Looking for the cowEnglish(English) Available
Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 1999 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
This anthology of seventy-two poets covers the whole spectrum of Korean poetry in this century, with larger selections from the best-known poets, including Midang So Chung-Ju, Kim Sowol, and Kim Suyong. Many types of poetry, from the classical shijo to free-verse forms are represented. Many subjects are covered, from love and the love of nature, Buddhist and Confucian traditions, the search for transcendence (which is where the book's title comes from), and contemporary political poetry. Source : https://londonkoreanlinks.net/book_item/looking-for-the-cow-modern-korean-poetry/
Mirrored MindsEnglish(English) Available
Ch'oe Ch'i-won et al / 최치원 et al / 2001 / -
Mirrored Minds presents 1,000 years of Korean sensibility as reflected in the mirror of Korean poetry. The entire range of Korean emotion and the delicacy of the Korean sense of beauty are presented in a single pocket-sized edition, beautifully translated. This is poetry for poets. https://www.amazon.com/Mirrored-Minds-Thousand-Years-Korean/dp/899521550X
DOUZE POÈTES CORÉENS CONTEMPORAINSFrench(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available
KU SANG et al / 구상 et al / 2005 / -
Contemporary Korean poetryEnglish(English) Available
Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 1994 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
I have prepared this anthology with the aim of providing the reader with a bird's-eye view of modern Korean poetry, with its best sampling, from the 1920s to the 1980s, best in the sense that it represents the varied aspects of Korean poetry Source: www.amazon.com/Contemporary-Korean-Poetry-Kim-Jaihuin/dp/0889625611
Tanz der WorteGerman(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Chyung JinKyu et al / 정진규 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)
Aus d. Korean. von Chung, Minyoung / Brochlos, Holmer Chung Jin Kyus Gedichte vermitteln ausgehend von grundlegenden Einsichten in das Alltagsleben und den darin existierenden Dingen eine Philosophie des Lebens und der Natur. Sie schaffen Leben, ergründen das ureigenste Wesen des Lebens und leiten daraus Antworten auf die immer wieder neu zu stellende Frage nach dem Sinn des Lebens ab. Sie enthalten nicht nur eigenständige koreanische lyrische Elemente, sondern sind darüber hinaus von einer starken Allgemeingültigkeit und Universalität gekennzeichnet, die sich auch formal durch die Prosagedichtform niederschlägt. Da diese Form den deutschen Lesern besonders vertraut sein dürfte, verdienen es der Dichter und sein Werk umso mehr, einmal vorgestellt zu werden. Die übersetzten Gedichte wurden unter dem Gesichtspunkt ausgewählt, dass sie dem Leser sowohl das oben Gesagte bestätigen als auch genügend Freiraum für eigene Interpretationen bieten. Source: http://www.koreanbook.de/deutsche-buecher/literatur-und-belletristik/gedichte/616/tanz-der-worte
世界現代詩文庫 II 韓國現代詩集Japanese(日本語) Available
Yi Sang et al / 이상 et al / 1987 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
A GALAXY OF WHALE POEMSEnglish(English) Available
Kim Nam Jo et al / 김남조 et al / 2005 / -
In Ulsan, Korea, there are rare paintings of whales engraved on a rock by prehistoric men thousands of years ago. One of these outstanding engravings portrays a mother whale and her baby. Experts on Cetaceans conjecture that they could be Korean gray whales. Even prehistoric men must have been attracted by the strong maternal love of the female gray whales. Across the centuries from the prehistoric past, this collection of whale poems, sponsored by the Ulsan Writers Assembly and Ulasan Metropolitan City, is akin to the engravings of our prehistoric forefathers who delicately inscribed their caring motherly love on an ancient rock. Like the prehistoric engravings in Ulsan, this book of whale poems will engrave the Korean people s ever-lasting love for whales on the heart of all people in this world.
Europe revue littéraire mensuelleFrench(Français)
Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 1985 / -
La liste exhaustive des ouvrages disponibles publiés en langue française dans le monde. La liste des éditeurs et la liste des collections de langue française.
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