Writers ABC List

We provide information on Korean writers: biographical and bibliographic data, overseas literary events and international media coverage.



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Pen Name
Bandi, Pan-dji, パンジ
Representative Works
  • Descriptions
  • Works
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • Chinese(汉语)

Bandi (반디, Korean for "Firefly"; born 1950) is the pseudonym used by a North Korean writer.


Bandi was born in 1950 in China to Korean parents who had moved there fleeing the Korean War. Bandi grew up in China before the family moved back to North Korea. In the 1970s, Bandi managed to publish some of his early writing in North Korean publications.


After the death of Kim Il-sung in 1994 and the hardship that followed, Bandi lost several people close to him to famine and defections. These developments made Bandi disillusioned with the North Korean system and he started to write dissident literature.The opportunity to publish his dissident writing presented itself when Bandi's friend from Hamhung defected to China. Although the friend could not risk taking the manuscripts with her, she promised that she would find a way to bring them abroad. Several months later, a man previously unknown to Bandi came to see him and passed him a note from the friend, asking Bandi to give the man his manuscripts. With the help of this messenger, Bandi's work made its way to South Korea, where it was published.


In North Korea, Bandi is a member of the country's Korean Writers' Alliance (ko) and writes for its publications. Bandi still lives in North Korea. Although he has expressed willingness to defect, he could not do so because he has family in the country.



반디(1950~)는 북한의 소설가다. '반디'는 필명으로 본명은 알려져 있지 않다. 북한의 체제를 고발하고 비판하는 작품을 발표하는 작가로 알려져 있다. 

潘迪(1950-),北朝鲜小说家。笔名潘迪,原名未详。是一位以揭露和批判北朝鲜体制而著称的作家。 小说集《告发》(《고발》,2014)

  • 소설집 <고발>(2014)

Original Works2

  • 고발
    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work


    Bandi / 반디 / 2017
  • DLKL
    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work
    붉은 세월

    Bulgeun sewol

    Bandi / 반디 / -

Translated Books9 See More

E-books & Audiobooks4 See More

  • The Accusation
    English(English) E-books
    The Accusation
    Bandi / 반디 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story
  • Denunziation
    German(Deutsch) E-books
    Bandi / 반디 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story
  •  The Red Years
    English(English) E-books
    The Red Years
    Bandi / 반디 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

E-news29 See More