Dead Silence and Other Stories of the Jeju massacreEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
HYUN et al / 현길언 / 2007 / -
The years 1945?1950 were turbulent times in Korea. Proponents of two very different ideologies were struggling for control of the country, and many innocent people were killed in the struggle. One of the most tragic and, until now, largely unknown events during this period occurred on Jeju Island in 1948. On April 3 of that year, a communist uprising that enjoyed significant support within the local communities was brutally suppressed by the police and military forces of the Korean government, with guidance from the American military. It is estimated that at least 30,000 people, many of them innocent civilians, were killed in the brutal massacre ordered by President Syngman Rhee. And yet very few people, either within or outside of Korea, have a clear understanding of the enormity of this event, for an eerie silence has surrounded it for the last 50 years. Islanders who survived the event have remained silent about it largely out of fear of how they might be implicated in it, or associated with the communist forces in Korea, if it were openly discussed. This is the story of ?The Jeju Massacre,? a story that needs to be told.The short stories by Hyun Kil-Un brought together in this collection are all set on Jeju Island in and around the time of the Jeju Massacre. Each story offers its own unique perspective on the events surrounding the massacre, and the connections between the stories provide readers with a deep, multi-faceted understanding of the incident. This fictional exploration of the Jeju Massacre dramatically illustrates how innocent people are the victims of ideologies, how truth can be concealed on such a large scale, and how the revelation of truth can be so subversive in society.This is the first English-language translation of this collection of stories by Hyun-Kil-Un. The stories assembled here are readily accessible to all readers of the English-language, but will be especially relevant to those with an interest in Korean literature, Korean history, Japanese colonialism, the communist movement, and Korean-American relations.CONTENTS ?The Dream of the Dragon Horse; ?Dawn?; ?Grandfather?; ?Fever?; ?The Homecoming?; ?Fire and Ashes?; ?Dead Silence?
韓国の現代文学. 4Japanese(日本語) Available
Kim Junseong et al / 김준성 et al / 1992 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
This anthology includes 10 works of fiction published between 1973 and 1990. Five of these works had been featured in Hyeondae munhak (현대문학 Modern literature), making it the most represented publication in this collection.
Гэрээ орхисон миньMongolian(Монгол Хэл) Funded by LTI Korea Available
HYUN et al / 현길언 / 2012 / -
Гэр бүл ба нийгмийн давхар харилцаанд амьдрах тухай авч үзэхдээ бодит оршихуйн тухай эерэг хандлагыг харуулжээ. Тэрээр хүн төрөлхтөн ба амьдралын гүн дэх үнэнийг уйгагүй эрэлхийлсэн нь өнгөрсөн ба одоогийн амьдралаа эргэцүүлж, илүү сайн сайхан ирээдүй өөд тэмүүлэхийг зорьжээ. Гэр бүлийн гадуурхлаас сэргэлт рүү тэмүүлэх харилцаа, гэр бүлийн мөн чанар, түүний эрэл хайгуул, гэр бүлийн түүхийн үйл явцыг олж мэдэх хүсэл тэмүүллийг харуулсан Солонгосын реалист зохиолч, чадварлаг шүүмжлэгч Хёнь Гирөнь-ий бичсэн өгүүллэгийн шинэ түүвэр зохиол. Source: http://www.bookstore.mn/more/191
NagelspurenGerman(Deutsch) Available
HYUN et al / 현길언 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Die Insel Jeju vor der Südküste Koreas - heute ein beliebtes Touristenziel - hat eine wechselvolle Geschichte und war 1948 Schauplatz heftiger Kämpfe zwischen kommunistischen Partisanen und amerikanisch-koreanischen Truppen. Bis heute sind nicht alle Ereignisse um das Massaker vom 3. April augeklärt. HYUN Kil-un, 1940 auf Jeju geboren, schildert mit seiner Hauptfigur Secheol eine Kindheit in Zeiten des Pazifikkrieges und schärfster politischer Auseinandersetzungen in der Folgezeit, ein schwieriges Erwachsenwerden, geprägt durch den Verlust enger Familienangehöriger und kaum zu tilgenden Schuldgefühlen. Source: http://www.amazon.de/Nagelspuren-Roman-Kil-Hyun/dp/3929181738
离家Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
HYUN et al / 현길언 / 2016 / -
Dejando mi casa atrásSpanish(Español) Available
HYUN et al / 현길언 / 2019 / -
Esta antología tiene como eje central las relaciones de familia en Corea; relaciones que se cruzan, se forjan, se debilitan y se rompen. En particular, la muerte de un miembro de la familia juega un importante papel en algunos relatos, y puede conducir a Source : https://www.bookdepository.com/Dejando-mi-casa-atrás/9788490748275
La ville griseFrench(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available
HYUN et al / 현길언 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
Ce roman noir, qui a pour cadre un pan méconnu de l’histoire de la Corée, montre le revers de l’industrialisation forcenée poursuivie par le régime autoritaire des années 80. On assiste à la descente aux enfers d’un jeune patron de houillères de province décidé à transformer la ville grise en ville bleue, et dont les illusions réformistes vont se fracasser contre le réel. De plus en plus solitaire et cabossé, le héros se voit confronté à la collusion entre syndicalistes, policiers et combinards, et au refus populaire d’être sacrifié sur l’autel du Progrès. Hyun Gil-on a vécu cette mutation qui a fait de la Corée la puissance mondiale d’aujourd’hui : il dresse le tombeau de ceux qui furent emportés dans la tempête. Grand romancier de sa génération, Hyun Gil-on, né en 1940, traite, à hauteur d’hommes, des questions sociétales liées à la situation très particulière de son pays, montrant sans jugement comment l’individu fait face aux complexités d’une histoire qui le dépasse. Source: http://www.editions-imago.fr/listeauteur.php?recordID=353&categorie=Litt�rature, sc�nes cor�ennes
戦争ごっこJapanese(日本語) Available
HYUN et al / 현길언 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
一九四五年の解放直前の済州島。島の中央にそびえる漢拏山の西北にある海岸沿いの村の、裕福な家の末息子だった七歳のセチョル。子どもたちの日々の暮らしにも植民地支配と戦争が暗い影を落としていた。そして解放。その喜びも束の間、セチョルの前に現れたのは、四・三事件など惨酷な事件が相つぐ狂乱の時代だった。植民地時代から朝鮮戦争にいたる激動の時代を、透徹した眼差しで描き出した玄吉彦(一九四〇~)の自伝的長編小説。 Source: http://www.amazon.co.jp/戦争ごっこ-玄-吉彦/dp/4000610384
Translated Books
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