E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

5 results
  • I'm OK, I'm Pig!
    I'm OK, I'm Pig!
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Hyesoon / 김혜순 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Kim Hyesoon is one of South Korea's most important contemporary poets. She began publishing in 1979 and was one of the first few women in South Korea to be published in Munhak kwa jisong (Literature and Intellect), one of two key journals which championed the intellectual and literary movement against the US-backed military dictatorships of Park Chung Hee and Chun Doo Hwan in the 1970s and 80s. Don Mee Choi writes: 'Kim's poetry goes beyond the expectations of established aestheti and traditional 'female poetry' (yorsi), which is characterised by its passive, refined language. In her experimental work she explores women's multiple and simultaneous existence as grand-mothers, mothers, and daughters in the context of Korea's highly patriarchal society, a nation that is still under neo-colonial rule by the US. Kim's poeti are rooted in her attempt to resist conventional literary forms and language long defined by men in Korea. According to Kim, 'women poets oppose and resist their conditions, using unconventional forms of language because their resistance has led them to a language that is unreal, surreal, and even fantastical. The language of women's poetry is internal, yet defiant and revolutionary'.' 'Since 1980, Kim Hyesoon has broken the rigid gender traditions of Korean poetry. Unconfined by the so-called 'feminine' subjects of love and loss, she creates a seething, imaginative under- and over-world where myth and politi, the everyday and the fabulous, bleed into each other. Her enormously energetic poems are full of dizzying transitions and tonal shifts.' - Sean O'Brien, Independent 'Kim Hyesoon writes flowingly and choreographically a panorama of hovering hatelove for the birthing body, for cruelty and existence and for the expansive thinking and dizzyingly borderless universe-geography. Kim Hyesoon writes hatelove as a stone-hard feminist life-and-death dance. As garbage, love and death accumulate in her poems, your world will be changed for real!' - Aase Berg. 'Miraculous weaponry! Miraculous translations! This kind of undomesticated engagement and lawlessness and risk and defiance and somatic exorbitance posits a world and a relation to the world where everything excluded is included - the animal and the vegetal, the molten and the mineral, the gaseous and the liquid, not to mention shame, disgust, failure, terror, raunch. The final poem "Manhole Humanity" deserves its place alongside esaire's Notebook of a Return to the Native Land or Ginsberg's Howl or Inger Christensen's It. Kim Hyesoon's new book is armament and salve, shield and medicinal chant. It's here to protect us' - Christian Hawkey. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/FA768EA4-4A68-4C41-B1B7-6182565DD316

    Swedish(Svenska) Ebook

    KIM HYESOON / 김혜순 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • Un verre de miroir rouge
    Un verre de miroir rouge
    French(Français) Ebook

    Kim Hyesoon / 김혜순 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Un verre de miroir rouge, un recueil de poèmes dans lesquels se mirent les angoisses de la poétesse et sa vision très rouge du monde. Rouge comme le soleil qui se couche sur la mer à l'horizon, rouge comme le sang, fluide de vie. Une poésie résolument vivante, parfois expérimentale dans sa forme, qui s'ancre volontiers dans les expériences physiques. Le regard de KIM Hyesoon est franc, maitre dans l'art d'accepter l'existence humaine dans tous ces états, aussi sombres et tristes soient-ils. Sommes-nous prêts à plonger dans les profondeurs de ces poèmes et à partir à la rencontre de cet autre "vous" qui se reflète dans le miroir ? À PROPOS DE L'AUTEURE KIM Hyesoon est née en 1955. Elle publie ses premiers poèmes en 1979 et est l'auteur d'une dizaine de recueils de poésie. Elle a reçu pour ses œuvres de nombreux prix littéraires, dont le prix Daesan en 2008. Elle enseigne l'écriture créative à l'Institut des Arts de Séoul. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/1E8F6B09-5158-4BF3-8DC5-1693AABCBDA1

  • Autobiography of Death
    Autobiography of Death
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Hyesoon / 김혜순 / 2018 / -

    The title section of Kim Hyesoon's powerful new book, Autobiography of Death, consists of forty-nine poems, each poem representing a single day during which the spirit roams after death before it enters the cycle of reincarnation. The poems not only give voice to those who met unjust deaths during Korea's violent contemporary history, but also unveil what Kim calls "the structure of death, that we remain living in." Autobiography of Death, Kim's most compelling work to date, at once reenacts trauma and narrates our historical death—how we have died and how we survive within this cyclical structure. In this sea of mirrors, the plural "you" speaks as a body of multitudes that has been beaten, bombed, and buried many times over by history. The volume concludes on the other side of the mirror with "Face of Rhythm," a poem about individual pain, illness, and meditation. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/2ce5f529-c224-4c21-b026-51b68a7f49a9

  • Phantom Pain Wings
    Phantom Pain Wings
    English(English) Ebook

    Kim Hyesoon et al / 김혜순 / 2023 / -

    An iconic figure in the emergence of feminist poetry in South Korea and now internationally renowned, Kim Hyesoon pushes the poetic envelope into the farthest reaches of the lyric universe. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/9423216