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Kim Jong-Gil(김종길)

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Kim Jong-Gil
Family Name
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Preferred Name
Pen Name
Kim Jong-Gil, Kim Jongkil, KIM Jonggil
Representative Works
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  • English(English)
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  • Korean(한국어)

Kim Jong-gil (1926-2017) was an early-modern South Korean poet and translator.


Kim Jong-gil was born Kim Chi-gyu in 1926, in Andong, North Gyeongsang Province. Kim Jong-gil was his pen name. In 1945 he entered the humanities section of Hyehwa College in Seoul, where he formed a literary club. Having begun to write poems, he made his official literary debut in 1947, when his poem "Mun" (문 Door) won the Kyunghyang Sinmun New Writer's Contest. In the spring of the same year, he transferred to the English department of Korea University, graduating in 1950. During the Korean War he served as an interpreter. He became assistant professor at Korea University in 1958. 

In 1960 he spent a year studying at Sheffield University under the guidance of the celebrated critic William Empson. During this time he met T. S. Eliot and other well-known writers and critics. Returning to Korea University, he continued his academic career. In 1969 he published his first collection of poems, Seongtanje (성탄제 Christmas).

Throughout his career, Kim translated a considerable number of contemporary poems by Korean poets into English. These translations were published in various Korean journals but were never published as a separate collection. In 1987 Anvil Press published a volume of his English translations of Korean classical Chinese poetry, Slow Chrysanthemums.

He retired from Korea University in 1992, after which he was free to travel and give papers at various international conferences around the world. In 1993 he was elected a member of the Korean Academy of Arts. He was given the Inchon Award in 1996. In 1998 he received the Korean government's Silver Order of Merit for Culture. [1]


Kim Jong-gil's poetics are exemplified by a concentrated focus on maintaining clarity and lucidity, and by his skillful exploration of the power of the poetic image. The idea of imagery possessed for the poet a near transcendental value, which he believed could enable both poet and reader alike to attain a greater understanding of truth. His poetic methodology can be thus understood only in the context of his attitude towards life which functioned through the medium of clear, concrete images.

Kim's work successfully incorporated ideas heralded from Imagism, a modern poetic tradition espoused by poets such as Amy Lowell, HD (Hilda Doolittle), and Ezra Pound, and the traditional style of hansi and the spirit of seonbi. But unlike other imagist poetry of the time, Kim's works exude a classical or traditional elegance, which in turn endows the work with a sense of integrity and completion. This traditional elegance is most visible in the poet's emotional restraint and his detachment from the external world. In addition to this emotional restraint, the poet also focuses on the virtue of decency, as an effective means of conveying sorrow. In "Chaejeom" (채점 Marking), for example, the poet silently marks the paper of a student who has just died, and enters the grade in his report card. This unspoken sorrow and contemplation of death ultimately leads to a more understated and more powerful impact on the reader. Thus the most fundamental and important characteristic of Kim's poetry is in its extensive insight into life and the depth of the mind, through the cultivation of restraint, decency, and imagination.

Kim was the recipient of the 2007 Cheongma Literature Prize, the 2005 Yi Yuksa Poetry Prize, and the 2005 Kosan Literature Award.


[1] of Taize, Anthony (April 2, 2017). "Korea's most senior poet Kim Jong-gil dies at 91". The Korea Times. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/culture/2017/04/142_226797.html

La poesía de Kim Jong-Gil se caracteriza por la claridad y la lucidez y por su diestra exploración del poder de la imagen poética. La imagen poseía un valor casi trascendental para el poeta, pues creía que podía hacer que tanto el poeta como el lector llegaran a tener una mayor comprensión de la verdad. Su metodología poética solo se puede entender en el contexto de su actitud por la vida, que funciona a través de imágenes concretas y claras.4

Su obra incorporó con éxito ideas del imagismo, una tradicción poetica moderna seguida por poetas como Amy Lowell, HD (Hilda Doolitle) y Ezra Pound, y el estilo de la poesía clásica tradicional y el espíritu de un estudioso de Joseon. Por esta razón, al contrario de ls poesía imaginista de la época, la obra de Kim Jong-Gil rebosa de la elegancia clásica y tradicional, lo que da a su obra un sentido de integridad y consumación. Esta elegancia tradicional es más visible en la contención emocional del poeta y su desapego del mundo exterior. Además de su desapego emocional, el poeta también se centra en la virtud de la honradez como una forma efectiva de expresar la tristeza. En el poema "Puntuación" (Chaejom), por ejemplo, el poeta puntúa en silencio el examen de un estudiante que acaba de fallecer y registra la nota en su expediente. Esta tristeza tácita y la contemplación de la muerte termina por producir un impacto contenido y más profundo en el lector. Las características fundamentales de su poesía son su percepción de la vida y la profundidad de su mente, a través del cultivo del control, la honradez y la imaginación.4

Kim ganó en 2007 el Premio Cheong Ma de literatura, en 2005 el premio Lee Yuksa de poesía y en 2005 el Premio Ko San de literatura.5



Kim Jong-gil écrit ses poèmes avec la plus grande lucidité et la plus grande clarté pour délivrer des images les plus proches du réel. Il est ainsi un poète qui travaille sur des images concrètes pour en délivrer le message poétique. Il s'éloigne d'une poésie symboliste ou surréaliste, offrant une poésie basée sur la décence, la retenue et l'émotion4.

Il a remporté le prix littéraire Cheongma en 2007, en 2005 le prix de la poésie Yi Yuk-sa, et le prix littéraire Kosan la même année5.


Kim Chong-gil (sein richtiger Name ist Kim Ch'i-gyu [김치규金致逵][3]) wurde am 5. November 1926 in Andong, Provinz Nord-Kyŏngsang geboren. Er machte seinen Abschluss in Anglistik an der Korea University und studierte danach Englische Literatur an der University of Sheffield in England. Er war als Vorsitzender der Koreanischen Dichter Vereinigung tätig und unterrichtete als Dozent an der Korea University. Sein offizielles Debüt hatte er 1947, als sein Gedicht Tür (문) mit einem Literaturpreis ausgezeichnet wurde. Seit dieser Zeit ist er aktiv sowohl als Lyriker wie auch als Kritiker.

Kim wird in der koreanischen Literaturwelt allgemein als einer der größten Lyriker der Moderne angesehen. Seine Lyrik zeichnet sich vor allem durch Klarheit, Transparenz die gekonnte Erkundung der Kraft poetischer Darstellung aus. Die Idee von Darstellung besitzt für den Poeten einen fast metaphysischen Wert, welcher seiner Meinung nach sowohl Dichter als auch Leser befähigt, ein umfassenderes Verständnis von Wahrheit zu erreichen. Seine lyrische Methodik kann deswegen auch nur voll verstanden werden, wenn man sie im Zusammenhang mit seiner Einstellung gegenüber dem Leben und seinem kreativen Genie betrachtet.

Kims Werke enthalten sowohl Ideen, die vom Imagismus verkündet wurden - eine lyrische Richtung der Moderne, die von Lyrikern wie Amy Lowell, H. D. und Ezra Pound vertreten wurde - als auch den traditionellen Stil der Hansi und den Geist der Sŏnbi (Gelehrte im vormodernen Korea). Aber im Gegensatz zu anderen Dichtern des Imagismus, verströmen seine Werke eine klassische und traditionelle Eleganz, welche im Gegenzug seinen Werken einen gewissen Hauch von Anstand und Vollständigkeit verleiht. Diese traditionelle Eleganz ist am besten erkennbar an der emotionalen Zurückhaltung des Dichters und seiner Loslösung von der externen Welt. Außerdem konzentriert sich Kim auf die Tugend des Anstands, um damit Kummer und Leid zu vermitteln.[4]




김종길(1926~2017)은 대한민국의 시인이며 영문학자다.  


김종길(본명: 김치규)은 1926년 경상북도 안동에서 태어났다. 고려대 영문과 및 동 대학원을 졸업하고, 영국 셰필드대학에서 영문학을 전공하였다.

1947년 《경향신문》 신춘문예에 시 〈문〉이 입선하여 등단한 이후 시인과 영문학자로 활발한 활동을 했다. 작가의 첫 시집인 《성탄제》(1969)에서 시인은 명징한 이미지와 고전적 사유를 통해 유한한 것들의 아름다움이 구성하는 세계와 이 세계 속에 순간적으로 존재하는 자아라는 두 개의 축을 보여주었다. 한편 작가는 영문학자로서 고전문학에 대한 학문적 성과를 뚜렷하게 남겼다. 한국 시인협회장, 대한민국 예술원 회원을 지냈으며, 고려대 교수로 일했다. 2017년 세상을 떠났다. 

작품 세계 

김종길은 일상생활에서 마주치는 사물과 자연을 시적 대상으로 삼아 작품을 써왔다. 특히 시인은 세계와 자아의 대립과 긴장 속에서 균형을 유지하고, 열띤 감정이나 감상 또는 혼돈에 빠지지 않기 위해 절제된 시어와 간결한 리듬으로 시적 화자의 목소리를 담아내었다. 이처럼 절제하는 시인의 마음은 그의 작품이 지닌 고전적 리듬의 기반이 되는 것으로서 시적 자아는 언제나 대상이나 감정으로부터 일정한 거리를 두고 있다. 특히 작품 〈고고(高高)〉에서 시인은 어둠과 빛 사이의 긴장된 상태를 ‘높이’로 형상화하여 정신의 높이를 보여주었다. 

《성탄제》(1969)에서 시인은 어린 시절에 대한 기억과 회상 그리고 다시 돌아올 수 없는 시간에 대한 사랑을 절제된 언어를 사용해 표현했다.  

《해가 많이 짧아졌다》(2004)에서 시인은 현재의 삶과 우리를 둘러싼 사실들을 관조하며 담담하게 담아내었다. 간소한 시적 구조를 통해 여백을 만들어 내고 그렇게 만들어진 여백을 통해 시간과 공간을 끊임없이 되돌아보려는 시인의 지향이 담겨있다. 

주요 작품  

1) 시집   

《성탄제》, 삼애사, 1969.

《하회에서》, 민음사, 1977. 

《황사현상》, 민음사, 1986.  

《당신의 마당》, 문학동네, 1999. 

《해가 많이 짧아졌다》, 솔, 2004. 

《해거름 이삭줍기》, 현대문학, 2008. 

《그것들》, 서정시학, 2011. 

《솔개》, 시인생각, 2013.

2) 기타 

《시론》, 일지사, 1965. 

《진실과 언어》, 일지사, 1974. 

《현대의 영시》, 고려대출판부, 1998. 

《시를 어떻게 읽을 것인가》, 고려대출판부, 1998.

《시와 삶 사이에서》, 현대문학, 2005. 

수상 내역

1978년 목월문학상

2005년 제2회 이육사 시 문학상

2005년 제5회 고산문학상

2007년 제8회 청마문학상

Original Works17 See More

Translated Books16 See More