnapping and the disappearance of the bomb.

  • Biscuit Vol.2
    German(Deutsch) Book

    Kye Seung-Hui / 계승희 / 2004 / KDC구분 > Arts

    In the second volume is all about the Mafia. In order to avenge his father and his brother, a young man took hostages at the school, going to the well Troy's little sister. He threatened to shoot the hostages if one does not extradite him to the mafia boss Romano. But Troy is bound by a promise from the past, not to interfere in Mafia affairs.

  • Biscuit Vol.3
    German(Deutsch) Book

    Kye Seung-Hui / 계승희 / 2004 / KDC구분 > Arts

    As a cruel mutilated body appears, Angel is reminiscent of a terrible experience from her childhood that still robs her of sleep. Then, too, a body was found slashed their belly and whose forearms were separated. Can it be that the serial killer and former neighbor Angels is now on the loose and continue murdering at will?

  • Biscuit Vol.4
    German(Deutsch) Book

    Kye Seung-Hui / 계승희 / 2004 / KDC구분 > Arts

    The search for the gruesome serial killer who so horribly mutilated the bodies of his victims, continues. Angel finds out that pursue traces Agent Gabrielle and Troy and when the two women want to hear Clyde Riverman again, they acquire new insights in his house appalling. Can it be that the perpetrator is the victim himself and is only controlled by someone?