Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

28 results
  • 景福宮の秘密コード
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century


  • 风之画员
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    一个是女扮男妆的绝世美女,一个是遗世独立的旷代逸才。一个是身世凄凉的落寞君王,三个与时代风潮格格不入的人尘世邂逅,惺惺相惜,爱慕有加,上演了惊天动地的画苑故事。韩国历史悬疑小说的巅峰之作,出版以来畅销百万册,读者惊呼:“李正明为韩国小说挽回了自尊!” 父亲无辜遭到杀害,自幼被人收养,苦难也无法遮蔽润福的天才光芒,然而她的才华却不为当世所容,只有亦师亦友的弘道懂得欣赏和爱护。他们受国王之托追查十年前的连锁杀人事件,随着调查的深入,国王和润福的身世之谜也渐渐浮出水面,纵然两位天才在世人的嫉妒目光里比翼齐飞,萌生出感人至深的灵魂之爱,怎奈前尘注定今生,他们的爱终究还是有因无果,留给历史无尽的感慨。   Source:

  • 树大根深
    Chinese(汉语) Book Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    1443年秋,朝鲜王宫景福宫后花园的“洌上真源”井中发现了集贤殿学士的尸体,线索只有谜语般的图画和纹身。案件尚未森明,第二、第三、第四起杀人事件又接连发生。夜夜不辍的连锁杀人、出没于网王寝殿的幢幢魅影、受诅咒的书籍之谜…… 缜密的伏笔、丰富的知识、始料不及的逆转、仿佛走出典籍的生动人物、令人震惊的历史事件、充满现实意义的情节推进,为韩国历史悬疑小说开辟了新天地。该书出版以来,深受韩国读者:薄爱,一直名列畅销书前茅。   Source:历史悬疑小说•树大根深-李正明/dp/B004S5BZOI

  • 風之畫師
    Chinese(汉语) Book

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    十年前,圖畫署兩大畫師離奇驟逝,一位是金弘道的恩師姜守桓,一位是金的知己徐征,兩案的調查當時都被草草了結。 十年後,大畫師金弘道與天才徒弟申潤福奉王命尋找十年前一幅秘繪的「思悼世子畫」,結果發現姜守桓與徐征各留下了一幅神秘的無臉肖像,而徐征的稚齡獨女更從此下落不明。從而牽引出隱藏了十年的離奇謀殺案,以及兩人亦師亦友、亦情人亦對手的微妙感情。     Source :

  • The Investigation
    The Investigation
    English(English) Book Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    Jung-Myung Lee's extraordinary THE INVESTIGATION, translated by Chi-Young Kim, is set in a period of Korean history that isn't widely known in the West. In 1944, with the region still under Japanese rule, Korean inmates of Fukuoka prison are not allowed to use their own language. A young guard is ordered to find the killer of another guard and stumbles on a sinister conspiracy - and the work of a Korean poet who writes clandestine verses of rare beauty. Inspired by the work of Yun Dong-ju, the dissident Korean writer who died in Fukuoka in 1945, this is a heart-wrenching novel with many unexpected twists. (Sunday Times)   In Jung-Myung Lee's The Investigation, the equally merciless Japanese occupation of Korea drives a Second World War mystery set in Fukuoka prison. A forbidden passion for poetry binds the three protagonists: the jailed Korean bard Yun Dong-ju, whose life inspired the novel; the outwardly tough guard Sugiyama, and Yuichi, the bookish Japanese narrator. Lee's story celebrates the power of poetry, of books and of reading, to lend us a "sixth sense" that can heal and transform even in the harshest times. In this hellish jail, poetry both subverts and redeems, and "Only the purest language could testify about the most brutal era". Now, Britain's penal authorities become the "executioners of literature" as they ban the gift of books. So this Korean bestseller deserves to fly across our own prison walls. (Independent)   Source:

  • La guardia, il poeta e l'investigatore
    La guardia, il poeta e l'investigatore
    Italian(Italiano) Book Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    Nel 1944 la Corea è sotto l’occupazione giapponese, e nella prigione di Fukuoka non si permette ai detenuti coreani di usare la propria lingua. Un uomo, una guardia carceraria, viene trovato brutalmente assassinato, e un giovane collega dall’animo sensibile e letterario viene incaricato di condurre l’indagine e trovare il colpevole.   Source:

    Italian(Italiano) Book Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

  • El guardia, el poeta y el prisionero
    El guardia, el poeta y el prisionero
    Spanish(Español) Book Available

    Lee Jung-Myung / 이정명 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    «La guerra terminó el 15 de agosto de 1945. Los presos fueron liberados, pero yo sigo aquí. Lo único que ha cambiado es que ahora estoy entre rejas, y que en lugar del uniforme marrón de guardia ahora llevo este traje rojo de prisionero. »La historia que voy a contar no trata de mí. . . No sé muy bien dónde empezará ni cómo terminará; ni siquiera sé si podré concluirla. Me limitaré a ponerlo todo por escrito. Mi historia trata de dos personas que se conocieron en la cárcel de Fukuoka. Un preso y un guardia; un poeta y un censor. » Una cárcel de Japón, en 1944. Un carcelero muere brutalmente asesinado, y un joven guardia es el encargado, para su sorpresa, de emprender la investigación y encontrar el culpable. Un asesinato, una investigación. . . y la historia más emocionante, conmovedora y hermosa que habrá leído en mucho tiempo. El guardia, el poeta y el prisionero es la historia de una investigación: paciente, meticulosa, de quien busca la verdad y no arroja la toalla, en que unas pistas llevan a otras y solo en las últimas páginas se obtiene la foto completa. Si buscan un misterio, un buen misterio literario, aquí lo encontrarán. También es la historia de dos hombres, un guardia y un preso; un censor y un poeta. Uno de ellos realmente existió. Pero en realidad es mucho más: una historia que emociona. Un canto a la esperanza, a la libertad y a todo lo que preserva nuestra humanidad en tiempos oscuros. Una declaración de amor por la palabra escrita. Un regalo para todos aquellos que amamos leer, necesitamos leer, y nos reconocemos en esos personajes que descubren la magia de los libros o la conocen y la comparten; esa magia que une a las personas más dispares. Este es uno de esos libros que a un lector le llena el alma. «Quienes hayan disfrutado con La ladrona de libros, también disfrutarán con El guardia, el poeta y el prisionero . » The List «Uno de los libros más hermosos que he leído en mucho tiempo. » Lector en Goodreads «Extraordinaria . . . una novela desgarradora con muchos giros inesperados. » Sunday Times «Inspirado en una historia real, este es un magnífico thriller literario. » Le Journal de Québec. N° de ref. de la librería 10007967   Source:$encodedSearchUrl

  • Le garde, le poète et le prisonnier
    Le garde, le poète et le prisonnier
    French(Français) Book Available

    Lee Jung-Myung / 이정명 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    Pénitencier de Fukuoka, Japon, 1944. Un meurtre atroce a eu lieu : celui du gardien-chef, Sugiyama, un homme réputé pour sa cruauté bestiale. Le soldat Watanabe, toute jeune recrue japonaise, est chargé de trouver le coupable, mais à peine a-t-il commencé les interrogatoires qu’un détenu influent, un Coréen communiste et résistant, s’accuse du crime. Pourtant, Watanabe ne croit pas à sa culpabilité et décide de poursuivre ses investigations malgré les ordres de sa hiérarchie. À mesure qu’il reconstitue les derniers mois du gardien-chef, il va découvrir ce qui se passe réellement dans ce sombre lieu dont peu sortent vivants : un prisonnier prêt à tout pour creuser son chemin vers la liberté, un directeur dont la cupidité ne connaît pas de limites, et l’étrange relation qui s’est nouée entre la brute Sugiyama et Yun Dong-ju, un jeune poète coréen. Alors que la guerre fait rage au-dehors et que les bombes pleuvent sur Fukuoka, Watanabe mettra tout en œuvre pour protéger Yun Dong-ju, dont les vers sont si purs qu’ils brisent le plus dur des cœurs. Mais il devra affronter un complot bien plus vaste que l’enceinte de la prison…   À la fois thriller historique, huis clos et hommage au poète Yun Dong-ju, qui trouva la mort à Fukuoka à l’âge de vingt-sept ans, Le Garde, le Poète et le Prisonnier est un plaidoyer passionné pour la littérature et son pouvoir de rédemption.   LEE JUNG MYUNG est aujourd’hui l’un des romanciers les plus populaires de Corée, auteur des best-sellers Deep Rooted Tree (meilleur livre de l’année en 2006) et Painter of the Wind, tous deux adaptés pour la télévision. Ses romans, qui revisitent l’histoire de son pays, ont ouvert une nouvelle voie à la littérature coréenne. Le Garde, le Poète et le Prisonnier est le premier à être traduit en français.   Source:  

  • The Investigation
    The Investigation
    English(English) Book Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    Fukuoka Prison, 1944. Beyond the prison walls the war rages; inside a man is found brutally murdered.Yuichi Watanabe, a young guard with a passion for reading, is ordered to investigate. The victim, Sugiyama - also a guard - was feared and despised throughout the prison and inquiries have barely begun when a powerful inmate confesses. But Watanabe is unconvinced; and as he interrogates both the suspect and Yun Dong-ju, a talented Korean poet, he begins to realise that the fearsome guard was not all he appeared to be . . .As Watanabe unravels Sugiyama's final months, he begins to discover what is really going on inside this dark and violent institution, which few inmates survive: a man who will stop at nothing to dig his way to freedom; a governor whose greed knows no limits; a little girl whose kite finds her an unlikely friend. And Yun Dong-ju - the poet whose works hold such beauty they can break the hardest of hearts.As the war moves towards its devastating close and bombs rain down upon the prison, Watanabe realises that he must find a way to protect Yun Dong-ju, no matter what it takes. This decision will lead the young guard back to the investigation - where he will discover a devastating truth . . .At once a captivating mystery and an epic lament for lost freedom and humanity in the darkest of times, The Investigation - inspired by a true story - is a sweeping, gripping tale perfect for fans of The Shadow of the Wind.       An interview with Jung-myung Lee   Q. Jung-myung Lee, can you tell us what your novel The Investigation is about?   The Investigation is a story about censors who burned the poetry of a prisoner. It begins with the murder case of a prison guard in Fukuoka Prison, 1944. A Japanese prison guard was found hanged in the main corridor of the prison. A young guard starts to investigate the murder case and serving a secret cause of writing. He uncovers the conspiracy of Japanese imperialists.   Q. What inspired the friendship between the Japanese guard and the Korean prisoner?    It was 1989; I was on a trip on Kyoto, the second biggest city in Japan. I met a Japanese friend and he became my guide. We were going to his college and to look around the campus, and I found a marked stone. I read what was printed on it and I realized it was the memorial stone of the Korean poet. I realized that he had spent his last student period at that college. We went to the campus library and found two poetry collections, one each in Korean and Japanese. We read the collection in each language. After that we went out of the library and my Japanese friend said that he should have known about him. After I graduated university I worked as a journalist. I have long collected reports and information about the young poet, and I decided to write after 20 years. The inspiration came 25 years ago.   Q. History seems very important to you, why is this?    I am always amazed by the history from between the lines of the record, in other words the unprinted record. I always focus on the unrecorded history. When I read a record, a historical record, I imagine the real side of the history. I think there are three perspectives of history. One is the historiographical, the facts; it focuses on when and where. The second one is the history of the records; it includes the writers, memoirs, and a lot of different things. The third one is a history of interpretation; it depends on the perspective of the historian and the historic research. It consists of the whole history. But I’d like to add one more perspective to that list: the history of imagination. I love to imagine a blank of the untold history. Of course it is fiction, not a fact or historical truth. But I believe that the fiction appears more sincere than the historic truth. I dream of fiction which highlights the historical truths, and highlights the whole history; the fiction that shows the whole historical truth, not a fragment of histories. And I dream of fiction which the people may want to believe is the fact. That is my opinion.   Q. The act of reading and the act of writing are both very important to your characters. How important do you believe it is for people to read and write?    I think reading and writing, as a sentence, or a written work, in other words a book, I think a book can change people, humans, from their hearts. Sugiyama, who dies in this story, shows that, shows how books or reading can change the human being. He was an ignorant and violent prison guard who was slowly but clearly moved by writing. The pure Yun poet makes him change through the writings of Shakespeare and Tolstoy. I think books and writings and music can make the world better. Without them we can only exist in one singular minute.   Q. Every year the London Book Fair focuses on a particular country. This year, 2013, that country was Korea. Why do you think so many English-speaking people are becoming interested in Korean literature?    We have made great economic progress since independence in 1945. We suffered from colonization and the Korean War, but we started again from the ground of the first world. After that we made great progress, but the Western people are aware of our economic progress, our IT, and our life. But the culture of our country is not well known, and they don’t know about our culture. Some of them don’t know about our culture. So the Korean government tried to show it, to let foreigners know about our culture. And a lot of artists in pop songs, or games, and sports made progress in Western countries. So more and more foreigners became aware of Korean culture and they needed more information about our culture. I think that literature or the novel is the best way to know about the heart of a certain culture. So it is timely for the Korean culture to join the market, to be at the book fair.   Source: