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Pahk Yon-Hee(박연희)

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Pak Yon-Hee
Family Name
First Name
Middle Name
Preferred Name
Pahk Yon-Hee
Pen Name
Pahk Yon-Hee, 朴渕禧, Park Yeonhee
Representative Works
  • Descriptions
  • French(Français)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • English(English)
  • Chinese(汉语)

Dans ces œuvres, Bak Yeon-heui a exposé l'absurdité fondamentale du quotidien qui marque les relations sociales. Ainsi, ces récits sont caractérisés par un ton critique très prononcé envers les injustices sociales et les abus de pouvoir au niveau politique, éléments que l'on retrouve dans Le petit garçon et un chien appelé Mary (So-nyeongwa Meriraneun gae, 1953), Le Témoin (Jeung-in, 1956), Solitaire (Godokja, 1955), et Le poulet et la légende (Dakgwa sinhwa, 1956). Deux de ses œuvres représentatives de cette période sont L'errance (Banghwang, 1962), une histoire d'amitié entre un soldat japonais et une recrue coréenne, et Désillusion (Hwanmyeol, 1958), portrait d'un homme dévasté moralement dans un environnement envahi par le mensonge. Les deux histoires présentent des personnages avec une forte volonté de résister au destin et une forte conscience critique ; leur mise en accusation de la société en général reflète ici le propre point vue de l'auteur.

Bak Yeon-heui a ensuite écrit un certain nombre de romans historiques dans une tentative d'utiliser le miroir du passé pour envisager le présent et l'avenir. Ces travaux comprennent Hong Gil-dong (1972), Le crépuscule du matin (Yeo-myeong-gi, 1978) et La ville sans propriétaire (Ju-in eomneun dosi, 1988). Il a reçu en 1983 le prix de l'Académie des arts coréens2.





박연희(1918~2008)는 한국의 소설가이다. 초기에는 허무적, 퇴폐적인 작품을 썼으나 한국전쟁 이후에는 사회의 부조리를 고발하는 작품들을 썼고, 역사소설도 다수 창작하였다. 대표작으로 〈증인〉(1956), 《그 여자의 연인》(1958), 《홍길동》(1975) 등이 있다.




1918년 함경남도 함흥에서 출생하였다. 1944년에 〈조랑말〉을 발표하였으며 해방 전후에는 과수원을 경영하기도 했다.1) 1946년에 월남하여 《백민》, 《자유세계》, 《자유문학》 등의 잡지사에서 편집 일을 하였다. 월남한 해에 〈쌀〉을 발표하면서 문학 활동을 본격적으로 시작했으며 이후 〈고목〉(1948), 〈삼팔선〉(1948) 등을 썼고 한국전쟁 중인 1953년에 《전선문학》(육군종군작가단)에 〈새벽〉을 발표하였다.2) 1958년에 동아일보 문화부 차장, 1962년에 한국전력공사 공보실 편집차장으로 근무하였으며3) 〈증인〉(1956), 《그 여자의 연인》(1958)을 발표하였다.


1960년대에는 비인간적인 현실과 부조리한 사회를 고발한 리얼리즘 계열의 작품 〈방황〉(1962), 〈변모〉(1965) 등을 발표하였다. 1970년대 이후에는 역사소설로 방향을 돌려 대하소설 《홍길동》(1975)을 발표하였으며 1980년대에도 《민란시대》(1988), 《주인 없는 도시》(1988) 등을 쓰는 등 노년기에도 작품 활동을 활발하게 하였다. 1997년에 한국소설가협회 고문을 지냈으며,4) 2008년에 노환으로 사망했다. 1960년 자유문학가협회상, 1983년 대한민국예술원장상, 2004년 은관문화훈장 등을 받았다.5)


작품 세계


작품 세계의 변화

박연희의 작품 경향은 초기, 중기, 후기의 세 단계에 걸쳐 변화한다. 〈고목〉(1948)으로 대표되는 초기에는 허무적, 퇴폐적인 경향이 강했다. 중기에는 이승만 정권의 독재를 고발한 〈증인〉(1956), 환경의 지배로 타락하는 인간상을 그린 〈환멸〉(1958), 조선 학병들의 고뇌를 이야기한 〈방황〉(1962) 등을 통해 현실을 적극적으로 비판했다. 후기에는 《홍길동》(1975), 《여명기》(1978), 《주인 없는 도시》(1988) 등으로 대표되는 장편 역사소설을 통해 과거를 통해 현재를 살피고 미래의 인간상을 발굴하고자 했다.6) 해방 직후의 북한 사회를 소년의 눈으로 증언한 《하촌일가》(1978)도 후기의 중요한 작품이다.7)



박연희는 당대의 정치적인 부조리나 사회악을 고발하면서 저항의식을 드러낸 작품을 많이 썼다.8) 1954년 10월부터 1955년 2월까지 정치와 종교를 비판한 《가면의 회화》를 《평화신문》에 연재하다가, 신문사가 대중적인 애정 소설 쓰기를 요구하자 스스로 중단한 사건9) 역시 이러한 작가의식을 잘 보여 준다. 또한 박연희의 문학은 참된 인간성을 실현하고자 하는 휴머니즘적인 세계관과 리얼리즘이 결합해 독특한 세계관을 보여 준다. 특히 그가 작품 속에서 드러내는 휴머니즘은 러시아 문학의 영향을 받은 것으로서 서민의 생활뿐만 아니라 사회의식까지 강조하고 있다.10)


대표 작품

〈증인〉(1956)은 자유당 독재 체제와 반공 이데올로기에서 나타나는 정치적 억압을 다룬 작품이다.11) 이 작품은 1950년대 소설에서 드물게 이승만 정권의 독재성을 대담하게 고발하였으며, 유일하게 구체적인 사건인 ‘사사오입 개헌파동’을 대상으로 하였다.12) 준은 사사오입 개헌에 반대하여 야당에 유리한 기사를 썼다는 이유로 신문사에서 권고사직을 당한다. 이후 현일우라는 학생을 하숙생으로 받는데, 현일우 때문에 간첩과 접선했다는 혐의로 체포된다. 독방에 갇혀 심문받다가 각혈한 뒤 풀려난 후에13) 준은 병상에서 자신이 왜 감옥에 갇혔고, 살아야 하는 이유가 무엇인지 끊임없이 묻는다.14) 이처럼 〈증인〉은 권력의 무자비한 횡포로 수난을 당하는 인물을 그림으로써 당대 사회의 위선과 부조리를 폭로한다.15)


《그 여자의 연인》(1958)은 부조리한 현실 속에서 지식인이 복잡한 연애 과정을 통해 느낀 애환을 그린 작품이다. 고려출판사의 편집국장이자 소설가인 임규주는 아내가 폐병을 앓고 있는 중에 사장의 후실 송경원, 월북한 친구이자 시인인 철의 아내 강선옥과 연애한다. 같은 출판사 직원인 장성혜의 고백을 거절하기도 한다. 이런 상황에서 임규주가 쓰는 신문 연재소설에 사상 문제가 생겨 당국에 소환되지만 사장과 송경원 덕분에 풀려 나온다. 이후 임규주는 공동 농장을 경영하기로 하고 버스 안에서 여인들의 얼굴을 떠올린다.16) 이렇게 임규주는 사랑 속에서 방황하지만 이에 그치지 않고, 소설에서 ‘돈으로 행복을 재는 것이 민주주의가 아니’라고 하면서 돈과 행복을 직결하는 풍토를 비판한다. 이는 자본주의가 민주주의는 아니라는 것을 보여 주면서, 다양한 인물들을 통해 민중이 주인인 민주주의 사회 건설로 나아가고자 하는 것이다.17)


주요 작품


1) 소설집
《무사호동》, 학원사, 1957.
《방황》, 정음사, 1964.
《밤에만 자라는 돌》, 대운당, 1979.


2) 장편소설
《그 여자의 연인》, 삼성출판사, 1972.
《홍길동》, 갑인출판사, 1975.
《여명기》, 동아일보사, 1978.
《하촌일가》, 대운당, 1978.
《주인 없는 도시》, 정음사, 1988.
《민란시대》, 문학사상사, 1988.
《왕도》, 제삼기획, 1992.
《황제 연산군》, 명문당, 1994.


번역된 작품 


The man she loved, Crescent Publications, 1986 (그 여자의 연인)18)
歲月: 現代南朝鮮小說選 (朴渕禧 et al. 外), 新興書房, 1967 (세월: 현대남조선소설선)19)


수상 내역


3·1 문학상(1996)


참고 문헌


1) 백성경, 〈박영희 소설 연구〉, 원광대학교 박사학위논문, 2014, 21쪽.
2) 한국민족문화대백과사전
3) 백성경, 앞의 글, 24쪽.
4) 한국민족문화대백과사전
5) 한국향토문화전자대전 
6) 권영민 편, 한국현대문학대사전
7) 김윤식‧정호웅, 《한국소설사》, 문학동네, 2000, 420쪽.
8) 한국민족문화대백과사전
9) 백성경, 앞의 글, 24쪽.
10) 권영민 편, 한국현대문학대사전
11) 김진규, 〈한국 전후문학 속 ‘증인’의 형상화 -박연희의 <증인>을 중심으로〉, 《겨레어문학》 제58집, 2017, 겨레어문학회, 165쪽.
12) 서동수, 〈반공의 메커니즘과 저항의 밀도 : 박연희의 「증인」론〉, 《한국문예비평연구》 제21집, 한국현대문예비평학회, 292쪽.
13) 한국민족문화대백과사전
14) 김진규, 앞의 글, 171-172쪽.
15) 한국민족문화대백과사전
16) 국어국문학자료사전
17) 한명환, 《1950년대 지역 신문소설의 사회적 연구-격동기 대구‧경북 지역을 중심으로》, 푸른사상, 2013, 95쪽.
18) [한국문학번역원] 전자도서관 번역서지정보 https://library.ltikorea.or.kr/node/9448
19) [한국문학번역원] 전자도서관 번역서지정보 https://library.ltikorea.or.kr/node/11182
20) 〈국악인 이혜구 ‘금관훈장’…문화부,유공자·문예상 등 발표〉, 《국민일보》 2004.10.17.




Pahk Yon-Hee (1918-2008) is a Korean author. Though his early works focus on themes of futility and decadence, his works after the Korean War demonstrate a marked shift towards denouncing the irrationality of society and encompassing historical novels as well. His representative works include the 1956 short story “Jeungin” (증인 Witness), the 1958 novel Geu yeojaui yeonin (그 여자의 연인 The Man She Loved), and the 1975 novel Hong Gildong (홍길동 Hong Gildong). 




Pahk was born in 1918 in Hamhung, South Hamgyong Province in what is now North Korea. He made his debut in 1944 with the short story “Jorangmal” (조랑말 Pony) and after liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945, he managed an orchard. [1] In 1946, he went to South Korea and worked as an editor for magazines such as Baengmin (백민  Pure Subjects), Jayu segye (자유세계 Free World), and Jayu munhak (자유문학 Free Literature). In the same year he went to South Korea, he debuted the short story “Ssal” (쌀 Rice) and officially began his literary career, continuing with the publication of two short stories in 1948 —“Gomok” (고목 Old Tree) and “Sampalseon” (삼팔선 The 38th Parallel)—along with the short story “Saebyeok” (새벽 Dawn) in the 1953 anthology Jeonseon munhak (전선문학 Literature of the Frontlines) published by the Army War Writers Group (yukgun jonggun jakgadan) in the midst of the Korean War. [2] In 1958, he began working as the deputy head of the culture division of the Dong-A Ilbo and in 1962, he started working as the senior editor of the press office of the Korea Electric Power Corporation. [3] During that time, he also published “Jeungin” in 1956 and Geu yeojaui yeonin in 1958. In the 1960s, he began publishing works in the stylistic vein of realism, such as “Banghwang” (방황 Wandering) in 1962 and “Byeonmo” (변모 Transformation) in 1965, in order to denounce the inhumane reality and irrational society that encircled him. He began to shift towards writing historical novels in the 1970s, with epic novels such as Hong Gildong in 1975. He also published two other books throughout the 1980s, with Millansidae (민란시대 Age of Insurrection) and Juin eomneun dosi (주인 없는 도시 City Without an Owner)—both published in 1988 and evidence of his great activity even in his aging years. He served as the advisor for the Korea Writers Association in 1997 [4] and passed away in 2008 from old age. He received awards such as the Association of Freedom Writers Award in 1960 (자유문학가협회상), the National Academy of Arts Award in 1983, and the Republic of Korea’s Eungwan Order of Cultural Merit in 2005.[5] 




Changes in His Writing Repertoire 
Pahk Yon-Hee’s works can generally be divided into three distinct periods: early, middle, and later writings. His early writings are characterized by a strong tendency towards futility and decadence, with his 1948 short story “Gomok” as the most representative example. His middle period writings actively criticize societal realities, whether it is criticizing Syngman Rhee’s dictatorial regime in the 1956 short story “Jeungin,” the corruption of human nature under equally corrupt surroundings in the 1958 “Hwanmyeol” (환멸 Disillusionment), or the depiction of the anguish and agony of the student soldiers of Joseon in the 1962 short story “Banghwang.” In his later writings, represented by historical novels such as the 1975 Hong Gildong, the 1978 Yeomyeonggi (여명기 The Beginning of a New Era), and the 1988 Juin eomneun dosi, Pahk explores the past in order to closely examine the present and attempts to excavate a new humanity for the future. [6] His 1978 novel, Hachonilga (하촌일가 A Family in Rosy Cloud Village), is also an important later work in his repertoire that describes North Korean society after liberation in 1945 through the testimony of a young boy. [7] 


Thematic Consciousness
Pahk Yon-Hee’s works generally denounce contemporary political irrationalities and societal evils in order to cultivate a sense of resistance. [8] From October 1954 to February 1955, his work, Gamyeonui hoehwa (가면의 회화 Conversation of Masks), was serialized in the Pyeonghwa Newspaper in which he criticized politics and religion. When the newspaper company demanded that Pahk write a popular love story, he suspended his writings of his own accord [9]—an instance that well demonstrates his consciousness towards writing. Moreover, his literature combines a humanistic perspective of the world along with realism in order to manifest a genuine humanity, creating a unique world view. In particular, the humanism portrayed within his works, heavily influenced by Russian literature, is not limited to representing the daily lives of ordinary people, but also emphasizes a sense of social consciousness. [10] 


Representative Works
His 1956 short story, “Jeungin,” deals with the dictatorial regime of the Liberty Party and the political oppression resulting from stringent anti-communism ideology. [11] Among novels published in the 1950s, “Jeungin” is the only one that directly and bravely denounces the dictatorial nature of former President Syngman Rhee’s rule—along with being the sole work to concretely portray the Sasaoip gaeheonpadong (Selective Constitutional Reform) incident.[12] The protagonist “Jun” is told by his newspaper company to resign after writing an article that opposes the Selective Constitutional Reform, as the article could be advantageous to the leading opposition party. Shortly afterwards, he takes on a student named Hyeon Il-u as a boarder but because of Hyeon Il-u, he is arrested on suspicion of being a spy and holding secret rendezvous. Jun is held in solitary confinement and then subjected to severe interrogation. When he starts vomiting up large amounts of blood in the midst of questioning, he is finally set free. [13] As he lies on his sickbed, he cannot stop wondering why he was imprisoned and what reasons he possibly has left for living. [14] In this manner, “Jeungin” portrays the sufferings of regular people at the hands of authority’s cruel and merciless tyranny in order to reveal contemporary society’s hypocrisy and senselessness. [15] In his 1958 novel, Geu yeojaui yeonin, he portrays the joys and sorrows of life by tracing an intellectual’s complicated romance within an absurd reality. Geu yeojaui yeonin centers around Im Gyuju, managing editor of Goryeo Publishers and a novelist. While his own wife is suffering from tuberculosis, he begins affairs with Song Gyeongwon, the second wife of the CEO of his publishing company, and Gang Seonok, the wife of his poet friend that defected to North Korea. He also rejects the romantic advances of Jang Seonghye, another employee that works at the same publishing company as him. In the midst of this situation, the serialized newspaper novel that he is writing is accused of having a “thought problem.” Though Im Gyuju is summoned by the authorities, he is freed thanks to the help of his CEO and Song Gyeongwon. Shortly afterwards, Im Gyuju begins running a co-op farm and as he rides a bus, he remembers the faces of all the women that he loved. [16] While Im may wander when it comes to the matters of love, he does not stop there and the novel states that “democracy is not measuring happiness through money”—ultimately criticizing an environment where money and happiness are connected. The novel emphasizes that capitalism is not the same thing as democracy and through a diverse set of characters, calls for the construction of a democratic society headed by the people. [17] 




Short Story Collections
《무사호동》, 학원사, 1957. / Musahodong (Warrior Hodong), Hagwonsa, 1957. 
《방황》, 정음사, 1964. / Banghwang (Wandering), Jeongeumsa, 1964. 
《밤에만 자라는 돌》, 대운당, 1979. / Bameman jaraneun dol (The Rock That Only Grows at Night), Daeundang, 1979. 


《그 여자의 연인》, 삼성출판사, 1972. / Geu yeojaui yeonin (The Man She Loved), Samseong, 1972. 
《홍길동》, 갑인출판사, 1975. / Hong Gildong (Hong Gildong), Gabin, 1975. 
《여명기》, 동아일보사, 1978. / Yeomyeonggi (The Beginning of a New Era), Dong-A Ilbo, 1978. 
《하촌일가》, 대운당, 1978. / Hachonilga (A Family in Rosy Cloud Village), Daeundang, 1978. 
《주인 없는 도시》, 정음사, 1988. / Juin eomneun dosi (City Without an Owner), Jeongeumsa, 1988. 
《민란시대》, 문학사상사, 1988. / Millansidae (Age of  Insurrection), Munsa, 1988. 
《왕도》, 제삼기획, 1992. / Wangdo (The Rule of Royalty), Jesamgihoek, 1992. 
《황제 연산군》, 명문당, 1994. / Hwangje yeonsangun (Emperor Yeon Sangun), Myungmundang, 1994. 


Works in Translation 


《그 여자의 연인》, 삼성출판사, 1972. / The Man She Loved, Crescent Publications, 1986 18)
《세월: 현대남조선소설선》 / 歲月: 現代南朝鮮小說選 (朴渕禧 et al. 外), 新興書房, 1967 19)




Association of Freedom Writers Award (자유문학가협회상, 1960)
The Republic of Korea's Bogwan Order of Cultural Merit (1982)
National Academy of Arts Award (1983)
The March 1st Literary Award (3·1 문학상, 1996)
The Republic of Korea's Eungwan Order of Cultural Merit (2004) 20)




1) Baek, Seonggyeong. “Research on Pahk Yon-Hee’s Novels.” PhD Dissertation, Wonkwang University, 2014, pg. 21.
2) See the entry on Pahk Yon-Hee in the Naver Encyclopedia of Korean Culture. https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=5144354&cid=46645&categoryId=46645
3) Baek, Seonggyeong. “Research on Pahk Yon-Hee’s Novels.” PhD Dissertation, Wonkwang University, 2014, pg. 24.
4) See the entry on Pahk Yon-Hee in the Naver Encyclopedia of Korean Culture. https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=5144354&cid=46645&categoryId=46645
5) See the entry on Pahk Yon-Hee in the Online Encylopedia of Korean Local Culture: https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=2596330&cid=51880&categoryId=53274
6) Kwon, Yeongmin. “Pahk Yon-Hee.” In Encylopedia of Modern Korean Literature, https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=333459&cid=41708&categoryId=41737.
7) Kim, Yunsik, and Ho-ung Jeong. History of Korean Novels. Munhak Dongne, 2000, pg. 420.
8) See the entry on Pahk Yon-Hee in the Naver Encyclopedia of Korean Culture. https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=5144354&cid=46645&categoryId=46645
9) Baek, Seonggyeong. “Research on Pahk Yon-Hee’s Novels.” PhD Dissertation, Wonkwang University, 2014, pg. 24.
10) Kwon, Yeongmin. “Pahk Yon-Hee.” In Encylopedia of Modern Korean Literature, https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=333459&cid=41708&categoryId=41737.
11) Kim, Jin-gyu. “The Literary Figuration of Witnesses in Postwar Korean Literature: Pahk Yon-Hee’s ‘Witness.’” Gyeoreeo Munhak 58 (2017): 165. 
12) Seo, Dongsu. “The Mechanism of Anti-Communism and the Density of Resistance: On Pahk Yon-Hee’s ‘Witness.’” Journal of Korean Literary Criticism 21(2006): 292. 
13) See the entry on Pahk Yon-Hee in the Naver Encyclopedia of Korean Culture. https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=5144354&cid=46645&categoryId=46645 
14) Kim, Jin-gyu. “The Literary Figuration of Witnesses in Postwar Korean Literature: Pahk Yon-Hee’s ‘Witness.’” Gyeoreeo Munhak 58 (2017): 171-172.
15) See the entry on Pahk Yon-Hee in the Naver Encyclopedia of Korean Culture. https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=5144354&cid=46645&categoryId=46645
16) See the entry for Pahk Yon-Hee in the Naver Encylopedia of Korean Language and Korean Literature. https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=689225&cid=60533&categoryId=60533
17) Han, Myeonghwan. Social Research on 1950s Regional Newspaper Novels: Focusing on the Tumultuous Years in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk Areas. Pureun sasang, 2013, pg. 95.
18) See the Literature Translation Institute of Korea’s Digital Library of Korean Literature for information on Crescent Publications’ The Man She Loved. https://library.ltikorea.or.kr/node/9448
19) See the Literature Translation Institute of Korea’s Digital Library of Korean Literature for information on this translation. https://library.ltikorea.or.kr/node/11182
20) “Korean Classical Musician Lee Hye-Gu, Recipient of the Republic of Korea’s Geumgwan Order of Cultural Merit with Yu Gongja and Others as Recipients in the Culture Division.” Kookmin Ilbo, 17 October 2004. https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=005&aid=0000180819.



《证人》(《증인》,1954)、《那个女人的恋人》(《그 여자의 연인》,1957)

Original Works5 See More

  • DLKL
    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work
    그 여자의 연인

    Geu yeojaui yeonin

    Pahk Yon-Hee / 박연희 / -
  • DLKL
    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work
    세월: 현대남조선소설선

    Sewol: hyeondaenamjoseonsoseolseon

    Pahk Yon-Hee et al / 박연희 et al / -
  • DLKL
    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work


    Cho Se-hee et al / 조세희 et al / -

Translated Books6 See More